Blind Justice
A Ben Kincaid Novel of Suspense (Book Two)
William Bernhardt
A MysteriousPress.com
Open Road Integrated Media
For Michel, Valerie, and Karis
They say Justice is bloind: That she is.
And deef and doom and has a wooden leg, as well.
Finley Peter Dunne’s “Mister Dooley”
In law, what plea so tainted and corrupt, But, being seasoned with a gracious voice Obscure the show of evil?
William Shakespeare
The Merchant of Venice , Act III, scene ii
HE RETURNED THE GUN to the end table drawer. That would be his last resort, he thought, as he closed the drawer, hands trembling. The absolute last.
There were all kinds of tricks he could try before it came to that. Options abounded. He strode into the kitchen, trying to buoy his spirits with false optimism. It didn’t work.
He opened the refrigerator and removed the chilled carafe. He knew which one she would choose; it didn’t take a genius. He removed a small bottle from his pocket, unscrewed the dropper, and carefully let eight drops fall into the carafe. That was the recommended dosage—more than enough, in all likelihood. Then again, he thought, better safe than sorry. He released six more drops into the carafe.
He returned the carafe to the refrigerator, almost dropping it in the process. He stared at his hands—they were covered with sweat. His whole body was soaked; a cold, clammy sensation radiated from his head to his toes. He wiped his brow, then dried his hands on a dish towel. He couldn’t let this get to him. Options, he reminded himself. Abundant options. Everything would be fine. Well, except for her, of course.
He walked back into the living room, glancing through the patio windows on the north side. There were two cars parked on the ground level in the driveway, watching, ready to follow at a moment’s notice. They had been there all day.
What were they waiting for? He felt his knees shaking, his respiration accelerating. Just don’t panic, he told himself. There could be hundreds of reasons why two cars would be parked in the driveway. Perfectly innocent ones. It still wasn’t hopeless. Options, abundant options.
Yeah, right. He couldn’t just sit here and wait for them to come. He opened the end table drawer and reached for the gun—then stopped. Mother of God!—that wasn’t the answer. At least not yet. He slammed the drawer closed, his heart palpitating violently in his chest.
He threw himself into an easy chair and tried to think through his plan, its intricate details and contingencies, but his eyes kept diverting to the window. Were they still there? And how much longer until—
He closed his eyes. This was pointless. He would just proceed according to plan; that was the only solution. Create a diversion, as it were—throw the heat off him. It would buy him sufficient time to get the hell out of town. At any rate, it was better than the alternative.
He inhaled deeply and felt his heartbeat slowly subside. That was the ticket—just stick to the plan, and watch everything work itself out. Oh!—he would have to call her and leave the appropriate message. But it was too early for that. The less time she had to think about it the better.
He smiled. This will work, he told himself. It really will. Let the bastards come; he would be ready for them. He fell back into his chair, at last confident that everything would work out, that the end table drawer would not have to be opened.
Until the phone rang.
The Chicken Is in the Mail
THERE WAS SOMETHING WRONG with Ben’s office, but he couldn’t quite put his finger on what. Maybe it was the dozen or so chickens running amuck on the linoleum floor. Perhaps it was the toilet paper strewn throughout the lobby. Or possibly it was the man pointing a gun at Ben’s face.
“Is there something I can do for you?” Ben asked, trying to appear calm.
“Not really,” said the large, unshaven man holding the weapon. “I just come in to blow your head off.”
“Oh,” Ben said. It was hard to know what to say.
Jones, Ben’s male secretary, stood up behind the small card table he called his secretarial station. “Is there something I should be doing, Boss?”
“Call 911,” Ben said succinctly.
“Right away, Boss.” Jones picked up the phone receiver and began to dial.
The intruder adjusted his aim slightly in Jones’s direction. “You try it and I’ll shoot the phone right out of your hand.”
Jones hesitated. “Come on. You don’t look like you’re nearly that good a shot.”
“You’re right,” the man replied, “I’ll probably miss.”
Jones hung up the phone.
“Look,” Ben said, “at least tell me what this is all about. You know, grant the last wish of the condemned.”
The man looked at Ben suspiciously. “Why should I?”
Ben thought for a moment. “So I can rue my fatal error in the hour of my doom?”
The man did not seem impressed.
“So I know what file to put the coroner’s report in,” Jones offered. “I hate it when the filing backs up.”
Ben rolled his eyes. Thanks, Jones.
This line of reasoning, however, seemed to engage the man’s attention. “Try the file labeled Loving versus Loving ,” he said bitterly.
Ben remembered the case. The surnames stuck in his mind; they were pretty ironic, given that it was a divorce case. “You must be Mr. Loving.”
“Damn straight,” Loving said, pushing the gun closer to Ben’s face. “And you’re the man who took my woman away from me.”
“I’m the attorney who represented her in the divorce,” Ben corrected. “Why didn’t you show up at the hearing?”
Loving’s broad, strong shoulders expanded. “Some things is between a man and a woman,” he said. “I don’t hold with airin’ dirty laundry in public.”
“When you didn’t appear at the hearing or send a lawyer to represent you,” Ben explained, “the matter became uncontested.” He saw in the corner of his eye that Jones had quietly lifted the phone receiver again and was beginning to dial. He tried to keep Loving distracted. “The judge granted the divorce by default. She had no choice, really, under the circumstances.”
Loving took a step closer. “I heard you told some disgusting, filthy lies about me in that courtroom.”
Ben cleared his throat. “I…merely recited the allegations of my client.”
“Like sayin’ I liked to dress up in high heels and panty hose?”
“Uhh…I believe that was one of the reasons your ex wanted a divorce,” Ben said weakly.
“And what was that stuff about barnyard animals?” Loving growled.
Ben stared at the ceiling. “Oh, was there something about barnyard animals? I don’t recall exactly.…” He felt a bead of sweat trickling down his forehead. Couldn’t Jones dial any faster?
“You made my life a living hell!” Loving shouted. He was waving the gun wildly back and forth. “You took away the best woman I ever knew. Now you’re going to pay for it.”
“I don’t suppose it would make any difference if I told you today was my birthday?” Ben asked.
Loving cocked the hammer. “Consider this your present.”
“If you really love your wife so much, why don’t you try to win her back?”
“Win her back?”
“Yeah. Maybe you two could get remarried.”
“It’s too late for that.”
“Of course it’s not too late,” Ben assured him. “Reconciliations happen all the time. Natalie Wood and Robert Wagner got married three times!”
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