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Brian Laver: Peeping wife

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By the time she got borne, she felt like she'd been in a battle – especially her cunt. She took off all her clothes outside so she wouldn't leave any muddy evidence in the house. Hiding her clothes in the basement, she could keep Tom from seeing them until she had a chance to wash them.

After a fast shower, she crawled in bed next to Tom, who'd been sleeping for hours. Her dreams kept the perversions she had witnessed alive in her head all night.


Of all the things Ann had seen in the Apples' living room, the sight of the women sucking each other's pussies was what stayed with her. Every time she remembered that sight, her cunt would get wet and she would feel, horny even though she'd been fucking Tom at least once a day.

When they went for lunch at the diner, she would stare at Betty's body with even more hunger than her husband, who, she'd, noticed, had developed a case of the hots for the chick. Ann didn't know that Tom had already experienced the joys of that chick's cunt at the Taylors' party, but if she had known, all she could have felt would have been jealousy. She could hardly be angry with Tom for doing just what she longed to do.

After lunch a few days after her peeking in the Apples' window, Ann was determined to talk to Betty. She told Tom to go back to the shop without her because she was tired and wanted another cup of coffee.

They had both been making small talk with Betty, but now Ann wanted to get down to business.

"How tight are you with Ted?" she asked the waitress.

"Oh, we've been friends for a long time," Betty said, remembering a similar question from Tom and what tat led to.

"He's awfully nice," Ann said. She could see that it wasn't going to be easy steering the conversation to where she wanted it.

"Yeah, we have a lot of fun together," Betty said. She had been leaning across the counter near Ann, looking at her and appearing to be eager to talk.

"Are you very friendly with the Apples?" she asked.

"Yeah, and it's funny you should ask. We were over there a few nights ago, and we talked about you and Tom."

Ann's cars burned as she heard that. She hoped that she didn't look too shocked.

"We were saying that it would be nice for the six of us to get together same evening. The Apples, Ted and me, and you and Tom," Betty said.

"We'd love to," Ann said, trying not to sound too desperately eager.

An evening with those perverts would be heaven, but Ann wasn't sure Tom would go for it. Somehow, she figured, he just wasn't the orgy type. She wanted to get this little chick to show her the splendors of lesbianism, and she was going to have to get her alone.

"Ted told me you do embroidery," Ann said. "I'd love to learn show to do that."

"Well, why don't you come to my place some evening and I'll show you how it's done?" Betty asked.

Again trying not to appear too eager, Ann said, "When?"

Betty told her she could come over the following evening, and Ann said she would be there. As she got up to leave, Betty called to her.

"Did Phil get in touch with you about the prowler?"

Ann froze. "Na," she managed to say.

"He found muddy hand prints all over his windowsill, and he wanted to tell you about it because you live so close," Betty said.

"Oh. Gee, I… I haven't seen any prowlers."

Ann was almost breathless.

"I'm sure it's nothing to worry about. Probably just some nosy kid," Betty said.

Ann agreed and left the diner. How stupid she'd been to leave muddy hands on the Apples' windowsill, she thought. Of course, at the time she wasn't thinking about such mundane things, but if she was going to be a voyeur, she would have to learn to be careful.

When she got back to the shop she told her husband that she was going to learn embroidery from Betty and was going over there the next evening. She thought she noticed a dark look on Tom's face, and she wondered if he might be suspicious of her motives; it didn't occur to her that it was only jealousy. He'd been wanting to get together with Betty again since their fuck in the Taylors' bathroom.

There was something else she wanted to say to Tom, but it wasn't easy. She took a deep breath though, and made herself ask.

"Did Phil Apples call to say something about a prowler?"

"Yeah, he did," Tom said. "I didn't tell you about it because I didn't want to worry you."

"There's probably nothing to it anyhow."

"You should have told me," Ann said. "I don't get worried about those things."

She had to smile to herself at the irony of that.

If Tom had known that she was the prowler he was trying to keep her from worrying about he would have been very surprised.

Now that the shop was opened and everything was pretty much taken care of, and all they had to do was hang around and wait for customers, they were able to take turns taking afternoons off. For the first time, Ann had a chance to roam around the town and see what was going on. She found that it wasn't much, but spring was beginning and everything was very beautiful. She only wished she could roam around at night when interesting things were going on behind all the windows in town.

The next day all Ann could think about was her date to go to Betty's. When she and Tom went to the diner for lunch, Betty reminded Ann that she said she was coming over. Ann, nearly falling off her stool, said that she hadn't forgotten and would be there. Since she was the only one who knew just what she wanted from Betty, no one noticed that her face got red and her voice sounded strained.

After dinner, she left the dishes for Tom, and drove to Betty's. She felt like a high school girl going on her first date. She was nervous, not only because she was about to try something very exciting for the first time, but also because she didn't know if Betty would be interested in making it with her. After all, maybe she wasn't her type, or maybe Betty only liked to suck pussies at orgies with guys around. And, Ann would have to be the one to get things going. Betty only expected to give her an embroidery lesson.

Betty lived in the middle of town near the mill. Ann had never even been in that neighborhood before. Everyone she knew, all big-city escapees, lived outside of town or on the main road. The house was small and there were toys and bicycles all around.

When Ann knocked, the door was answered by a little, boy about three feet tall. He had his mother's brown, wavy hair and big eyes. Betty appeared behind the boy and opened the door.

"Come on in," she said. "Get out of the way, Bobby," she said as she pulled the child out of the way.

There was another kid, a smaller one, sitting in the middle of the living room floor, surrounded by wooden blocks. Betty introduced her children to Ann. The place looked lived in. The furniture was old and worn, but comfortable. Ann sat down on the couch while Betty disappeared to get her embroidery things.

Ann hadn't figured on the kids. It looked like she would have to sit through an embroidery lesson until the kids went to bed. Betty came back with all the things she needed and the two women sat on the couch pushing needles trough cloth while the kids played on the floor at their feet.

Finally, Betty took the kids to bed, leaving Ann alone for a while. She fidgeted and looked through a few magazines, but she was too nervous to relax. It hadn't been easy pretending she was interested in embroidery when her cunt was itching for some of the things she'd seen Betty doing to Sarah's twat through the Apples' window.

Betty came back after about ten minutes that seemed like an hour. She asked Ann if she wanted coffee and Ann said she did, and followed Betty into the kitchen.

"Betty, I was reading an article the other day and I can't get it out of my mind. It said that more and more women were becoming bisexual," Ann said.

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