Agile Testing
A Practical Guide for Testers and Agile Teams
Lisa Crispin
Janet Gregory

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Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication Data:
Crispin, Lisa.
Agile testing : a practical guide for testers and agile teams /
Lisa Crispin, Janet Gregory. — 1st ed.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and index.
ISBN-13: 978-0-321-53446-0 (pbk. : alk. paper)
ISBN-10: 0-321-53446-8 (pbk. : alk. paper) 1. Computer software—
Testing. 2. Agile software development. I. Gregory, Janet. II. Title.
QA76.76.T48C75 2009
Copyright © 2009 Pearson Education, Inc.
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ISBN-13: 978-0-321-53446-0
ISBN-10: 0-321-53446-8
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Second printing, March 2009
To my husband, Bob Downing—you’re the bee’s knees!
To Jack, Dana, and Susan, and to all the writers in my family.
And to all our favorite donkeys and dragons.
—Lisa and Janet
Table of Contents
Foreword by Mike Cohn
Foreword by Brian Marick
About the Authors
Part I. Introduction
Chapter 1. What Is Agile Testing, Anyway?
Agile Values
What Do We Mean by “Agile Testing”?
A Little Context for Roles and Activities on an Agile Team
Customer Team
Developer Team
Interaction between Customer and Developer Teams
How Is Agile Testing Different?
Working on Traditional Teams
Working on Agile Teams
Traditional vs. Agile Testing
Whole-Team Approach
Chapter 2. Ten Principles for Agile Testers
What’s an Agile Tester?
The Agile Testing Mind-Set
Applying Agile Principles and Values
Provide Continuous Feedback
Deliver Value to the Customer
Enable Face-to-Face Communication
Have Courage
Keep It Simple
Practice Continuous Improvement
Respond to Change
Focus on People
Adding Value
Part II. Organizational Challenges
Chapter 3. Cultural Challenges
Organizational Culture
Quality Philosophy
Sustainable Pace
Customer Relationships
Organization Size
Empower Your Team
Barriers to Successful Agile Adoption by Test/QA Teams
Loss of Identity
Additional Roles
Lack of Training
Not Understanding Agile Concepts
Past Experience/Attitude
Cultural Differences among Roles
Introducing Change
Talk about Fears
Give Team Ownership
Celebrate Success
Management Expectations
Cultural Changes for Managers
Speaking the Manager’s Language
Change Doesn’t Come Easy
Be Patient
Let Them Feel Pain
Build Your Credibility
Work On Your Own Professional Development
Beware the Quality Police Mentality
Vote with Your Feet
Chapter 4. Team Logistics
Team Structure
Independent QA Teams
Integration of Testers into an Agile Project
Agile Project Teams
Physical Logistics
Tester-Developer Ratio
Hiring an Agile Tester
Building a Team
Self-Organizing Team
Involving Other Teams
Every Team Member Has Equal Value
Performance and Rewards
What Can You Do?
Chapter 5. Transitioning Typical Processes
Seeking Lightweight Processes
Lean Measurements
Why We Need Metrics
What Not to Do with Metrics
Communicating Metrics
Metrics ROI
Defect Tracking
Why Should We Use a Defect Tracking System (DTS)?
Why Shouldn’t We Use a DTS?
Defect Tracking Tools
Keep Your Focus
Test Planning
Test Strategy vs. Test Planning
Existing Processes and Models
Frameworks, Models, and Standards
Part III. The Agile Testing Quadrants
Chapter 6. The Purpose of Testing
The Agile Testing Quadrants
Tests that Support the Team
Tests that Critique the Product
Knowing When a Story Is Done
Shared Responsibility
Managing Technical Debt
Testing in Context
Chapter 7. Technology-Facing Tests that Support the Team
An Agile Testing Foundation
The Purpose of Quadrant 1 Tests
Supporting Infrastructure
Why Write and Execute These Tests?
Lets Us Go Faster and Do More
Making Testers’ Jobs Easier
Designing with Testing in Mind
Timely Feedback
Where Do Technology-Facing Tests Stop?
What If the Team Doesn’t Do These Tests?
What Can Testers Do?
What Can Managers Do?
It’s a Team Problem
Source Code Control
Build Tools
Build Automation Tools
Unit Test Tools
Chapter 8. Business-Facing Tests that Support the Team
Driving Development with Business-Facing Tests
The Requirements Quandary
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