Rosa Steel - Anal Trained

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Rosa Steel

Anal Trained

Snap .

Alice yelped, squirming helplessly against her harness as the crop fell. Tears were already gleaming in her eyes, and her round ass was striped red. Her new master had a heavy hand.

“I told you to stand straight.” Knight’s voice was cool behind her. She could almost hear the smile on his lips.

“Yes Master,” she said quickly, straightening and bowing her head. As usual, the word ‘Master’ burned on her tongue. Shame and desire were fighting a fierce battle inside her — a lifetime of trying to be the best at everything made it so hard to give up, be a slave to this creature. But she didn’t have a choice.

The butter-soft leather tip of the crop traced the lush curve of her ass, bringing a flush to her cheeks. She shivered. Her nipples were standing erect in the cool air of the drawing room.

“I suppose I won’t drink from you today,” his voice had turned black with displeasure, “there are limits to your little body, and I drank too deep this past week.” The crop trailed over her hip, fluttered over her belly as delicate and unnerving as a moth’s wing. It took all her strength not to twitch as Knight circled her to stand in front. His eyes roved over her exposed body, taking in pert breasts, the golden tangle of hair, the gleaming red ribbon tied around her throat.

“But oh how I want your blood, Alice. You’ll have to try doubly hard to please me — I think I’m in the mood to beat you tonight.”

To make his point, the crop cracked hard over her breast. That soft leather snapped cruelly over her nipple, feeling as sharp as wire. A scream tore from her lungs.

“Y… yes master,” even to her own ears her voice sounded thin and afraid. She stared at the floor like a proper slave, bowing her head. Yet something about the way he treated her made heat course through her treacherous cunt, leaking dampness down her thighs.

“Come suck me.”

Oh how she wanted to. She knelt and crawled to him, until his rigid cock pressed against her pink lips. Salty pre already glistened at the tip. She lapped at it eagerly, staring up at him to see whether it pleased him. It definitely seemed to — Knight’s head was tilted back, he groaned low in his throat. His cock almost seared her tongue. He must have already fed on blood that night.

“Good girl. Deep now.” His hand closed over the back of her head and he forced her down hard onto his cock. She squeaked in surprise, her tongue curling around the shaft, stroking the tender point just under the head. The too-hot, too-thick rod rammed against the back of her throat until she almost gagged. Soon he was fucking her mouth hard, growling like an animal with each stroke.

His cock was so big that sometimes she couldn’t stop herself from pulling away, gagging. When she did there was the whistle of the crop and the bright blossom of pain across her back or her ass, until soon she tried as she could to take him deep in her throat.

Alice had become desperate to please her Master over the last few days.

After she’d been broken he’d taught her that kneeling was her natural position, and it did feel so natural to try to serve him. It was a slaves place to have her holes filled by her Master. The threat of a whipping was just that little extra incentive. His cock throbbed heavily in her mouth as she plunged down over it. The rock hard shaft tugged deliciously at her damp lips. Being used like this made her flush red with embarrassment, but as her thighs slid over each other she could feel them becoming sticky with her liquid arousal. She couldn’t help imagining what this thick cock would feel like surging into her cunt. His scent rushed headily through her nostrils as her nose bumped against him — clean, male musk.

Knight looked down to see her eyes eagerly fixed on him, and he moaned, tugging hard at her hair. His cock pulsed in her wet mouth, spurting a hot dash of cum against the back of her throat. Alice flinched in surprise, letting out a muffled mewl around his shaft. He only closed his eyes, snarling as he drove hard into her, drowning her in the flood of his cum. Her body shook as he forced his cock hard down her throat, her eyes glistening with un-spilled tears.

He yanked her head back so suddenly that she gasped for air, trickles of hot cum escaping her lips. The throbbing head of his cock smacked against her mouth. He sprayed the last of his seed across her face. Alice could only whine helplessly as it dashed hot across her violated lips. Luminous droplets clung to her eyelashes when she reflexively closed her eyes.

“Mmm. I’ll never get tired of fucking your mouth,” Knight rasped, tugging on her hair so that his still-hard cock rubbed over her face.

“Thank you Master,” Alice muttered unwillingly, as his hot shaft pressed against her cheek, smearing a streak of cum over it.

A pathetic delight at having satisfied him welled up in her, even as she shook, gulping air. If he hadn’t held her by her hair she would have sagged back, exhausted. The sharp pain in her scalp kept her trembling on her knees with his cock pressed against face. Her hands flinched uselessly at the cuffs that bound them by her sides.

“That’s a good slave.” His rigid prick crushed humiliatingly against her lips. Alice reflexively opened her mouth, licking. She knew what she was meant to do. Knight groaned as she cleaned his shaft with her tongue, swallowing down his still-hot cum. It burned like hot soup as she swallowed — far warmer than any human’s seed could have been.

His cock still didn’t soften. After he’d fed on blood, the vampire seemed to be able to stay hard all night, coming as many times as he wanted. It meant she was always exhausted from trying to please him.

“Good girl,” Knight murmured, stroking her hair with distracted affection. “Maybe if you’re a good in training tonight I’ll let you come later.”

What training? The question rose to her lips but she bit it back. The crop still hovered over her in Knight’s hand, and she knew this wasn’t the time to ask questions. Her whole body already stung from his whipping.

“Th… thank you Master, your slave will try hard to serve you,” she murmured instead, shivering as the whip trailed casually over her exposed tits. Her treacherous cunt warmed at the mention of being allowed to come. She’d become addicted to the pleasure that her Master would sometimes allow her. Coming for him was devastating, and now it was greatest pleasure in her sad little cagebird life.

“I know you will slut.” He let the crop tip fall, down across her belly and then down into the secret crevice between her thighs. Alice moaned, helpless, as the leather parted the lips of her sex and ground over her sopping slit.

“You know, as soon as I met you I saw that you were a natural slut. Not all women are…” He went on stroking her with it, letting her rub herself against it like an animal. She blushed with shame but she couldn’t stop herself — it felt so good just to be touched. It slipped along the moist cleft, until her whole body ached.

All too soon he lifted it again, dragging a wretched moan of disappointment from her.

“Please, Master- " Alice blurted, before she could stop herself.

Knight brought the moistened crop down across her breast so hard that she shrieked. He smiled down at her, baring gleaming fangs.

“Weren’t you listening?” he laughed quietly. “ Maybe later , when the training is done.”

Alice trembled as she stared up at him through sheen of tears. He snagged her harness between the breasts with one hand, yanked her unceremoniously to her feet. Alice kneaded the plush carpet with her bare toes as she fought to keep her balance — the short chain between her ankles kept her helplessly clumsy, unable to take long steps.

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