Jason Hyte - Sex kitten

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Jason Hyte Sex kitten CHAPTER I Clark jerked erect as he heard the door - фото 1

Jason Hyte

Sex kitten


Clark jerked erect as he heard the door click open and shut at the garage entrance to his private pad. There was a light thudding of bare heels across the kitchen and then Tannsy appeared in the doorway of his bedroom, tiny and cute and holding a serving tray against her middle.

"Hi," she said, "you mind if I eat breakfast out here with you? It's too quiet in the house with everybody gone."

"Well, hi, sweet thing. Sure, bring it on over. I already had breakfast, but I was just wishing I had somebody to watch the game with."

"Hah. Knowing you, I'll bet it wasn't any sister you were wishing for."

"Well, so how about we pretend you're not my sister, then? Gad, I thought for a minute it was Mother standing there. You look so much like her now you're growing up."

"What in the world would Mama be doing out here?"

"Oh, she comes out to rap once in a while. But I couldn't figure out for a minute how she could be standing there and be on her way to Miami, too. Here, we can plug in the coffee right here and I'll have some of that with you."

Tannsy lay back, half against the Hollywood headboard of the bed and half against her brother. Clark slipped his arm around her, sniffing the clean fragrance of her hair which came barely past his shoulder. He turned his attention to the ball game while Tannsy crunched contentedly at her cereal.

Tannsy popped a sudden laugh, shaking her tummy and slopping milk from the bowl on her knees. "You know, Clarkie?" she said. "We really are more like a husband and wife than a brother and sister, aren't we?"

"Well, fr chris'sakes," Clark laughed. "What you been reading now that brought all that on?"

"Nothing about that. I just heard Miz Compton saying it the other day. To Mama. Because you and me like each other so much like most brothers and sisters don't, she says. But we are, anyway, aren't we? The way we always do things together like a husband and wife?"

"We do-o things together like a husband and wife, hey baby??"

"Sure, like- Oh-h." Tannsy's face tinged pink as she jabbed an elbow into Clark's ribs. "You know what I mean, you big dummy. Like we re together all the time. And like I cook for you a lot when Mama and Erma're both gone and now we're even having breakfast in bed together?"

Clark chuckled, giving his sister a squeeze. "If you say so, baby. Hey, I thought you were spending the weekend with Lorene Wilson."

"I was. I am. I'm going over right after practice but I wanted to stay home until Mama took out for Miami."

"Get your stuff packed and I'll drive you over after the game."

"Aah, you don't have to do that. I can carry it easy when we go to practice. I think I'll come home anyway so you don't have to be here all alone."

"Aah, 't's okay. Don't worry 'bout it."

Tannsy gave her brother a sideways grin. "You prob'ly won't be alone all that long anyway, will you, Soop-perstar? All those girlfriends you got screaming to… do it with you all the time."

"Hey-y, you idiot. I don't bring girls here."

"Ah-h, I know you don't, baby. You got this cat pad all rigged out just for your little ol'solitary self. Like you got the TV there at the foot of the bed n-not so the only place a girl could watch it from would be right here on the bed with you, right? And you put that sexy psych light up there on the ceiling just because you like blue light? And you live out here like the family chauffeur when you've got a perfectly good bedroom in the house just because you v-vant to be a-lone, hey, baby?"

"Well, so I do like being out here by myself. What's wrong with that?"

"Yes-s, dear-r. I'm only fifteen years old so I don't know what it's all about and, of course, I'm blind, too. I never see Gayle Jennings sneaking in here through the back door like from the swimming pool, or Buffy Durham or Bobbi Denton or Debbie Leonard or-"

"H ey-y, what's with the roll call, you dum-dum? Since when have you started sneaking on me?"

"Come on, Clarkie! It doesn't take any great huge brain to figure out what you and some girl are doing in here alone together. You may not talk about it, but th-they are al-ways bragging about ma-king it with the great Soop-perstar, Clarkie Flet-cher. Like Buffy Durham and Ronnie Lee Sheridan both-th getting their cherries popped by the great lover and both-th at the same ti-ime, yet. Y~e Gods."

"Aah, you're just jealous."

"Damn right. I wish somebody'd start making it with the Little Fletcher Superstar so I could find out what it's like, too. Or I wish I had the guts to make somebody."

"Grow up a little, nobody'll be able to keep their hands off you. Luscious little broad like you?"

"Even you?"

"Especially me. If-f you weren't my sister, of course."

"Darn you. Why do you always gotta put an if on something interesting like that? Hey, how 'bout we figure out some way to divorce a brother and sister from being brother and sister so they can make out together like other kids if they want to. It'd be so-o convenient, don'tcha know."

"Hey-y, right on, baby. Maybe we could get the Old Man to legislate some new law or something, hey?"

Tannsy sniffed an intimate little grin, twisting against Clark to put her empty cereal bowl on the headboard of the bed. Her robe stretched tight on one side and popped open on the other. One of her perky little breasts pushed her frilly nightgown out like a little green puffball.

Clark jerked his eyes away as Tannsy caught him looking. Tannsy's cheeks went pink again but, to Clark's great surprise, she didn't tease him about sneaking a peek. A sudden strange quietness came over her as her own eyes dropped. She swallowed almost audibly and then, with an impatient flick of one shoulder that said "pee on it" more plainly than her husky voice would have said it, snuggled down against her brother, stretching her legs out full length along his, nestling her head into his shoulder hollow and throwing an arm companionably across his stomach. Her robe fell completely open and two perfect nickel-size shadows showed dark and enticing against the hazy greenish-white roundnesses under her nightgown. Two tiny nipples poked like ends of fingers at the filmy material.

Clark caught the faint aroma of fresh young turned-on virgin cunt and his cock rose from rapidly stiffening to instant-on, full-blown stallion hard. Quickly, he crossed his legs to keep it hidden.

"Hey, Clarkie?" Tannsy blurted into the awkward silence, "what do they mean when they say good or not good? I mean, I never heard not good but I always thought you'd-you know, just do it and that would be that."

"I dunno. I guess it makes it better when you play around a lot before you do it."

"Ah! You mean love play like it says in Mama's marriage manual?"

"Good God, you've read even that??"

"Not all of it yet but I remember it says you're supposed to love play a lot first. It doesn't say how to love play, though. How-what is it you do when you love play?"

"I don't think there's any special way you'd do it. They probably mean you just-you know, play around with each other a lot."


"…. Like down here!" Clark impulsively brushed his hand across Tannsy's pelvis. Tannsy's body lurched and, instantly, Clark's hand burned to be back on that warm little mound of cunt. He compromised by letting his hand rest supercasually on her lower stomach.

He twisted to reach a cigarette from the headboard of the bed, and his hand dragged Tannsy's shortie nightgown half up her tummy. The bikini bottom pulled tight across her pelvic ridge and Clark could imagine a blurry little patch of darkness through the green chiffon. The two firm lobes of her cunt with the panties drawn up into the exciting girl cleft between them were as sharply outlined as if Tannsy had been naked down there.

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