John Brownlie - Hymns from the Greek Office Books

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Hymns from the Greek Office Books / Together with Centos and Suggestions


The renderings contained in this volume are chosen from a quantity of material, much of which had to be set aside as, for various reasons, unsuitable. But, as can be understood, in process of reading, thoughts linked themselves to the memory, and echoes of music, much of it surpassingly sweet, lingered, and from those echoes and thoughts the Centos and Suggestions have been formed. The phrases containing the thoughts, and the echoes repeating the music, have been woven together to form the fabric which is shewn here.

This volume is presented because the author believes that the hymnody of the West must find much of its finest enrichment in the praise literature of the Church of the East. It would be presumptuous to think that these renderings and suggestions are at all a worthy expression of the noble and richly varied praise of the Eastern Church; but they constitute, together with those contained in two former volumes by the present author, perhaps one-half of all the pieces which have yet appeared in English verse.

All the renderings in this collection appear for the first time. If any one thinks he has reason to complain of their quality, let him try to do better. The field lies untilled for any one who will work it.

J. B.

Trinity Manse,

Portpatrick, September 15, 1904.


ἐλεήσον ἡμᾶς, κύριε ἑλέησον ἡμᾶς, Troparia ἐλεήσον ἡμᾶς, κύριε ἑλέησον ἡμᾶς Euchologion , p. 35 I O destitute of all defence, We bow before Thee now; In mercy let Thy mercy come, For merciful art Thou. II Our trusting souls in quiet repose Would rest Thy love within; — O be not angry with us, Lord, Nor think upon our sin. III But from Thy high abode look down, With tender love the while, And save us from our foes who would Our wayward hearts beguile. IV For, verily Thou art our God, And we Thy people all; — Hear us, the creatures of Thy hand, When on Thy name we call. V To God the Father, God the Son, All praise and glory be; And to the Spirit, Three in One, To all eternity.

ἐν ταῖς αὐλαῖς σου ὑμνήσω σε, ἐν ταῖς αὐλαῖς σου ὑμνήσω σε Pentecostarian , p. 186 I Within Thy courts my praise shall rise, O Saviour of the world, to Thee; And while I bow, will lift mine eyes, Unconquered Might, Thy face to see; At eve, at morn, at noon, alway, All blessing Lord, to Thee I’ll pay. II Here in Thy courts, O Lord, we bow, And soul and body worship give; Hear us, Thy faithful servants now, Eternal God in Whom we live; And Thou the Unbeginning Son, And Holy Spirit Three in One.

ῥευστοί πῶς γεγόναμεν, ἄφθαρτον εἰκόνα φορέσαντες, ῥευστοί πῶς γεγόναμεν, ἄφθαρτον εἰκόνα φορέσαντες Euchologion , p. 467 I Why do we fade? Who Thine own image bear, Who life immortal share, — Why do we fade? II Why did we err? And leave the food of life, To eat the bread of strife, — Why did we err? III Why thus deceived? And robbed of life divine, That precious gift of Thine? Why thus deceived?

πάντα ματαιότης τὰ ἀνθρώπινα, πάντα ματαιότης τὰ ἀνθρώπινα Euchologion , p. 413 I All human things decay, For all is vanity, The silver and the gold; The glory of the great, The wealth of high estate, None can for ever hold. II Death with his icy hand, Severs each earthly band, And bears us all away; Vain are our earthly dreams, Shadows our substance seems, And nothing lasts for aye. III Immortal Christ, we cry, O let our prayers come nigh Thy throne of heavenly grace; Rest him whose form we miss, Grant him in endless bliss A lasting dwelling place.

ταχύς εἰς ἀντίληψιν, μόνος ὑπάρχων Χριστέ, ταχύς εἰς ἀντίληψιν, μόνος ὑπαρχων Χριστέ Euchologion , p. 266 I Thou, Lord, hast power to heal, And Thou wilt quickly aid, For Thou dost deeply feel The stripes upon us laid: — Thou Who wast wounded by the rod Uplifted in the hand of God. II Send speedy help, we pray, To him who ailing lies, That from his couch he may With thankful heart arise; Through Her, whose prayers availing find Thine ear, O Lover of mankind. III Oh, blinded are our eyes, And all are held in night; But like the blind who cries, We cry to Thee for light; In penitence, O Christ, we pray, Give us the radiant light of day.

ἠ τὸν πρῶτον τῶν Ἀγγέλων, ἠ τὸν πρῶτον τῶν Ἀγγέλων ἀμέσως διάκοσμον Parakletike , p. 4 I The radiance of the brightness Of beauty shed by Thee, Descend on us who hymn Thy name, Sole ruling Trinity. II Victorious nature hymns Thee, Thou orb of triple ray; For Thou hast hallowed it through grace And borne its sin away. III In faith we laud the Father, The Spirit and the Son, One Nature, One Divinity, One God, yet Three in One. IV To Thee our God be glory, O Holy Trinity, Both now, and while the ages run To all eternity.

νεύματι θουργικῳ κύριε πάντων, νεύματι θουργικῳ κύριε πάντων Parakletike , p. 4 I Thy mighty word commanding, The heavens were settled high, And earth to Thee responding Was spread beneath the sky. II O God of power, Thy servants Would seek Thy power divine, That they their hearts to love Thee May evermore incline. III And gazing on the glory That shines in triple ray, Our souls shall feast with gladness On Thy sweet light alway. IV And of Thy glory shining, And of Thy ruling light, From age to age Thy servants Shall hymn both day and night. V To Thee be lasting praises, Immortal Three in One, — Thou Father, Son, and Spirit, — Now, and while ages run.

ἐπεσκέψατο ἡμᾶς ἐξὔψους ὁ Σωτὴρ ἡμῶν, ἐπεσκέψατο ἡμᾶς ἐξὔψους ὁ Σωτὴρ ἡμῶν Maenon , Dec. 25 I The early dawn awakes, The morn triumphant breaks, See, see! the brightening sky, The Saviour from on high Is with us here. II And we who sat in night, Rejoicing see the Light; The shadows now are past, The Dayspring come at last And day is near. III For we have found the Truth; The Son of Virgin youth, The Saviour hath been born This glorious festal morn, And joys appear.

τὴν ἄχραντον Εἰκόνα σου προσκυνοῦμεν ἀγαθὲ, τὴν ἄχραντον Εἰκόνα σου προσκυνοῦμεν ἀγαθὲ Horologion , p. 94 I Before Thy Cross we take our place, With all our load of guilt, And plead forgiveness of Thy grace Because Thy blood was spilt. II For Thou, to free us from our foes, Didst bear that cruel Cross, And by its agony and woes Bring gain for all our loss. III Therefore we raise with one accord Our songs right thankfully, For joy and peace, O Christ our Lord, We owe in full to Thee.

ὁ φωτίσας τή ἐλλάμψει τῆς σῆς παρουσίας Χριστὲ, ὁ φωτίσας τή ἐλλάμψει τῆς σῆς παρουσίας Χριστὲ Parakletike , p. 8 I O Christ, Who art the peerless Light, Come with Thy presence ever bright, And from the Father’s throne above Descend to hearts that own Thy love. II Thy Cross no shame to mortals brings; The world with joy its glory sings; And men, O Christ, before Thee bow — All hail! Thy Resurrection now. III Ah Thou, our Lord, the Shepherd good, Upon that Cross poured forth Thy blood, And with Thy last expiring breath Didst save Thy flock from endless death. IV And death of all his power is shorn, And men to joy and peace are born, For from their sins’ oppressive sway Forgiveness bears their souls away. V Glory to Thee, O God, we bring, And to the Son, our Heavenly King, And to the Holy Ghost always, Now, and throughout the endless days.

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