Agata Niyazova-Belova - Kittens Lucy and Tynn in the Magic Forest

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A fairy tale that will send your child into a fantasy world. Kittens and their mom will go on adventures in the magical forest.The fairy tale teaches patience, the ability to cope with fears, the courage to open up to new things, love and care.

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Kittens Lucy and Tynn in the Magic Forest

Agata Niyazova-Belova

Illustrator Yulia Tomenko

Translator Nina Murray

© Agata Niyazova-Belova, 2022

© Yulia Tomenko, illustrations, 2022

© Nina Murray, translation, 2022

ISBN 978-5-0056-8679-4

Created with Ridero smart publishing system

It was time for the kittens to go to bed, but Lucy and Tynn were having too much fun. They played, jumped, and tumbled on their beds. Every minute, it seemed, the kittens came up with a new game. They really did not want to go to sleep.

Mama Cat sat down to think of a game to help her kittens settle down.

The kittens kept playing They did not notice when their room filled with pink - фото 1

The kittens kept playing. They did not notice when their room filled with pink and purple shadows. A distant sound of birdsong came closer and grew louder, and then pop! Violet, a fairy cat, appeared. Mama Cat recognized her: Violet used to visit her when she herself was a kitten.

“Violet! Welcome!” Mama Cat said. She was happy to see the fairy.

“Hello, dear! Look what a beautiful cat you’ve become! And your kittens are so cute!” Violet said.

Lucy and Tynn couldn’t believe their eyes: there was a fairy cat in their room!

They looked from Violet to their Mom and back. Then they noticed the birds that now flew around the room. The birds left long trails of bubbles where they went. The bubbles bunched together and turned into bands of rainbows that sparked here and there in the air.

“Tynn, Lucy, come meet my old friend, Violet the Fairy Cat,” Mama Cat said.

“Pleased to meet you, Miss Violet,” the kittens said politely.

“You are so sweet! I am happy to meet you too. Would you like to come see the magic forest where I live with my friends?”

“Yes, please!” Lucy and Tynn jumped with excitement.

“Is Mom coming too?” Tynn asked.

“Of course!” Violet said and winked at Mama Cat. “Your Mom must have missed our forest.”

“Yes, I have. Very much so,” Mama Cat said smiling.

“Then off we go!” Violet said and clapped her paws twice.

The room and the furniture in it began to change The armchair became a tree - фото 2

The room and the furniture in it began to change. The armchair became a tree with leaves shaped like diamonds. The rug on the floor turned into a fast river. The table became a boulder, and the bed grew into a cottage. The walls of the cottage were made of hard candy and glimmered with many colors under the bright sun.

“Wow!” Lucy said.

Tynn ran to the cottage and licked the door.

“Strawberries and bananas!” he reported and went inside, and everyone followed. Inside, the cottage was empty. A single ray of pale violet light fell onto the floor through a round window in the roof.

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