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Kathy Reichs: Code

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Life appears peaceful on Loggerhead Island – rescued from financial disaster, the research institute is flourishing once more. But the tranquility is quickly shattered when Tory Brennan and her technophile gang discover a mysterious box buried in the ground. A seemingly innocent treasure hunt soon turns into a nightmarish game of puzzles, as it becomes clear that one false move will lead to terrible, explosive consequences. The clock is ticking. Can Tory and the Virals crack the code in time to save the city – and their own lives?

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I’m fine . But I let Hi probe the rip in my sleeve.

Seconds ticked by. Then color returned to Hi’s cheeks. “It’s okay. Just a graze.”

My finger traced the shallow slash on my upper arm. Close .

“Did anyone see the shot?” Shelton whispered.

No more talking! I mind-shouted, tugging off the windbreaker and ripping away my shirtsleeve.

The wound was neat, straight, and parallel to the ground. It sliced horizontally across my left biceps, angling neither up nor down.

He’s level with us , I sent. Not on a roof .

I considered my body position at impact—facing forward, shoulders square to the park. To graze my left arm, the bullet had to have originated either directly ahead or from somewhere to our left.

I scanned the left side of the plaza. Settled on a trio of live oaks crowding the northeast corner. There .

Shelton spreads his hands. That’s all the way across the square!

Coop nudged my thigh. When our eyes met, he transmitted a series of images: Shelton and Ben circling left. Coop, Hiram, and I swinging right. Then snapping jaws, our prey caught squirming between.

Overcoming my shock, I relayed the wolfdog’s plan. He would know .

Thunder cracked. A lone squall swept the block, sprinkling us with briny drops. The eye was passing. Katelyn was about to rage again.

Go! I sent.

Everyone reacted at once. Coop, Hi, and I shot down Calhoun. Using the tree line as a screen, we sprinted to the end of the block and slid into the bushes.

Running west, I was aware of Ben and Shelton sprinting north along King. They hit the corner and took cover in the trees.

Both groups paused, panting, sharing points of view.

No shots. No movement. I worried the Gamemaster had already fled.

Glancing east, I saw a wall of rain marching across the peninsula. A blast of wind nearly knocked me on my butt as Katelyn stormed back. Howling and spitting, she fired branches across the plaza like matchsticks.

Close the jaws , I sent.

Simultaneously, we began to converge on the northeast corner.

Lightning flashed. For an insane moment I heard the wind scream my name. Then I danced sideways to avoid a tire tumbling down the sidewalk.


Hot metal buzzed my ear.

Hi dove for the hedge. I crashed in after him, and together we army-crawled to a stand of live oaks. Coop scurried to join us.

I shifted my perception to Shelton. He and Ben had ducked behind an outcropping of the hotel wall. As I watched, Shelton buried his face in the back of Ben’s sweatshirt.

Everyone okay? Struggling to catch my breath.

Coop yapped.

Beside me, Hi flashed a shaky grin. Not shot, if that’s what you mean .

Check . Ben was staring at a stand of pines twenty yards from his position.

I’m okay . Shelton had wedged himself farther behind Ben. Think I’ll stay here .

Hi tapped my shoulder and pointed.

A form was emerging from the shadows in the corner of the plaza, rifle trained on the hotel. Unaware of where Hi and I were positioned, the Gamemaster stepped into the square and began circling for a clean shot at Ben and Shelton.

In seconds they’d be in his crosshairs.

I beamed the danger. Move!

Ben didn’t hesitate. Pushing Shelton before him, he darted up the block.

For a terrifying moment the two were totally exposed.

The Gamemaster tensed. Raised his weapon. Fired.


Sparks flew from the hotel wall.

Ben and Shelton reached a stone bench and dove behind it.

The Gamemaster hurried forward, rifle trained on their position, back to where Hi and I crouched beside Coop.

Panic bubbled in my chest. He had the boys pinned down.

Before I could react, Hi rose and burst from the trees, lumbering straight for the Gamemaster’s back.

No! I sent.

Coop streaked after Hi.

I shot from the trees in pursuit.

Focused on his target, the Gamemaster failed to notice the action behind him. He closed to within a dozen yards of the bench.

I felt Ben enter my headspace. Look through my eyes.

Then, to my shock, he popped up and started waving his arms.

The Gamemaster froze, momentarily surprised. Recovering quickly, he leveled the barrel to fire. Ben dropped back behind the bench.

Hi kept bombing toward the Gamemaster. Thirty yards. Twenty.

At ten yards, Katelyn betrayed him.

Lightning flashed. The Gamemaster caught movement in the corner of his eye.

He spun. Centered Hi in his crosshairs.

Hi stumbled and fell in the pouring rain. Slid to a stop on his knees.

A smile split the Gamemaster’s mouth.

Oh damn , Hi sent.

I screamed, helpless.

Then a shadow exploded from the center of the plaza, rushing directly for the Gamemaster. He turned, astonished by this new attack.

The figure was familiar. I thought I was hallucinating.

Kit lowered one shoulder. Bellowing like a madman, he reached the Gamemaster and swung a wild haymaker.

The Gamemaster dropped his rifle and stepped sideways, ducking the blow and tossing Kit forward with one arm. Kit toppled and rolled across the slick grass.

Laughing, the Gamemaster pulled a Glock from his robe.

Too late .

Coop struck first, upending the Gamemaster and sending him sprawling.

The Glock went flying.

As the Gamemaster staggered to one knee, my foot connected with his jaw.

His eyes rolled back. Then Ben and Shelton tackled as one, driving him face-first into the muddy lawn.

“You freak!” Ben was hammering our enemy with his fists. I needed Shelton’s help to drag him off.

“Now that’s what I call backup!” Hi searched the Gamemaster’s robe and removed three more handguns. “Never doubted you guys for a second.” He jammed the weapons into his pockets. “Okay, that’s not really true. But you came through anyway!”

As we regained our breath Katelyn raged on, pounding our group with renewed ferocity.

No matter. It was over. The Gamemaster lay unconscious at my feet. We’d won.

Then, a moment of panic. Kit was there.

I quickly fired a message: Kill the lights!

Four flares snuffed in rapid succession.

I turned to find Kit staring at me, lungs heaving, water coursing down his face.

He wore a look of total bewilderment.

“Hi, Dad.”


OUTSIDE, THE HURRICANE thundered and churned.

Inside, my emotions did the same.

We sat in a hallway of Charleston Memorial Hospital, one group among many seeking shelter.

Though staffed by a skeleton crew, the building still bustled with doctors, patients, and stragglers caught by the storm. A medical center is never fully evacuated, and CMH was one of the few places downtown with its own generator.

I picked at my bandage, still avoiding the reality that I’d been shot. I certainly hadn’t told Kit. Neither had the exhausted medical staff—an oversight I’d let run as long as possible. Coop napped at my side, exhausted by the day’s events.

Shelton and Hi were spilling everything. Kit had demanded the story from me, but I’d remained stubbornly silent until the dynamic duo took up the tale. Kit’s eyes widened as they related an almost complete version of our last two weeks.

Kit had already explained how he found us .

After discovering my note, Kit had run outside only to see Sewee motoring into the Atlantic. A full-blown panic had ensued, with every father demanding a spot on Hugo to chase us down.

Finally, playing the boss card, Kit had ordered his employees to evacuate Morris. Then he’d sped toward downtown in his 4Runner after browbeating the police into letting him cross the bridge. Once on the peninsula he’d stalled, having no idea where to look.

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