Unknown - Amy - undercover

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Unknown Amy undercover ONE Youre so funny Manuel Amy giggled Thats me - фото 1


Amy: undercover


"You're so funny Manuel!" Amy giggled. "That's me baby. Funny as shit!" he grinned. His hand came down to cup her behind and she giggled again and scampered away. "Uh Uh Uh." she laughed, waving her finger at him. He sighed and smiled back, not altogether happily.

Amy let her eyes open further, playing the part of the dumb blonde to the hilt. She had been playing it for almost a week now, trying to lure Manuel and the people she knew were behind him, into grabbing her.

She sighed inwardly and adjusted the top of her bikini. It was a thirty six cup, a size too small for her thirty eight inch chest. They hadn't told her police work would be like this when she'd enrolled in the academy four years ago.

This assignment called for coming on to Manuel. She was supposed to be a dumb blonde bimbo after all. The problem was that a real blonde bimbo would have dropped her panties for Manuel by now, and Amy had no intention of doing that.

Manuel was used to easy women, and found her holding out somewhat confusing, as well as a challenge. He'd been trying to get her into bed almost since she'd met him, sometimes quite forcefully. If they didn't get him for kidnapping soon they were liable to get him for rape.

Not that he wasn't absolutely gorgeous, she sighed. Six feet tall, with long dark hair, a muscular physique, and a face that almost made her want to spread her legs whenever he came near.

Under normal circumstances… But this wasn't. There were a lot of eyes around, and besides it would look pretty bad in court if it turned out she'd screwed the bastard!

Still she was lucky to make detective so early while most of her classmates were driving around in blue and whites. She hadn't once been assigned to street patrol, her looks had seen to that. Although she'd been nineteen when she'd graduated, she could still pass for sixteen or seventeen and had been sent into high schools posing as a student.

She'd done very well, though she detested being back in high school so soon after leaving it. But the vice squad needed young looking cops to infiltrate the drug rings that ran rampant in the high schools and couldn't very well use veterans for that.

This job was a real break. She was out of the high schools, and working for the major case team. Manuel was suspected of being involved in the disappearance of a number of young teenage girls over the last months, all of whom joined his modeling agency shortly before disappearing without a trace.

The NYPD believed the place was a front for a white slavery ring, and needed a pretty, young looking officer to infiltrate it. Amy had volunteered.

Even now, a half dozen officers surrounded the Mansion where this little pool party was being held, hoping she'd be grabbed there so they could follow her to Manuel's bosses.

She was wearing a small locket that was a tracer the police could follow, another one was in her watch. They were taking a chance of course, but they had tried everything else.

She smiled stupidly as one of Manuel's men walked past her and patted her on the behind. "Bunch of cretins." she muttered to her drink. She delayed and wandered around the pool, giving Manuel and his friends every opportunity to kidnap her. Unfortunately, they stubbornly refused. At last she decided they weren't going to bite and called it a day.

"Well?" She looked up at Lieutenant Cooper as their cars met at an intersection several blocks away. "Nothing." she sighed.

"Shit. what's with those guys anyway? "I don't know sir."

"Well go home and we'll try again tomorrow" "Hey Amy!"

Her eyes narrowed as she shifted her gaze to Frank Morgan. He held up a camera with a telephoto lens. "We got some great pictures of you in your little bikini!" he leered. "We're gonna auction em off later."

"Up yours Morgan." she glared.

"You two knock it off! You're supposed to be adults." Cooper said sternly. "We'll see you again tomorrow Amy." he said. She nodded and they drove off in different directions.

She was mad at herself, for failing to tempt Manuel into grabbing her. This was her big break with the department. She was getting to old to pass as a teenager, and if she didn't manage to make full detective soon, she'd wind up in a patrol car somewhere, breaking up domestic fights.

She parked the car outside her condo and walked up the stairs to her apartment. She stopped to check her mail, opening it as she walked. Another letter from her Mother! That woman! She called Amy every second day on the phone, and still had to send her a letter every week!

She couldn't understand why Amy wasn't married to a Lawyer and pushing out babies by now. Amy sighed and leafed through the rest of her mail as she unlocked her door. All bills, except for a come on that said she had already won a million dollars, maybe. She snorted and pushed the door closed behind her.

She flicked on the TV as she passed, then went into her room to change. She donned a pair of black silk pajamas and then went into the kitchen.

Normally she'd have made something to eat, but she'd eaten so much at the party she wasn't hungry. She pulled a bottle of spring water from her fridge and then went back into the living room to watch the news.

She grinned at the image she presented. A real yuppie! She shook her head. It wasn't that long ago she was in danger of being arrested herself. She used to run with a pretty wild bunch, that was always getting into trouble.

The only trouble she'd been caught for had been a little shoplifting that had been erased from her record when she'd turned eighteen.

Still, she remembered the wild parties, the drugs and sex, and multicolored, multi shaped sexual partners she'd had. One time, her Mother had come home early from work and found Amy on the living room floor with a couple of boyfriends.

She'd been on her hands and knees. Johnnie Welsh was kneeling naked behind her, his hot prick sliding in and out of her cunthole. Mark Spencer had been in front of her face, cock buried to the balls in her sucking, slurping mouth.

What a screaming mess that had been. Amy had only just managed to avoid being sent to a convent school in the mid-west, and had been grounded for three months. She'd certainly reformed since then.

An hour later, she was checking the television schedule when the doorbell rang. She looked up in irritation. She didn't feel like visitors just now. She sighed, and got up, moving across the plush rug to the door.

She opened it a crack, with the chain still on, and peeked out. It was Manuel!

"Hello Rebecka." he smiled.

"Manuel! What are you doing here?" she stammered.

"I got bored and decided to do some work. I thought I'd come and see you about a modeling assignment for tomorrow"

"Come come." he said impatiently, holding up a folder. "This is a major national magazine." Amy considered. She wished she had time to call the station, but she'd blow her cover if she didn't let him in at once.

"Come on in." she smiled, closing the door and pulling the chain off.

Manuel walked in slowly, looking around at the little apartment. "Very nice." he commented. "Thank you." Amy responded.

Manuel went over to the couch and sat down. "Would you like something to drink?" Amy queried. "Yes, a bourbon please if you have it. Amy shook her head.

"Scotch?" she asked.

He shrugged and nodded.

"So what is the shoot?" she asked from the kitchenette.

"Bathing suits." he called back.

"You have a wonderful body, as you reminded me today. I know you will look fabulous."

"It sounds great!" she said with false enthusiasm, handing him his drink and sitting down next to him. He opened the folder. Inside was a magazine devoted almost exclusively to beautiful women in swimsuits.

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