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Вторичные источники на английском языке
Aciman, André. The Proust Project. N.Y.: Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2004.
Ackerman, Diane. A Natural History of Love. N.Y.: Random House, 1994.
Adler, Laure. Marguerite Duras: A Life. Перевод: Anne-Marie Glasheen. London: Victor Gollancz, 1998.
Amt, Emilie. Women’s Lives in Medieval Europe. A Sourcebook. N.Y., London: Routledge, 1993.
Armstrong, John. Conditions of Love: The Philosophy of Intimacy. N.Y., London: Norton, 2002.
Barthes, Roland. On Racine. Перевод: Richard Howard. N.Y.: Hill and Wang, 1964.
Benstock, Shari. Women of the Left Bank. Paris, 1900–1940. Osten: University of Texas Press, 1986.
Bloch, Howard. Medieval misogyny and the invention of Western romantic love. Chicago: University of Chicago, 1991.
Brée, Germaine. Gide. N.J.: Rutgers University Press, 1963.
Brooke, Christopher. The Twelft h Century Renaissance. London: Th ames and Hudson, 1969.
Campbell, John. Questions of Interpretation in ”The Princess of Cleves”. Amsterdam. Atlanta: Editions Rodopi B. V., 1996.
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