Carole Wilson - Second grade teacher

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Carole Wilson

Second grade teacher


Indian Summer carried well on into the beginning of the school year, and the hills of Lincoln, New York in the center of the state were bathed with the warm rays of the sun, even though it should have been much cooler. The trees were changing color, turning the landscape into a picture-postcard setting. On the first day of the school year, just before her classes were to begin, lovely Karen Heller stood at the window of her second grade classroom and looked toward the hills. It was hardly a day to be teaching school, she thought to herself. And it's certainly not a day to keep children indoors in a stuffy classroom when she knew they would rather be outside playing. In a month, perhaps less, the ground would be covered with snow, and the air would be icy cold. Then would be the proper time to be studying. But now… Now children should be running around the small wooded area, she thought. God knows they had enough to do without being denied the pleasure of childhood.

Karen sighed as she thought of the things she wanted to do for her students. It's a shame, she thought, that they would all be boys. The school was somewhat experimental, and the Superintendents believed that if all the students were one sex, they would be more able to concentrate on their studies. It was a belief that the voluptuous twenty-three-year-old redhead did not share. At any age, people should be with members of the opposite sex. There would be no way they could avoid it in later life, and the longer inter-action was postponed, the harder it would be for children to understand about life and love. There were enough problems in the world without making things worse.

When she had been a student in college in Buffalo, New York, Karen had developed the belief that it was a teacher's duty to teach everything, and not just those things that were written in the textbooks. At best, books were only a partial education. Her students, she believed, should have as much experience as possible. When she had learned about the experimental school, she had applied, not quite understanding that it was an all boys school. When she had been accepted and learned that there were not only no girl students, but also no other female teachers, she had almost refused the job. It was not the type of situation she had envisioned herself in. But then she thought the better of it. It would do the children no good if she deserted them when she felt they needed someone who thought the way she did. She believed that she might be able to do some good if she joined the faculty. She wasn't exactly sure, at that point almost two weeks ago, about what she could do to. But she had joined the faculty anyway, believing that something would present itself in such a way that she would be able to put to use some of her own ideas about education.

After all, this was supposed to be an experimental school.

What bothered her the most was that she was in a fairly secluded part of the state, and she knew that many times, areas away from large cities were conservative, if not outright backward. How would the people of the town react to her methods of teaching? She found that her mind was wandering as she watched the children playing in the school yard before the first bell rang, signaling the end of their summer and the beginning of a long, hard school year. Karen was new to the area, having moved there only after she had been informed that she was hired. She was not yet used to the small town atmosphere, having lived all her life in large cities. Her hazel eyes focused on the crowd of eight-year-old boy playing tag, and she thought about what darlings they were. Children were so loving and wonderful… they gave without asking in return, and their eyes were always filled with wonder and bright excitement. She hoped that her students would never lose that wonder in her class. They would probably be well behaved, she thought. After all, they came from very well-to-do families who could afford to send their children to the private school rather than the public school in the center of the town. Although Karen did not know exactly how much their parents had to pay, she assumed it was quite a bit. She was being paid more than twice as much as a teacher at the public school, something that had helped her make up her mind about whether she wanted to teach at an all boys school. The other members of the faculty, all men, had at-first been apprehensive about letting a woman enter their staff. After all, they reasoned, since there were no other women in the school, her presence might provide a distraction to the young boys, who were just starting to reach the age where they thought about sex a great deal. Well, why shouldn't they? Karen thought to herself. After all, sex was the basic reason all the children existed if it weren't for sex, there would be no children at all. She had said that at the faculty meeting, and received a great many dirty looks, and she decided that she had better not bring up her views on that matter again. The last thing she wanted to do was lose her job before she even got it. But she could sense that there was more to "educational theory" about not having girls at the school. She sensed an almost frightful fear of sex in the faculty, as though sex was something that was just not mentioned. What nonsense, the lovely teacher thought! She remembered when she was a student in college and how she had spent her first year doing little more than hitting the books. Then she met Mark Lester in the library, just after her last final exam. Something inside her opened up. There was really nothing all that special about Mark, but she fucked him later on that night after they had gone to the student union for coffee. It was as thought a whole new world was opened up to her. She could remember having orgasm after orgasm with Mark that night… and again the next morning. God, just thinking about that first time made her vaginal lips ache with the same tingling she had been feeling a great deal lately. For the whole summer after her first year at college, and for the rest of her college life, she never spent a night alone in bed… getting fucked by as many men as she could in an effort to make up for lost time. And there was an added bonus she had never thought about. Her school work improved. Studying was a great deal easier if she could release herself sexually at night. She had thought about it a great deal. Some students took drugs such as pot to help them get through the rigors of college. She never found the need for any drug. For her money, there was nothing like the feeling of a man's steel-hardened cock fucking in and out between her legs. Though there had been little emotional attachment with the men that fucked her, there was not the empty feeling that might have come about. She made certain that all he men believed the same way she did… sex was as basic a need as food and water, and as natural as breathing. Some people chose to have this basic need with only one other person, but that was not for her. She wanted to provide as many men with that basic need as she could, and in the process, she had learned a great deal about the pleasures to be derived. She could remember sucking some of the men's cocks until they emptied their hot loads of cum deep in her throat… having two men fuck her in the ass and cunt at the same time… sucking two men's cocks at once… licking other women's hotly squirming pussys to orgasm while she herself was being tongue-fucked by either men or women. There was nothing she wouldn't try once she heard of it, and she looked back on that part of her life with no regrets what so ever. Some of her friends warned her that she was leading an empty life, but the facts did not bear them out. Her grades were among the best in her graduating class, and she acquired an intuitive sense about the world which was formed by her willingness to do as much as she could with as many people. She hardly thought of herself as strange or perverted, or even loose. With all her experience, she found that she could make any man happy with her mouth or cunt and it brought her a deep comfort to know that she was able to do this.

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