Since she was sitting up in the bed, it wasn't possible to see much of her body, but the colorful, silky kimono did permit Patty to get a good look at the upper portion. She still had plenty of tit, Patty detected, and they were still firm and smooth.
The old woman sniffed. "That will be quite enough of that, young lady. I don't care to be ogled at, even at my age."
"I don't understand," Patty said, puzzled.
Mrs. Wallace smiled and showed a row of perfect, even teeth that couldn't possibly be her own. "Didn't Madame Moon explain?"
"She explained nothing," Patty said. She didn't know whether to feel relieved or more apprehensive. If she didn't want to get fucked, then why was she here?
The woman shook her head, and clucked her tongue. "That old fart never does explain. Always leaves it up to me." She giggled. "I'm afraid the Madame thinks I'm slightly perverted."
"Aren't you?" Patty said, smiling.
"Of course," the old lady replied, laughing. "Take your clothes off and get in bed with me and I'll tell you what I like."
Patty did as she was told.
"Now," said Mrs. Wallace. "Here is what happens. I have also hired a young man from Madame Noon. We, you and I, will lay here and watch him and my maid fuck each other in the next room through that one-way glass. I love to watch people fuck, don't you?"
"I love everything about fucking," Patty replied.
"Good. Then, when we have watched them long enough and my old libido is on full charge, I will eat your pussy. Do you understand?"
"Yes," Patty said. "But I want to warn you. My pussy may be full of cum. I have been fucking all afternoon!"
"That's all the better, my dear! Now, if you'll pull that switch there, we will begin. I imagine that the young man and my maid are going at it by now."
Patty pulled the cord by the bed and watched as huge, heavy drapes across the room opened to reveal a large window that had been cut into the wall.
In the other room, the maid was getting a royal fuck up her ass.
Patty gasped when she saw who the man was.
It was her husband, Joe.
"Anything wrong, my dear?"
And then, suddenly, Patty was smiling. Now she knew why Joe had been so tired.
Why he had been gone so much. And she also knew where the extra money he had been bringing home was coming from.
"Are you all right, my dear?"
"Fine," Patty said. "Just fine."
And she was. It was all going to work out now with Mr. Lazer as a start, Patty knew that she and Joe would soon have a very profitable business going.
She closed her eyes and sighed deeply as she felt Mrs. Wallace's head push between her thighs.
"Ohhhh… ohhh, Joe," she murmured, "are you going to be surprised at the fuck I give you tomorrow morning."