The author wishes to express her gratitude to the people who contributed in so many ways to the creation and publication of this book: Beth Ader, Jennifer Brown, Barbara Cabot, Charles and Bonnie Egnatz, Emily Faith, Laura Langlie, Ron Markman, Abigail McAden, A. Elizabeth Mikesell, Melinda Mounsey, David Walton, Allegra Yeley and, most especially, Benjamin Egnatz.
"Whatever comes," she said, "cannot alter one thing. If I am a princess in rags and tatters, I can be a princess inside. It would be easy to be a princess if I were dressed in cloth of gold, but it is a great deal more of a triumph to be one all the time when no one knows it."
Tuesday, September 23
Sometimes it seems like all I ever do is lie.
My mom thinks I’m repressing my feelings about this.
Wednesday, September 24, Fifth Period
Lilly’s like, "Mr. Gianini’s cool."
Yeah, right. He’s cool if you’re Lilly Moscovitz.
Thursday, September 25
In Algebra today all I could think about was how Mr. Gianini might put his tongue in my mom’s mouth . . .
Friday, September 26
LILLY MOSCOVITZ’S LIST OF HOTTEST GUYS (compiled during World Civ, with commentary . . .
Later on Friday
I was measuring my chest and totally not thinking about the fact that my mom was out with my Algebra teacher . . .
Saturday, September 27
I was asleep when my mom got home from her date last night . . .
Sunday, September 28
My dad called again today, and this time Mom really was at her studio, so I didn’t feel so bad about lying . . .
Monday, September 29, G & T
Today I watched Mr. Gianini very closely for signs that he might not have had as good a time on his date . . .
Tuesday, September 30
Something really weird just happened. I got home from school, and my mom was there . . .
Wednesday, October 1
My dad’s here. Well, not here in the loft. He’s staying at the Plaza, as usual.
Notes from G & T
Lilly—I can’t stand this. When is she going to go back to the teachers’ lounge?
Thursday, October 2,
Ladies’ Room at the Plaza Hotel
I guess now I know why my dad is so concerned . . .
Later on Thursday,
Penguin House, Central Park Zoo
I’m so freaked out I can barely write, plus people keep bumping my elbow, and it’s dark in here, but whatever.
Even Later on Thursday
Of course, I couldn’t hide out in the penguin house forever. Eventually, they flicked the lights . . .
Friday, October 3, Homeroom
Today when I woke up, the pigeons that live on the fire escape outside my window were cooing away . . .
More Friday, Algebra
Lilly could tell right away something was up. Oh, she swallowed the whole story . . .
Really Late on Friday,
Lilly Moscovitz’s Bedroom
Okay, so I blew off Mr. Gianini’s help session after school. I know I shouldn’t have. Believe me . . .
Saturday, October 4,
Early, Still Lilly’s Place
Why do I always have such a good time when I spend the night at Lilly’s? I mean, it’s not like they’ve got stuff . . .
Later on Saturday
The whole way home from Lilly’s I worried about what my mom and dad were going to say . . .
Saturday Night
I can’t even believe what a loser I am. I mean, Saturday night, alone with my DAD!
Sunday, October 5
I can’t believe Mr. Gianini told her. I can’t believe he told my mother I skipped his stupid review session . . .
Monday, October 6, 3 a.m.
I’ve been up all night, worrying about getting caught cheating. What will happen . . .
Monday, October 6, 4 a.m.
I tried washing the quadratic formula off my shoe, but it won’t come off!
Monday, October 6, 7 a.m.
Decided to wear my Docs and throw my high-tops away on the way to school . . .
Monday, October 6, 9 a.m.
Realized in the car on the way to school that I could have taken the laces out of my high-tops . . .
Monday, October 6, G & T
Okay. I admit it. I looked.
Fat lot of good it did me, too.
Tuesday, October 7
Ode to Algebra Thrust into this dingy classroom . . .
Wednesday, October 8
Oh no.
She’s here.
Thursday, October 9
I found out why.
She’s giving me princess lessons.
Friday, October 10
Princess lessons.
I am not kidding. I have to go straight . . .
Saturday, October 11, 9:30 a.m.
So I was right: Lilly does think the reason I’m not participating in the taping today is because . . .
Saturday, October 11
I can never go to school again. I can never go anywhere again. I will never leave this loft, ever, ever again.
Later on Saturday
Well, I don’t know who Lilly Moscovitz thinks she is, but I sure know who she isn’t: my friend.
Past Midnight, Sunday, October 12
She still hasn’t called.
Sunday, October 12
Oh my God. I am so embarrassed. I wish I could disappear. You will never believe what just happened.
Later on Sunday
Oh, okay. According to my mom, who just came into my room, Mr. Gianini spent the night on the futon couch . . .
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