Neely Tucker - The Ways of the Dead

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"A great read…I can't wait for what's coming next." – Michael Connelly
"An exciting first novel that echoes the best writing of Pete Hamill and George Pelecanos, mixed with bits of The Wire and True Detective."
– The Miami Herald
The electrifying first novel in a new crime series from a veteran Washington, D.C., reporter
Sarah Reese, the teenage daughter of a powerful Washington, D.C. judge, is dead, her body discovered in a slum in the shadow of the Capitol. Though the police promptly arrest three local black kids, newspaper reporter Sully Carter suspects there's more to the case. Reese's slaying might be related to a string of cold cases the police barely investigated, among them the recent disappearance of a gorgeous university student.
A journalist brought home from war-torn Bosnia and hobbled by loss, rage, and alcohol, Sully encounters a city rife with its own brand of treachery and intrigue. Weaving through D.C.'s broad avenues and shady backstreets on his Ducati 916 motorcycle, Sully comes to know not just the city's pristine monuments of power but the blighted neighborhoods beyond the reach of the Metro. With the city clamoring for a conviction, Sully pursues the truth about the murders – all against pressure from government officials, police brass, suspicious locals, and even his own bosses at the paper.
A wry, street-smart hero with a serious authority problem, Sully delves into a deeply layered mystery, revealing vivid portraits of the nation's capital from the highest corridors of power to D.C.'s seedy underbelly, where violence and corruption reign supreme – and where Sully must confront the back-breaking line between what you think and what you know, and what you know and what you can print. Inspired by the real-life 1990s Princeton Place murders and set in the last glory days of the American newspaper, The Ways of the Dead is a wickedly entertaining story of race, crime, the law, and the power of the media. Neely Tucker delivers a flawless rendering of a fast-paced, scoop-driven newsroom – investigative journalism at its grittiest.

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Neely Tucker The Ways of the Dead The first book in the Sully Carter series - фото 1

Neely Tucker

The Ways of the Dead

The first book in the Sully Carter series, 2014

pour joséphine

laisse les bons temps rouler, chèr.


for elmore leonard,

the best there ever was.

The evil that men do lives after them.

– William Shakespeare, Julius Caesar

The women that were up there, they were living in the margins of life, they were with multiple people, they weren’t really missed right away, even by their own loved ones.

– D.C. homicide detective Danny Whelan,

lead investigator on the Princeton Place murders


The first long shadows were falling across Georgia Avenue when Sarah Reese trotted down the steps to the lobby after her dance class, a big, loose jacket pulled over her tights. She didn’t have long. Her mother was always a few minutes late, always dragging out happy hour drinks with her girlfriends downtown, but it wasn’t as if she had an hour to burn.

She stepped onto the sidewalk outside the studio and felt the light breeze ruffle her hair. She looked both ways across the four lanes of traffic, making sure she didn’t see her mother’s green Land Rover idling or approaching. She bit the inside of her lower lip, felt the small roll of bills in her left hand, and then jogged across the street at an angle.

It was the first day of October, three months before the end of the twentieth century. The leaves were turning their flaming colors of yellow and amber and red and burnt orange. The colors were lush at this early stage of fall, and the air through the trees, just off the Chesapeake, carried the traces of an autumn chill. Sarah felt it as a quickening coolness, the sweat drying against her spine, her thighs, turning her forearms to gooseflesh. It was Friday night, the sky arching from black in the east to indigo blue overhead to a blaze of orange and pink on the western horizon. She would meet Michael later, after her parents had gone to bed. She shivered at the thought of it-she couldn’t help it, her eyes sparkled-and she crossed the last lane of the street into the tiny parking lot of Doyle’s Market. It was an old brick building with peeling blue paint and a sagging roof. The little silver bells at the top of the glass front door cling-clinged when she pushed it open.

The interior was dim. She had to slow down to let her eyes adjust, turning right down the first aisle, toward the refrigerated units at the back of the store. The aisles were narrow and creepy. The place was no bigger than a little row house, which it had once been. The shelves were overstuffed with paper towels and canned vegetables and little sausages in cans and things too nasty to touch. It reminded her of a haunted house, the dim pallor, the yellowed linoleum floors, the smell of stale cigarette smoke and unwashed laundry and spilled beer and, on top of it all, a smear of disinfectant. The older girls had told her about Doyle’s after class last spring, when she’d first started at Regina’s studio, how the little old lady with the big hair behind the counter would sell you cigarettes or a beer and never ask a “motherfucking thing,” as Letitia put it. The excursion made Sarah feel older than fifteen. It revved her up to do something her parents didn’t know about.

She got a bottle of vitamin water. Then she turned and navigated down the middle aisle to get gum. She would get the Virginia Slims and the condoms at the counter. The older girls had been right. Granny would sell you crank if it came with a price tag.

Sarah was bent down looking for the gum-mint, sugarless-when she heard the door open and the little bells cling-cling again. Loud male voices, laughter, profanity, bursting with accents that telegraphed into her ear as danger bad ghetto black . She looked up. Three boys coming down her aisle, wifebeater T-shirts untucked. One dribbling a basketball, baddabaddabapbap . The one in front, a wide, expressive face, his hair cropped close to the scalp, stopped.

“Whoo y’all lookit. Miss Dance America.” He looked Sarah in the eye and pushed backward two steps, the boys behind him peeping over his shoulder. His jeans were slung low on narrow hips. Boxer shorts bunched above the waistline. She froze, her eyes locked on his. Then she lowered her gaze and bolted past them. She could smell the sweat, the beer, the energy, a tang at the tip of her nose.

She went to the counter and realized she had not gotten the gum. The boys were walking up behind her, loud, dribbling, dribbling, dripping fat ugly drops of testosterone onto the linoleum-she could all but smell that, too. She didn’t turn around. Screw the gum and fuck the smokes. Michael could wrap his own rascal. She wanted out of there. She pulled out her wallet and got two ones, pushing them across the counter for the water, jamming the wallet back in her jacket.

Dolly Parton made change and handed it back to her. As Sarah reached for the coins, one of the boys jostled her. He bumped against her butt. Her hand sprang open from the surprise of it and her change fell out, bounced on the counter, and spilled to the floor. More laughter. A quarter spun around like a top on the linoleum.

“Blondie tossing cash, y’all.” This from the boy who had bumped her behind.

“Check that ass,” a different one, a whisper. “White girl got a little something.” Sumpen .

“She gonna bend over.”

“I’ma smack it.” Snickering.

“Smack that booty?”

“And the booty go smack.”

Low fives, they were killing each other.

Sarah considered running out the door but stopped herself. Three obnoxious boys. Boys . She wasn’t going to act like a scared little rabbit.

She let out a breath, trying to slow down. She felt her weight shift backward and she went down in a single motion, bending her right leg back and down, keeping her arms near her sides until her right toe bent back and her right knee glided to a stop on the floor. The quarter she picked up with her left hand. Her right picked up one dime by the bottom rack. She found the other dime a few inches out in the aisle. They were both heads up. She was noticing everything. Then she pressed back on her right toe and down on her left foot and felt her body rise in a straight line. As she rose, she failed to notice that her wallet was so far out of her jacket pocket that the boy behind her, the one who had talked nasty, reached forward and gently pulled it out in a smooth, single motion.

“You got all your change, honey?”

Sarah looked up and it was Dolly Parton behind the counter, sounding like a train whistle in the dark. Her soft face was smudged with mascara and lipstick. There was a twinkle of fear behind her reading glasses. Sarah saw it, a spiky glimmer in the beady little pupils that was not supposed to be there. She wondered if Dolly could call 911.

“Got all of it?” Dolly repeated, sounding as if she were hooting from the outhouse, looking down at her, and now her potato face seemed to smile and Sarah wasn’t so sure if she saw the fear there or not.

Sarah nodded quickly, yes yes yes, ponytail bouncing, and she turned to the left to leave, her hair snapping sideways. She heard the boy behind her mutter, “Out front. Get the bitch when she out front.” One of the boys moved to the front door ahead of her, and there was a burst of noise, an exclamation from the other one, but she was too frightened to hear what it was. She took a half step toward the front of the store, mute, going numb, but then she looked to the rear of the store.

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