Henry Morgan - The drivers

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Henry Morgan

The drivers

Chapter One

Chapter 1

Seventeen stone of cartilage and sinew cracked at the release when Jack dropped down from his seat in the cab. Four hours in the same position put terrible pressures on such a large frame, pressures that required release, and escape, and required it often. His way into the bright surgical atmosphere of the motorway eatery was lit as a multicoloured show of light that reflected from the diesel floating in puddles of sludge along the pock marked Tarmac. Each puddle sent out circles of blues and reds as his dirty boot dropped into it before lifting to carry the man in for his food.

Several other drivers were already there, eating their way through plates of bacon and drinking great quantities of tea that kept them awake during the early hours. Some congregated in groups sharing a joke or cigarette, others, the loners, remained on the periphery, hunched over their food pretending to read a paper. They never stayed long, just time enough to grab a bit of food and use the toilet before hitting the road once more.

There was no point trying to sit by a loner, there was more conversation in a dead man. Jack filled his plate then made his way across to the two men who sat near the fruit machine.

When he was full he pushed the remainder of his meal aside. One sausage too many.

That was when the girl came to him. Strange how one sausage can have so much effect.

"Can I finish that, Mister?"

She was quite small, but well rounded in all the right places, and her voice was huskily seductive, although she probably didn't intend it to be.

"Why not buy your own?"

"If I had any money I wouldn't be asking you!"

"A meal here don't cost much."

"I haven't even a penny for the…"

Her voice trailed away. A shy one this.

Jack was getting interested. He laughed at her cheek then pulled over a chair with his boot. A thin line of grease smeared the seat which she clearly noticed. Looking him straight in the eye she sat down and pinched his toast as well.

"Where you headed? North or South?"

"Might be East or West," she replied. She had that innocent school girl look that always turned him on, but she was no schoolgirl. Much too well developed for that, in spite of her wide blue eyes and sticking out front teeth.

"Not on the M1 it won't." He gulped the last of his tea then kicked back his chair. He figured she was a runaway, an attractive one at that, and she was after a ride.

Special. A real feast for the eyes. Saucy with it. Just his type."

"I'm off for a piss." He gave her a grin. "Then North. The F12 near the trees." He paused. "I'll be eating a proper meal later."

He got up and went out without another glance at the girl, but his fingers were crossed in his pocket. He needed them there to control the bulge.

As he came out he could just make out the figure of the girl near his wagon. She was down on her haunches taking a piss herself. He strolled slowly across the trailer park, refusing to take his eyes off her while she just watched him getting nearer, his silhouette growing the closer he came. He was only a few yards away when he noticed the stream running away below her arse, steam rising from it in the cool night air.

She finished just as he opened the passenger door, and hurried over.

"Couldn't have a pee in there," she informed him. "You might have gone without me."

Jack shook his head then bent forward to run his hand firmly between her legs from behind.

"Wouldn't have done that!" She was wriggling away, but he lifted her high in the air and into the cab.

Jack swung the massive wagon onto the north bound M1, treading heavily on the throttle. Within a few minutes the cab was cosy and warm and his new travelling companion felt relaxed enough to rest her feet on the dashboard.

"Where are you headed?" he asked. "And don't say North."

The girl pulled off her denim jacket to make a pillow which she stuffed between the seat and the door to rest against. Facing him she said.

"Further the better!"

"You're in luck then," said Jack. "After I make a drop and pick up in Leeds I'm off up to Helensburgh."

"Where's that?"


"Ain't I the lucky one."

But there were tears in her eyes. He figured she definitely was a runaway.

"Mind you," warned Jack, "that won't be until tomorrow morning. We'll be a while in Leeds and I need some kip."

The girl shrugged her shoulders. Perhaps life didn't mean very much to her. She fiddled with the radio, trying to find some music. "Fine by me," she said, pulling slowly away from his eager hand on her thigh. "I've got no-one to go home to, but no funny business, right?"

Funny business? What a little innocent! Jack kept his chuckles to himself. Boy was this unreal!

Mapleys, his drop off in Leeds, was a nine to five electronics factory not too far from the centre of Leeds. When Jack pulled up, there was still a couple of hours before anyone would arrive to unload him but the security guard allowed him through and sent him around the back to the lorry park.

The sudden appearance of the Volvo sent several crows cawing, up into the morning sky. They looked down contemptuously from perches in the surrounding trees, keeping up the barrage of complaint until Jack killed the engine and stillness descended on the parking lot. Inside the cab the girl silenced the inane ramblings of a local radio presenter with the flick of the switch.

"Do we or do we not get to eat?" she asked. "I'm starving!"


"How soon?"

"Very. Don't you really have any money?"

"Not a penny. My boy friend took it all before he dumped me."

A promising situation, thought Jack. His juices were beginning to flow.

"Well you'll have to wait. There's nothing open yet."

He pulled across the cab curtains on his side and motioned for her to do the same, blocking out the faint morning light that was breaking above the roof of the cash and carry next door. The darkness was broken by a dull red cabin light that bathed the pair in a warm glow. Jack leant across and reached for her breasts. He knew they would be firm and young…


He hadn't expected that!

"You little Madame!" he exclaimed, wiping his cheek. "You fucking little tease!"

She shrank from the anger in his voice, reaching desperately for the door handle, but his grip fell upon hers, and he chuckled.

"Naughty!" he said.

"I said no funny business!"

"What happens to naughty girls, eh?"

He held one hand against the door as he leaned over and the other gripped her pony tail, holding her head up for a kiss which she struggled in vain to avoid.

"They get to be punished," he said after he drew away, which was after his tongue had forced its way in and completed a thorough exploration of her unwilling mouth.

"Help!" she shouted. "Help! Help! Help!"

"There ain't nobody around," he chuckled. He was thoroughly aroused now. "But maybe I better see to that pretty little mouth of yours first anyway. Now what we got for a gag?" He pretended to think. "I know! Got any knickers, eh?"

She was rigid with fear now, although she began to squirm as he turned her over his knee and tore her knickers off. The sound of the fabric tearing was music in his ears and her frantic movements pressing down on his already expectant prick demanded real action soon.

He held up her knickers and allowed her to twist round and see them, gripping her arm between his knees. "Hope you got some more," he said. "Don't rate these much now!"

He had to slap her to make her open her mouth, a small rosebud of a mouth he noted with satisfaction. After he had pushed the knickers between her lips and gagged her pretty thoroughly there was just enough material to make a knot at the back, under her hair. Little gurgles and plenty of bubbles came from that delicious mouth now, but no recognisable sounds.

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