“Statement on the Significance of Primary Records” (Tanselle)
Stauffer Chemical
steady-space model
Stern, Sol
“stock control”
storage, see space, storage concerns
Stout, Leon J.
Ströfer-Hua, E.
“Study of Library Cost Accounting” (Rider)
“Substituting Images for Books: The Economics for Libraries” (Lesk)
Sullivan, Larry E.
Sullivan, Robert C.
SUNY Binghamton
Sutton, George P.
SWAC, see Standards Western Automatic Computer
Swan, John
Swanson, Don R.
Swartzell, Ann
Swinburne, Algernon Charles
Syracuse Daily Standard
Syracuse Public Library
Syracuse University
TAAC, see Technology Assessment Advisory Committee
Tailor, Bhavna
Tales of Mystery and Imagination (Poe)
Tanselle, G. Thomas
Taraba, Suzy
Tate, Vernon D.
Taube, Mortimer
Tauber, Maurice F.
Taylor, Bayard
Taylor, Merrily
Taylor-Merchant Corporation
“Technical Considerations in Choosing Mass Deacidification Processes” (Sparks)
Technology Assessment Advisory Committee (TAAC)
Telegraph the
Telephone Idea, The (Pound)
TenEyck, Hendrix
Tennessee, University of, Hodges Library at
Terry and the Pirates
Texas, University of
Texas Alkyls
Text and Image SAC
Text-Book of True Temperance, A (United States Brewers’ Association)
Thompson, Jack C.
Tibbles, Susette La Flesche (“Bright Eyes”)
Timothy Hughes Rare and Early Newspapers
“To Film or to Scan”
Toppino, Emmett
Toronto Star, The
Toth, Alexander
Transactions (American Institute)
Trinity College, Cambridge
Tucker, Ichabod
Tulis, Allen
Tumosa, Charles S.
Turn Endurance Test
“Turning to Dust” (TV episode)
Turock, Betty J.
Twain, Mark
Tydings, Millard
UCLA, see Los Angeles, University of California at
Umehara, Sueji
Union Carbide
Union City (N.J.) Public Library
United Aircraft
United Negro College Fund
United States Brewers’ Association
Univac computer
University Microfilms (UMI)
see also
Bell and Howell Information and Learning
Unsworth, Michael E.
Urquhart, J. A.
Urquhart, N. C.
usable, definitions of
U.S. Newspaper Program
Utah, University of
Vallee, Fay Webb
Vallee, Rudy
Vanity Fair
vBNS (very high performance Backbone Network Service)
Veaner, Allen B.
Venick, Charles
Verba, Sidney
Veronese, Giuseppe
Vienneau, David
Virginia State Library
lamination program of
Visit to China, India, and Japan in the Year 1853, A (Taylor)
Vonnegut, Kurt
von Wahlde, Barbara
Wächter, Otto
Wagman, Frederick
Waite, David P.
Waitt, Alden H.
Walker, Gay
Ward 81 (Mark)
Warnock, John
Warren, S. D.
Washington Evening Star
Washington Post, The
Washington Post Magazine, The
Wasserman, Paul
Waters, Michael
Waters, Peter
Waugh, Evelyn
Weaver, Warren
Weber, Charles G.
Weber, David C.
Weeks, Linton
Wei T’o process
Wells, H. G.
Wells Fargo Foundation
Welsh, William J.
deacidification supported by
optical-disk scanning supported by
preservation crisis as viewed by
Slow Fires
on space concerns
Wesleyan University
White, Linda J.
Whiting, Lilian
Whitman, Walt
Wiederkehr, Robert R. V.
Wildlife Disease
William and Flora Hewlett Foundation
Williams, Gordon
Williams, John C.
Williams, Pat
Williams, Richard L.
Williams, R. J.
Wilson, William K.
Winger, Howard W.
Winks, Robin W.
Wisconsin Historical Society Library
Wise, David
Wolfson, Bernard T.
wood-pulp paper
making of
in newspapers
Woodsworth, Anne
Woolf, Virginia
Wooster, Harold
Worker, the
“Working Paper on the Future” (Commission on Preservation and Access)
Workman, Fanny
World’s Fair:
New York (1964)
Seattle (1962)
World War II
World Wide Web
WPA, Historical Records Survey of
Wright, Louis B.
Wright, Richard
Wright, Susan
Wylly, Alexander
Wyman, C. W. H.
Xerox Corporation
Xerox Haloid
Xerox Magnavox Telecopier
Yagoda, Ben
“Yale Survey, The: A Large-Scale Study of Book Deterioration in the Yale University Library” (Walker et al.)
Yale University
deterioration study at
double-fold tests at
materials discarded by
microfilm program of
preservation crisis as viewed by
Sterling Memorial Library at
Yasinsky, Bohdan
Yates, Sidney
Yellow Kid, The
“yellow snow”
Yerburgh, Mark R.
Yerburgh, Rhoda
Young, John Russell
Zentrum für Bucherhaltung (ZFB) (Center for Conservation)
Zinman, Michael