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David Markson: Fare Forward: Letters from David Markson

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David Markson Fare Forward: Letters from David Markson

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In this first-ever book of letters by novelist David Markson — a quintessential “writer’s writer” whose work David Foster Wallace once lauded as “pretty much the high point of experimental fiction in this country”—readers will experience Markson at his wittiest and warmest. Laura Sims shares her correspondence with him, which began with an impassioned fan letter in 2003 and ended with his death in 2010, finally allowing a glimpse into the personal world of this solitary man who found his life's solace in literature. The letters trace the growth of a genuine and moving friendship between two writers at very different stages; in them we see Markson grapple, humorously, with the indignities of old age and poor health, and reminiscence about his early days as a key literary figure in the Greenwich Village scene of the 1950s and 60s. At the same time, he sincerely celebrates Sims’s marriage and the first milestones of her career as a poet. The book is full of engaging commentary on life, love, and the writing life: On old age: “Did I say I was 117? Now that the humidity has finally lifted, I sometimes don’t feel a day over 109.” On critics: “If I’d run into the guy…I would have punched him in the mouth.” On blogs: “I would rather spend an hour and a half trying to solve the roughest first draft of a note for the new book…than ever ever ever read another word of the Internet.” On politics: “I hope neither of you slashed your wrists after the election. I was gonna jump off the roof here, but my sciatica hurt too much for me to get over the railing.” Markson reveals himself to be casually erudite, caustically funny, lovably cantankerous, and entertaining. This volume marks a significant contribution to our understanding and appreciation of Markson’s indubitably important and affecting body of work and will be a delight for his long-time fans as well as those just now discovering him.

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Don’t leave flowers, telephone. 72

Old tired sick broke 73—but with love—


71 I’d received a writing grant from the Japan-U.S. Friendship Commission for a six-month residency in Tokyo — for fall of 2006.

72 I was going to be in NYC, for a reading again. We couldn’t meet but I’d told him I was going to leave flowers on his doorstep.

73 Which would become a primary refrain in his last novel, The Last Novel.

Feb 11 ’06


So I’ll never see a Sims/Markson essay in print; ah, well. 74

Then again, if you’d publish such things, sooner instead of later you’ll be Distinguished Prof of Poetry, U of Wisconsin — or wherever — with one class per semester — one semester per year!

And re readings, readings: someone just called me to share an evening (here) with Michel Butor. 75I said I simply don’t, thanx. Only later did I wonder: if they are bringing Butor from Paris, what are they paying him? And me? I never thought to ask. Old-Tired-Sick-Alone-Broke!

Love again—


74 I think I’d finally told him that I was too busy at the time (teaching 4–5 classes per semester while tending to my own creative work) to finish and send out an essay on his work (which would have entailed rewriting the earlier draft, or starting from scratch).

75 Michel Butor, French novelist, critic, and essayist.

Feb 17 ’06

Symsy, gal—

You think you’re a poet? Ha, get this. I’ve just received royalty statements on mine, 76for Jan ’05 through June ’05—the usual delay of six months, plus processing. In that earlier six months — a dozen years after publication — I sold SEVEN COPIES! Willie Yeats is turning over in his grave. Eddie Poe weeps where he lies. Johnny Keats whimpers.





P.S. You’re doomed if you tell a soul!

76 Collected Poems. David Markson (Dalkey Archive Press, 1993).

Feb 21 ’06

Dear Simsich—

A couple of hours after your call—

The total of sales to date 77(after 11 yrs) is indeed 540! (That’s thru June a year ago. Must be as many as 8 since!)

Whoinhell bought ’em?

Love again — and hello Corey—



77 Total number of copies sold of his Collected Poems.

March 22 ’06

Sims, lass—

So there’s Corey, in the new issue of Fence —and I learn that his poems are as difficult to solve as yours are. I’m glad. It means you were made for each other!

But I’m sore, too. How come he sez he’s reading Practice, Restraint, but not anything by Markson? Doesn’t he know you’re s’posed to?

Then again, somebody else in the back of the book is reading my Springer’s Progress. Who he, I wonder?

No, I don’t subscribe. Someone seems to send it, these last few years.

Nada aqui. Old, tired, sick, broke. But WORKING! 78

With love to you both—


78 On what would be The Last Novel.

Apr 13 ’06


Another periodical that sometimes gets sent to me, & that I merely skim through (DON’T TELL A SOUL!)— Rain Taxi. And who’s reviewed this month? — my gal Laura! I’m thrilled for you. I mean it. I’m hopping around on one foot as if I have water in my ear. (I also have just had walking pneumonia — but never mind that.) May you have uncountable numbers more!

Why go back to Japan when Minneapolis is welcoming you? 79



79 I was about to go there for a reading organized by Rain Taxi.

Apr 24 ’06

Sims — yeah!

Great review, the Mid-American thing! 80Did you send her a gushing let’s-be-friends-forever letter?

In Minneapolis, say hello to Eric Lorberer (Ed., Rain Taxi ) — (never met — a few brief exchanges.)

For your mystery addiction 81—Counterpoint are re-doing my two private eye novels 82(two in one volume), maybe late this year. But you’ll be in Japan, no? Too bad, kid.

Hey, love again—


80 I sent him a copy of a good review of Practice, Restraint that had appeared in the Mid-American Review .

81 I was deep into novels by Henning Mankell, Patricia Highsmith, and Ruth Rendell at the time.

82 Epitaph for a Tramp and Epitaph for a Dead Beat , both highly entertaining and full of Markson-esque allusions.

June 5 ’06

Symso, gal—

Donno if I mentioned. Did I say that both of your contributions to my new masterpiece made the final cut?—

A. — Don’t do it, Rodya! 83

B. — Catherine the Great dying in the royal W.C. 84

There are, however, no footnoted citations of sources! And I have no acknowledgments page. But I thank you.



83 “Amid the clutter of multilingual graffiti beside the door to the St. Petersburg garret that is alleged to be the one Dostoyevsky used as a model for Raskolnikov’s: Don’t do it, Rodya!” (23)

84 “Catherine the Great died after having suffered a stroke and fallen from a commode in the royal water closet.” (158)

July 14 ’06

Dear Simso-san—

Izzat right? What’s “san” mean? (Don’t tell me “sir.”)

This is the first letter/postcard I’ve sent to Japan since Doug MacArthur stopped writing to ask me advice.

A very important question. Why, when I wasn’t sure on which “Friday,” as you put it, you were leaving, and I phoned to say goodbye, did your cheery voice still respond on the machine — as it still does today, July 14, when on impulse, I dialed again? I am not inventing that. Will your “please leave a message” go on for all your sojourn?

Meantime I hope it’s all gratifying for you both. My own attitude re Japan echoes Philip Larkin’s re your nearby neighbor: “I’d love to visit China, if I could come back the same night.” (Maybe he said “same day.”) 85

News, news, do I have any news? The MRI they scared the shit out of me by making me take for my brain did not show a brain tumor (they did not mention whether it showed a brain.) An attractive middle-aged good novelist has proclaimed a desperate crush on me. Temperatures in New York are currently averaging 90+ daily. Tell me your evaluation of Anne Carson. Have you ever read Joanna Scott? What did Materazzi actually say to Zinedine Zidane? 86Why is Palleau’s book now long accepted 87and there is no word re Sims’ essay? Did I tell you about the other young French gal who writes me mash notes? Why, why do I have to be 78—which means halfway through my 79 thyear? Is there no way to transport every central figure of the Bush administration to Guantanamo in place of 95 % of the people there now? Can we ship Scalia, Thomas, Alito, Roberts, along with them? When you come home, will you stop by & put my message on my answering machine with your energetic cheerful voice for me?

I am desperately trying to start a new book. 88

Love — and to Corey—


All of which shows how busy I am between books!

85 He did.

86 Refers to a heated exchange that took place between two players during the finals of the 2006 World Cup.

87 Her book, originally Ceci n’est pas une tragédie: L’ecriture de David Markson (ENS Editions) that would be published in the States as This Is Not a Tragedy (Dalkey Archive Press, 2011).

88 One that, he’d told me, he wanted to be structurally and stylistically different from the last four books.

July 26 ’06

Simso — Love—

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