Diane Davidson - Sticks & Scones

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Celebrated for her unique blend of first-class suspense and five-star fare, Diane Mott Davidson has won scores of fans and earned a place on major bestseller lists across the country. Now she dishes up another dangerously tasty treat of murder and mystery.
For Colorado caterer Goldy Schulz, accepting a series of bookings at Hyde Castle is like a dream come true. It’s not every day that she gets to cook authentic Elizabethan fare--especially at a real castle that was brought over from England and reassembled stone by stone in Aspen Meadow. Goldy is determined that everything will go right--which is why, she figures later, everything went terribly wrong. It begins when a shotgun blast shatters her window. Then Goldy discovers a body lying in a nearby creek. And when shots ring out for the second time that day, someone Goldy loves is in the line of fire. Suddenly the last thing Goldy wants to think about is Shakespeare’s Steak Pie, 911 Chocolate Emergency Cookies, or Damson-in-Distress Plum Tart. Could one of her husband Tom’s police investigations have triggered a murder? Or was her violent, recently paroled ex responsible? With death peering around every corner, Goldy needs to cook up some crime-solving solutions--before the only dish that’s left on her menu is murder.
Amazon.com Review
Her first big catering gig in weeks has Goldy Bear Schulz salivating. But before she can collect her Elizabethan-inspired recipes (Queen of Scots Shortbread, Damson-in-Distress Plum Tart) and hie herself to the restored English castle in Colorado where she's putting on a donor's luncheon in Hyde Chapel and a high school fencing banquet in the castle's Great Room, someone blows a hole in her living room window. No sooner has she unloaded her pots and pans at the catering venue than another someone--or maybe the same one--shoots a hole in her detective husband, Tom. To make matters worse, Goldy's ex-husband has just been released from jail, and he seems to have a few reasons to want to kill her, too.
Between trying to solve the riddle of the castle ghost, keep her son Arch and her wounded husband safe, and get the food on the table while it's still hot, Goldy is up to her elbows in trouble. The would-be lord of the manor still looks like a business-builder for Goldy, but his Swiss-born wife seems a little wacky. And even from a sickbed, Tom's got a crime wave on his hands that seems to involve Goldy's ex, his flashy new girlfriend, the castle owner, and the dead man Goldy found floating in the castle moat. Not to mention a woman Tom once loved, who seems to have returned from the dead and is causing Goldy no end of distress. But Diane Mott Davidson's gutsy, multitalented series heroine (

) triumphs again--the proof is in the reading as well as the eating in this fast-paced, frothy dessert.

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Hyde Chapel, Aspen Meadow, Colorado Monday, February 9, noon

Chicken Croquettes, Dijon and Cranberry Sauces

Winter Salad of Chčvre, Figs, Filberts, and Field Greens, Port Wine Vinaigrette

Shakespeare’s Steak Pie

Steamed Green Beans with Artichoke Hearts

Elizabethan Manchet Bread, Butter

Chocolate Marble Labyrinth Cake

Merlot, Sparkling Water, Teas, and Coffee


Nighttime noises are torture. When a midnight wind shrieks through our window jambs, or footsteps clomp past the house, I think, It could be anything. Once a snowbank slid from our roof and thundered onto the deck. I awoke, heart pounding, convinced I’d been shot.

It isn’t logical, of course. But living with terror for seven years had not made me the most rational of thinkers, least of all when roused from sleep. A sound could be anything? No.

It was something.

When I awoke at four o’clock on Monday morning, February ninth, those years of dread were long over. Still, I was certain I’d heard a tiny scraping noise, like boots chafing against ice. Think, I warned myself. Don’t panic.

Heart pulsing, throat dry, I waited for my brain to clear, for the sound to come again. My husband Tom was I out of town. Even when he’s at home, noise rarely interrupts his slumber. Tom is a big hulking cop, and isn’t afraid of much.

I shifted in the chilled sheets. The temperature outside was close to zero. Frigid air poured through tiny leaks in our bedroom windows. The noise had come from outdoors, from below, of that I was fairly certain.

Now all was quiet. No sound emanated from Arch’s room down the hall. Two months from turning fifteen, my son slept so soundly even a howling blizzard would not rouse him. On the first floor, our bloodhound, Jake, was not growling or pacing in his enclosed area next to the kitchen. These were good signs.

Maybe I was imagining things. I’d gone to bed too late, after cooking all evening for today’s catered event. And I was stressed out, anyway. In December, our family life had been in an uproar. My in-home commercial kitchen had been shut down, and Tom and I had ended up involved in a homicide case at a nearby ski area. To make things worse, on New Year’s Eve, right after the official reopening of my kitchen, I’d catered my first party in months. It had gone very badly.

Wait. Another unmistakable scrape was followed by a tiny crack. It was like … what? Elk hooves shattering ice? A pine bough creaking under its burden of snow? Like… someone opening a suitcase across the street?

Who unpacks bags at four in the morning?

Henry Kissinger said, Even a paranoid has real enemies. With that in mind, I decided against getting out of bed and peering out a window. My eyes traveled to the bedside table and I reached stealthily for the portable phone. In addition to being paranoid, I sometimes suspected I was an alarmist, or, as the ninth-grade tough guys at Arch’s school would say, a wimp. Now, I bargained with myself. One more sound, and I would speed-dial the sheriff’s department.

I shivered, waited, and longed for the heavy terry-cloth robe hanging in my closet, an early Valentine’s present from Tom. Caterers need to rest after cooking, Miss G., he’d said. Wrap yourself in this when I’m gone, and pretend its me.

Of course, I would have much preferred Tom himself to the robe. For the past week, he’d been in New Jersey working a case. There, he reported, the weather was rainy. In Aspen Meadow, I’d told him in our evening calls, each day had brought more snow. Arch and I had made a morning ritual of shoveling our front walk. But daytime temperatures in the mid-thirties had melted our man-made snowbanks, and the nightly freezes transformed the sidewalk into a sheet of ice.

So. If someone was on our sidewalk, he or she was on a very slippery slope.

I propped myself up on my elbow, yanked up the bedspread, and listened intently. In the neon light cast by the street lamp outside, I could just make out my own reflection in our mirror: blond curly hair, dark eyes, thirty-four- year-old face just a tad round from an excess of chocolate. It was a face that had been happy for almost two years, since I’d married Tom. But now Tom’s absence was an ache.

Back in my old life, my ex-husband had often stumbled in late. I’d become used to the drunken harangues, the flaunted infidelities, the midnight arguments. Sometimes I even thought his girlfriends used to follow him home, to stake out our house.

Of course, I absolutely believed in Tom’s fidelity, even if he had been both secretive and preoccupied lately. Before he left, he’d even seemed low. I hadn’t quite known how to help. Try as I might, I was still getting used to being a cop’s wife.

Five minutes went by with no sound. My mind continued to meander. I wondered again about Tom. Six A.M. on the East Coast; was he up? Was he still planning on flying back this morning, as he’d promised us? Had he made any progress in his investigation?

The case Tom was working on involved the hijacking - on a Furman County road - of a FedEx delivery truck. The driver had been killed. Only one of the suspected three hijackers had been arrested. His name was Ray Wolff, and he was now in the same cell block as my ex-husband, Dr. John Richard Korman. The Jerk, as his other ex-wife and I called him, was currently serving a sentence for assault. During Arch’s weekly visit, John Richard had boasted to his son of his acquaintance with Ray Wolff, the famous killer-hijacker. How low things had sunk, I thought, when a father reveled in his own criminal infamy.

I shivered again and tried not to think of the threats my ex-husband had sent from jail. They’d been both implied and overt. When I get out of here, I’ll set you straight, Goldy. To Arch, he’d said, You can tell your mother your father has a plan. I guess I wasn’t surprised that those tiny signs of remorse John Richard had shown at his trial had all been for the benefit of the judge. I jumped at the sound of a third, louder crack. Downstairs, Jake let out a tentative woof I hit the phone’s power button as an explosion rocked our house.

What was that? My brain reeled. Cold and trembling, I realized I’d fallen off the bed. A gunshot? A bomb? It had sounded like a rocket launcher. A grenade. An earthquake. Downstairs, glass crashed to the floor. What the hell is going on?

I clutched the phone, scuttled across the cold floor, and tried to call for Arch. Unfortunately, my voice no longer seemed to be working. Below, our security system shrieked. I cursed as I made a tripping dash down the unlit hall.

The noise had been a gunshot. It had to have been. Someone had shot at our home. At least one downstairs window had been shattered, of that I was certain. Where is the shooter now? Where is my son?

“Arch!” I squawked in the dark hallway. Dwarfed by the alarm, my voice sounded tinny and far away. “Are you all right? Can you hear me?”

The alarm’s wail melded with Jake’s baying. What good did a security system do, anyway? Alarms are meant to protect you from intruders wanting your stuff - not from shooters wanting your life. Yelling that it was me, it was Mom, I stumbled through my son’s bedroom door.

Arch had turned on his aquarium light and was sitting up in bed. In the eerie light, his pale face glowed. His toast-brown hair had fanned out in an electric halo, and his hastily donned tortoiseshell glasses were askew. He clutched a raised sword - a gleaming foil used for his school fencing practice. I punched the phone buttons for 911, but was trembling so badly I messed it up. Now the phone was braying in my ear.

Panic tensed Arch’s face as he leaned toward the watery light and squinted at me.

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