Polly Gaston - Behind the bar
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Polly Gaston
Behind the bar
"Hey Brandy! There's no action in here. Let's go back to the office and knock off a piece!"
Brandy pushed her long blonde hair back from her forehead and stared at her bartender, Dave Billings. She was getting fed up with his lewd comments every time she came down to the bar. He was right about one thing, though. There certainly wasn't any action in the BRANDYWINE this afternoon. The bar was completely deserted. She hadn't done a thing to help the business since Buddy left. He was in Atlanta, taking a two week course in running a small business, and she was beginning to think that the bar would go broke before he got back and put what he'd learned into practice.
"You wouldn't know what to do if I took you up on it," Brandy retorted, staring straight into Dave's blue eyes. She had half a notion to say yes just to see what her loudmouth bartender would do. The truth of the matter was that Brandy was beginning to go a little crazy without any fucking. Fucking with Buddy wasn't all that hot but it was better than nothing. And just this morning she'd awakened with the sheet twisted between her thighs and her hand on her fluffy blonde pussymound. She was dying to be fucked and couldn't hold out much longer. Buddy had been gone a week and she was going crazy, longing for his huge, hot cock.
"Just try me, baby," Dave grinned, his big hand snaking around her to slip over the mounds of her lush buttocks. "Buddy never has to know about it and you need it, baby. You're as horny as a bitch in heat and you know it."
Brandy glared at him angrily and then she felt her lips turn up in a smile. He was right and it was true that Buddy'd never find out. Maybe she ought to give the kid a whirl and see if he was as good as he said.
"You're on, hotshot!" Brandy replied, still grinning. "There's nothing else to do here anyway. Put a note on the door and come on back to the office. I'm going to find out if you're all talk and no action."
Brandy felt the heated cream gush from her snapping cuntal mouth as she slipped out of her clothes and hung them on the back of the office door. She supposed that she shouldn't be doing this, but she was so horny she couldn't stand another day without a cock to fill her starved pussy. A grin crossed her face as she thought about Dave and everything he'd said. Maybe she wouldn't actually fuck with him. It ought to shock the kid right off his rocker if she grabbed his cock and sucked it. At least she wouldn't be bored in the bar this afternoon. She'd see just how horny she could get her young college bartender. Brandy was sure she could drive Dave right up the wall with her squeezing lips and hot tongue.
Dave put the note on the door and locked it quickly. He'd been angling for something like this ever since Buddy left and now he was going to get it. He could hardly wait to see if Brandy was as sexy as she looked. He felt his prick harden in the front of his pants as he hurried to the back room and opened the door. What he saw made him freeze motionless, all except his cock, which jerked with wild lust.
Brandy was lying naked on the couch in the office, her body sprawled comfortably and her legs spread. One hand was resting on her swelling breasts, her fingers clenched around one full rosy nipple. Brandy's other hand was buried between her legs and as Dave watched she withdrew her fingers, shiny with her heated cream and gave him a sexy smile.
"You took so long I had to start without you," Brandy smiled, her voice low and husky. Then her face spread in an even wider smile as she noticed that Dave was frozen to the spot and his cock jerking and hardening in response to her lusty nakedness.
It took what seemed like hours for Dave to recover. Brandy was the lustiest sight he'd ever seen. He swallowed quickly and his voice came out a startled croak.
"Now you can start with me," Dave groaned. "How's this for starters?"
Dave reached out eagerly and grabbed Brandy's swelling breasts. His fingers tightened on the quivering globes and he rubbed her nipples with his thumbs, sending a thrill of pure delight through Brandy's whole quivering body.
"Mmmmmmmmm," Brandy moaned, reaching out hungrily for him. Then they were kissing and his hands were sliding over her body in a delightful practiced way that made Brandy's head spin with lust. Little tingles of excitement made her legs quiver weakly and her nipples were nearly bursting by the time he released her. Dave was no novice at this. Brandy could tell that this was going to be much more fun than she had thought.
"Right here?" Dave asked, in a hurry in case Brandy suddenly started getting moral on him and changed her mind. He was pretty sure that she wouldn't, but you could never tell about women. He wanted to get his hard cock in her pussy before she had time to think about what she was doing.
Brandy licked her full red lips and nodded. The hard bulge under the material of his pants looked very promising indeed. She had a feeling that Dave hadn't been kidding when he boasted about all the women he fucked. If that kiss had been any indication, Dave was going to be a super stud. Dave could be the perfect solution to her problem of loneliness. He certainly wasn't going to say anything to Buddy when he came back. Brandy knew that Dave needed this job. And Dave didn't have any hang-ups about fucking the owner's wife. He didn't care that she was Buddy's wife at all. All he seemed to care about was fucking her with his hard, horny cock.
"Well, you'd better hurry up, hotshot," Brandy giggled, spreading her legs out wide so he could gaze straight at the creamy pinkness of her cunt. "Take off your clothes and give me what I want."
"Ooohhhhhh," Dave gasped, fumbling with his clothes. He'd never dreamed that seducing Brandy would be so easy. He'd been lusting after her ever since he'd started working at the bar and since Buddy had left for Atlanta, it was all he'd been able to do to keep his hands off her. Now here she was, ripe and willing, and all his joking around was paying off.
Brandy licked her lips and moaned as Dave dropped his pants. His cock poked out, hard and hot and it was as stiff as a fencepost. Her mouth began to water in horny delight and she grabbed for the delightfully hard spear of his prick before Dave could even get, his shirt off.
"Mmmmmmmm, I think I'll eat you up!" Brandy hotly breathed, wiggling lustily and guiding his luscious-looking long pole of cockflesh to her lips. "I'm going to suck and lick you so good that you'll come to work four hours early tomorrow."
"Aagghhhh," Dave breathed again. He gave a little snort of pleasure as Brandy's hot breath puffed out against his throbbing cock. He'd planned on seducing her all right, but he hadn't planned on doing it right here in the back room of the bar. He'd thought about inviting her to his apartment or something like that but here she was in her husband's bar, acting like the hottest piece in the world. The novelty of fucking her right here in Buddy's office was enough to make Dave's cock swell to twice its normal size.
"Yeah!" Dave groaned. "Suck it, baby!" He jammed his hot smooth cockhead up against her moist lips and groaned loudly. "Come on… suck it good!"
Brandy wondered for a second whether she could get by with teasing him a little first. The sweet rippling of her pussy made up her mind for her. She didn't have the self-control to tease him right now. She needed it too badly to tease, no matter how much fun that would be. She'd suck his cock a little and then she'd make him fuck her shuddering pussy. That was what she really needed. She needed her hot pussy filled with a nice, hard cock. She needed to satisfy her frustrations so she could get some relief from her horny desires. The week she'd gone without fucking was almost killing her.
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