Dennis Carlisle - Family affair

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Dennis Carlisle

Family affair


Lois Baxter lay in bed, the covers drawn up around her waist. Next to her, her husband Bret snored loudly. As was his practice, he wore no pajamas, sleeping in the nude. He had kicked the bedclothes off of him and Lois looked over with a faint smile on her lips.

Bret was lying on his back. His hard muscular and hairy chest rose and fell as he breathed evenly. But what pleased Lois even more was his massive morning cockstand. Her husband's pecker rose straight up, past his navel, resting against his chest, half-hidden in the curly thicket of dark black body hair.

She gazed at it fondly, glancing once again at the alarm clock. It was nearly seven. She knew she'd have to get up and make breakfast, see that the kids got to school on time. But she wasn't quite ready. She moved the blankets down and slipped one hand under her nightgown, touching herself, reassuring herself that she was still attractive, still a hot piece of ass at thirty-four.

That's what comes of marrying young, she thought to herself.

She had been a child bride, more or less. Now, she was the mother of two teenagers, fifteen-year-old Gary and seventeen-year-old Gail. Two handsome well-built youngsters. She remembered holding them in her arms, nursing them at her breasts, and smiled, wondering where all the years had gone.

But I shouldn't complain, she said to herself, running the tips of her fingers up and around her pubic mound. Her cunt felt damp and slightly warm and she lay back and closed her eyes, thinking of the workout Bret had given her the night before.

Even after living with her for seventeen years, he was still insatiable, still an animal in bed. Not a night had passed that he hadn't taken her and her fingers grazed along her hairy split, fondling the puffy swollen lips of her matronly snatch. Then, easing the finger down, she dipped it right inside, feeling the knobby button of her clitoris, rising up from the folds of her vulva.

She shivered involuntarily, pushing her finger in farther until she felt the slick wet walls of her vagina. Her muscles began to work, as if to hold the finger in place as she moved it in circles, feeling a rush of warmth bathing her loins.

Again, she looked at her husband. But it was more with hunger than with fondness. She gazed at his huge erect cock and reached out, running her fingers up and down the hard swollen shaft. It pulsated in her hand and she suddenly grasped it firmly, barely able to get her fingers around it, it was so thick. Bret mumbled in his sleep, but still lay there inert and snoring.

So nice, so nice and hard. It fills me up so much, she thought to herself, determined to have a little pleasure before starting the workaday chores that seemed to constitute her daily existence.

Getting up, crouching, in front of her husband and still keeping her finger sloshing in and out of her rapidly dampening hole, Lois quickly straddled the man who lay sleeping before her. Lowering her head, she thrust out the tip of her raspy tongue and slowly licked the round bulbous head of her husband's cock.

A pearly drop of pre-come shone on the slit of his piss-hole and she licked it off as he mumbled louder, awakening slowly. Then, carefully, she lowered her mouth over the blood-engorged fistful that was the head of his cock. Her mouth stretched wide and from years of practice she knew exactly how to manipulate Bret's massive tool.

Bending still lower, she sucked in half of his cock, creating a deliciously tight suction as she scraped the edges of her front teeth along his meaty shaft. He yawned and his eyelids fluttered open as he looked down at her, smiling at the sight of his wife sucking him off.

"Good morning," he whispered, watching as she bobbed her head up and down, taking more and more of his thick pecker into her wide gaping mouth. "Man, that sure feels fantastic."

Lois' mouth was filled with cock-meat and she said nothing. Her finger was working rapidly as she frigged herself and she was getting hotter and hotter as she sucked on her husband's rigid dick, using one hand to fondle the massive and pendulous sac which hung between his legs.

"Oh baby, you're gonna make me come," he whispered to her, running his hands down to his groin, pressing them flat to make his cock stand out even more. "Oh yes, harder, sugar. Let me cream, let me shoot right into your mouth."

Her pussy was already filling with juice, pungent musky cunt juice which matted the fleecy hairs of her pubic thatch. Her breasts hung free inside her nightgown, the nipples pointing forward, hard and firm.

I never can get enough of this, she thought to herself as she inhaled his sweaty masculine odor and moved her lips and tongue back and forth, covering every last inch of his hard-on. She could tell that he was getting more and more excited, for his breath came out in little gasps and he kept arching his hips, pumping his cock in and out of her mouth.

Sucking in her cheeks, she nibbled delicately on the crown of his pecker and he groaned fiercely, reaching out to grab hold of her boobs. He squeezed them between his fingers, feeling the nipples swelling underneath her nightgown.

"Oh baby, baby," Bret kept groaning, watching her as she fingered her pussy and blew him, both at the same time. "Lift your nightgown. Let me see your cunt."

Lois did exactly what he asked. She raised her nightgown up, tucking it around her waist so that her pussy was fully exposed. Her clit poked out between the outer lips, hard and throbbing from side to side.

Her fingers moved in and out quickly as she tried to bring him off. And when she moved her fingers down past his nuts, down to the coarse-haired anal chink that was wet and hot, Bret stiffened, readying himself.

"That's it," he groaned. "Tickle my prostate. Oh shit I'm gonna shoot, Lois, I'm gonna fucking cream. Let me see your cunt, nice, so nice and wet looking."

She showed him the puffy ruby-red lips of her snatch, and how her finger moved in and out. She spread the lips farther apart to reveal her clitoris and at the sight of it he seemed to go insane, lunging forward with his out-stretched hand. He rolled the little finger of cunt-flesh between his thumb and forefinger and, at the same time, Lois shot a moistened finger up into his asshole.

Bret stiffened and his low-pitched moans and whimpers of pleasure turned to loud guttural hisses as he felt his nuts tightening, contracting as if an unseen hand was squeezing them. As for Lois, she had nearly reached the peak of her pleasure and she frigged herself even more rapidly as her husband worked on her clit.

"Now, now!" he suddenly shouted out in a hoarse raging voice.

Her mouth pressed hard on his cock. Her finger slammed into his anus and his cock seemed to explode in her mouth as she felt the first jet of milky-white jism searing the inside of her cheeks. Swallowing it down, she began to shake as her own climax came over her. She was moaning and tossing on the bed, coming simultaneously with him, her mouth filling up with hot sticky come.

Swallowing down as much as she could, listening to him snorting like a bull in heat, she felt a tidal wave of excitement and erotic pleasure washing over her, bathing her body in a soft sensual glow. More and more come spurted thickly into her mouth. Bret's pecker throbbed violently and, at last, he fell forward, pulling his fingers away from her snatch.

Carefully, lest she hurt him with her finger-nail, she withdrew the finger that had been pistoning into his ass. Then, taking a final lick and swallowing yet another – albeit feeble – gush of semen, she lay back against his chest, trying to catch her breath.

"You still give the fucking greatest blow-job in the business," he complimented her with a laugh, sucking on her nipples for a fleeting second before bounding out of bed. His cock hung down between his legs and as he turned towards the bathroom, Lois drew herself up and looked at him, wondering why she still wanted more, wondering why she had always wanted more than he was willing to offer.

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