Mark Smith - Hot wet wife

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Mark Smith

Hot wet wife


The warm rays of the summer sun beat down relentlessly on Alecia Allen's naked boy as she lay quietly on her stomach next to her swimming pool. Her body was deeply tanned all over; she seldom wore a swim suit under any circumstances and never wore one at all in her own back yard.

The yard was enclosed on three sides by a high wall, while the two-story, Spanish-style house she shared with her husband Larry formed the fourth boundary. Thus she could be certain that no one would see her while she sunbathed, though had she been in the middle of a crowded beach it would have made no difference to her. In fact, she might have liked the latter circumstances better than the present one, since she liked nothing better than to feel men's hungry eyes feasting on her nakedness, whatever the circumstances might be.

Today she was, to put it mildly, horny. She could feel the hard concrete beneath her towel pressing forcefully against her crotch and tits, and she rubbed against it, letting the hard resistance excite her. Deep inside her cunt, she could feel a throbbing, tingling presence, and she knew that if she were to dip one of her fingers into her simmering honeypot she would find her pussy to be warm and moist.

The temptation was strong to do just that, but she held back. She would have gladly plunged her fingers deep into her cunt right now had it not been for the fact that she was expecting a visitor any moment who would provide a much more enjoyable outlet for her pent-up excitement.

Jim was an airline pilot, an acquaintance loft over from the days, not so long ago, when Alecia had been a stewardess. They had met then, and on the relatively rare occasions when he had a layover within driving distance of Mocha's house they never failed to get together. Alecia thought about the eight inches of pure delight that would be deep inside her hungry pussy five minute after Jim arrived.

Where was he? Even though she knew Larry wasn't due home for another three hours, Alecia was anxious to have as much time with Jim as possible. They could never get enough of each other's bodies, and every minute he was delayed was another minute they couldn't spend together.

Just then she heard the sound of a car pulling up in the drive way outside. She smiled and pulled herself into a sitting position.

Suddenly Jim appeared as the door leading to the garage. For a moment he stood framed in the doorway, a smile on his rugged features he took in the sight, always welcome, of Alecia's naked body.

"Welcome, thou heavily hung master of the airways," Alecia offered, beckoning the rugged looking man to come forward.

Jim smiled. "Thank you, dear lady of the lusty loins."

They both broke into laughter as he kissed her lightly; neither could remember when they started carrying on like this, but the fact remained that their first greetings were always exchanged this way.

"Pour yourself a drink and have a seat," Alecia said, indicating a pitcher of red, cold liquid sitting on a glass patio table.

Jim smiled as he poured; the bloody mary was all part of the ritual. He took a long, deep pull. He turned once again to Alecia.

"Think I'll take a dip. I stinketh."

"I'll just watch," Alecia smiled. She was a little frustrated; nothing would have pleased her more than to get right down to some serious fucking, but she knew better than to complain. Taking a sip from her own drink, she leaned back and relaxed.

Jim quickly pulled off his shirt and trousers. Beneath his briefs, his cock was already beginning to stir; the sight of Alecia's body was always enough to accomplish that without any further stimulation. Finally he was naked, and a moment later he dove into the cool water of the pool.

Alecia could feel the juices beginning to flow again at the sight of Jim's cock. Even half erect it was monstrous, dangling between his legs like some sleeping cobra as he disappeared into the pool.

She hoped he didn't intend to swim long.

As soon as he had swum the length of the pool underwater, Jim knew that he had enough swimming for the time being. The water had refreshed him.

He was ready for her.

He sat down next to Alecia. They looked at each other curiously; it had been almost a year since they had last seen each other, and yet both felt as comfortable as if they had only parted yesterday.

Alecia's eyes traveled slowly, provocatively over her companion's body, coming to rest finally on his cock which was as small as it would ever be as a result of the shock of the cold water.

It still wasn't very small.

Alecia reached out and touched it lightly, running her fingers along the shriveled shaft.

"Mmmmmmmm…" she purred as his prick began to stir, the rushing blood tilling out the wrinkles and pulling the skin tight and smooth. As his cock grew larger, she stroked it harder, letting her fingers curl around the thick shaft.

Jim shifted his weight on the warm concrete beneath him. The sight of Alecia's hand on his cock was all he needed; well, not quite all. What he really wanted to see more than anything was the sight of her full, sensuous lips closing around his meat. There were few, women who could fit his cock into his mouth, and of those that could, Alecia was by far the best.

Gently urging her on, Jim placed his hand firmly on her soft blonde hair, pushing her head closer to his straining cock.

Slowly she bent forward, her eyes never leaving the smooth, tight skin of his prick. When she was within an inch of the head of his massive tool, she stopped and began to blow lightly on it.

"Come on, baby, suck it…" Jim urged softly, pulling her hair back so that he could get an uninterrupted view.

But she just blew on his cock, teasing him, making him want it even more.

"What are you trying to do?" he whispered through clenched teeth after another fifteen seconds had passed.

Suddenly her rich, moist tongue darted out and licked the head of his cock. At the same time she began to play with his balls.

"That's better," he whispered.

Slowly now, she proceeded to lick every inch of his cock, sliding her expert tongue up and down the shaft with a pulsing tenderness that was calculated to drive Jim insane with lust.

It did.

He began to rotate his hips; shoving his cock up into the air and watching it slide up along the outside of Alecia's beautiful, oiled face. Then finally, when his cock was completely covered with her saliva, she lifted her head up until it was poised once again an inch above the tip of his cock.

The time had come.

She opened her mouth as wide as possible and drove her throat down on his massive prick. She didn't stop until she felt her lips firmly grinding against the thick, wiry ham at the base of his shaft, causing Jim to gasp.

He had seen her do this before, but it never failed to amaze him to see her take his entire cock into her hungry, clinging throat in a single stroke.

It was incredible.

But she didn't stop there. She began to move her head up and down, plunging him again and again deep inside her body. She could feel the muscles of her throat stretching, expanding to take him all the way inside, at the same time clinging lightly to him in a way that she was certain would drive him crazy.

"Yesssss… baby… yesssssss… suck it… suck my cock…" Jim breathed, marveling at her skill as she increased the tempo, driving her face up and down his slick pole. He was thrusting into her now, driving his cock even farther into her willing throat.

Alecia loved what she was doing. She could feel even contour, every tiny ridge of his cock as her tongue licked and curled around his shaft, tasting his meat, flicking across the sensitive ridge just below the head. His excitement grew stronger with each passing second.

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