Dan Devore - Factory Swapper

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Factory Swapper: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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The first burst of sperm tore into Vicki like a jet-propelled rocket. As the fluid hit home, she screamed deeply into her pillow and released another torrent of her own. By now, Lou was pouring one burst after another into Vicki’s body and squeezing her about the waist so strongly it forced the air from her lungs and made her collapse, exhausted. Lou released one final dribble of sperm and collapsed himself. The rod began to shrivel and finally squirted out of the wet opening without any assistance. Lou, too tired to move, let his body slide off Vicki’s, and there, side by side, they slept until two in the morning.

“How are you going to explain being out so late to your wife?” asked Vicki, as Lou’s car sped along the highway.

“She’s used to my keeping screwy hours,” he smiled. “And besides, I wonder sometimes if she ever does give a damn if I’m getting a little on the side. But let’s get to us for a minute. You’re going to be my secretary as soon as I can get rid of Louise. Then we can have a few more sessions together like we had tonight.”


The news that Lou had fired Louise came as a mild shock to the members of the executive wing of the plant – but the word that Vicki was to be her replacement sent waves of gossip up and down the corridors. But as time passed, Vicki proved to be a very capable worker. She was also very capable in her other duties when Lou met her for a matinee or an early evening fling at the motel.

The bombshell exploded one afternoon while Lou was having lunch with Sid Carter, a dynamic vice-president of the firm. The conversation was typically bland until Sid looked Lou straight in the eye and said, “You screwing that kid, Lou?”

“Now whatever gave you that idea, Sid?”

“Never mind what gave me the idea. If you aren’t, you’re a damned fool – and if you are, I want a little of the action, myself.”

Lou was dumbfounded. He knew that there had been some talk about the way he had hired Vicki, but he never thought it had gone this far. Ski Carter was not the kind of a man who made small talk, though. If he said that be wanted to be in on the action with Vicki, he meant it! “I’ll level with you, Sid, she’s a pretty cooperative kid and I think she’d be especially cooperative with the vice-president of the company. Let me talk to her about it this afternoon and I’ll get back to you as soon as I can.”

Vicki was most receptive to the idea of going to bed with Sid, and the meeting between them was arranged for the following Saturday afternoon. Ski would tell his wife, Sue, that he had to come in to the office to work with Lou, but it would be Vicki who would be sharing the afternoon with him, instead.

Side arrived early and informed the uniformed guard that Vicki would be coming m shortly to work with him in his office. Sid thought he caught the glimmer of a smile in the guard’s eyes, but he dismissed it as something only in his imagination. He settled himself in his office, poured a stiff belt from the bottle he had concealed in his briefcase, and lit up a cigarette. The blood was pumping through his veins, and he could feel the pulse beating in his throat.

He was more on edge in anticipation of this meeting than he had been about anything in years, and he had to admit that the sensation was most enjoyable.

Vicki was twenty minutes late, and by the time she had arrived, Sid was about ready to climb the walls. “I’m so terribly sorry I’m late,” she said, breathlessly, “but the traffic out there is terrible. I hit every light and caught every jam that happened – and I was so worried that you might get fed up and leave without me, I thought I’d die!”

Sid had been extremely annoyed at Vicki for keeping him waiting while he was burning with desire, but one look at her distraught face convinced him that she was definitely not at fault. He mellowed even more when she stepped toward him with her lips slightly parted and her arms out to pull him into her body. Sid had always been a man of deliberate, decisive action, and this was brought out emphatically to Vicki as he took her in his powerful arms and forced his tongue between her moist lips. Vicki’s tongue darted out to meet Sid’s, and in a moment they were dueling with each other in a clash of love.

Sid’s hands reached down and took hold of Vicki’s buttocks. He had a cheek in each palm and squeezed them until the pain made her gasp in the midst of their kiss. He squeezed again, this time harder than before, and she gasped again.

But now Sid began to notice something strange. Every time he inflicted pain upon Vicki, she responded to it by showing more passion than ever. His hands moved down her legs and clutched at her thighs. The flesh was hard and firm, but he managed a good grip with either hand and pinched the meat until she screamed aloud into his mouth and buried her tongue halfway down his throat.

Sid knew that the couch was only a few steps behind Vicki, and he guided her in that direction. When her legs were backed up to the couch, he gave one push and disengaged himself from her. Vicki fell backward and sat on the couch with her legs partially spread. Sid moved in to her quickly and pushed his hands under her tiny skirt. He smiled to himself as she spread her legs even wider for him, and he slid his large hand into her crotch and began working his fingers around the area of her slit. Vicki squealed and writhed on the couch as Sid’s massive fingers began creating a wave of passion in that sensitive area.

“You like that?” he asked.

“Urn-hum., it feels good.”

“It’s going to feel even better in a few minutes.”

“Okay, I’m with you.”

Sid’s finger worked its way under her panty leg and began stroking her. pubic hair. Slowly but surely the finger inched its way into her vulva and, when contact was made, Vicki experienced her first orgasm of the afternoon. The fluid moistened Sid’s finger and the feel of it drove him into a deeper passion than he had ever known before. His breathing was heavy now and the perspiration was beginning to drip from his forehead. His rod, which had undergone numerous erections and retractions since he arrived at the office, was now rigid and ready for action. Sid reached his left hand under Vicki’s skirt and got a good grip on the elastic. Then, freeing his right hand from her crotch and placing it on the other side of her panty, he gave one tremendous tug and the undergarment came sliding over her hips, over her large buttocks, and down her legs to the floor.

He took a quick look at Vicki’s tawny blonde muff and thrust his hand back into the spot again. This time there was no obstruction to mar his way, and his large finger pushed deep into the opening. Vicki moaned softly as the finger worked its way into her cunny because the area hadn’t had enough opportunity to become well lubricated.

“Hurts, huh?” said Ski, ramming the finger into her even harder than before.

“Yes – yes, it does.”

“Then how about this? And this… and this… and THIS?”

The finger was flying now, and with each thrust, Vicki’s buttocks actually jumped up off the couch because of the pain. Ha eyes were moist, and, as the agony contorted her features she clutched Sid by the hair, pulled his face to hers, and buried her tongue in his left ear.

“Hurt me some more, Sid,” she pleaded. “Hurt me some more, I love it!”

“I know you do,” he grunted. “And I’m going to give you all of it you want – and then some.”

Sid kept the finger going in Vicki’s cunny with his right hand, but, his left hand was undoing his fly and releasing the large rod for service. Then, when it was out and ready for action, he withdrew the finger, leaned in toward the couch, and placed the head up against the lips of her vulva. The area was much more lubricated now,, and even though Sid’s organ was unnaturally long, it slipped in smoothly and continued to push ahead until the shaft could go no further.

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