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Sara Shepard: Unbelievable

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Sara Shepard Unbelievable

Unbelievable: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Behind Rosewood's grand facades, where the air smells like apples and Chanel No. 5 and infinity pools sparkle in landscaped backyards, nothing is as it seems. It was here, back in seventh grade, that five best friends shared everything--Seven jeans, MAC makeup, and their deepest, darkest secrets. For Aria, Spencer, Hanna, and Emily, it was a dream come true . . . until Alison, the most beautiful of them all, suddenly vanished. Now someone named A has turned their charmed lives into a living nightmare. Emily has been shipped off to her hyper-conservative cousins in Iowa. Aria is stuck living with her dad and his home-wrecker girlfriend. And Spencer fears she had something to do with Alison's murder. But Hanna's fate is far worse than all of that--she's clinging to life in the hospital, because "she knew too much." With A's threats turning dangerous and Ali's killer still on the loose, the girls must uncover the truth--about A, about Ali, and about what happened to Hanna--before they become A's next victims. But as they unravel Rosewood's mysteries and secrets, will it bring an end to the horror . . . or is this just the beginning?

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Aria dragged in the last of the bags Sean had dumped at her feet last night and looked around. She knew Meredith had quirky taste—she was an artist, and taught classes at Hollis College, the same place where Byron was tenured—but Meredith’s living room looked like a psychopath had decorated it. There was a dentist’s chair in the corner, complete with a tray for all the instruments of torture. Meredith had covered a whole wall with pictures of eyeballs. She branded messages into wood as a form of artistic expression, and there was a big wood chunk across the mantel that said, BEAUTY IS ONLY SKIN DEEP, BUT UGLY GOES CLEAN TO THE BONE. There was a large cutout of the Wicked Witch of the West pasted over the kitchen table. Aria was half tempted to point to it and say she hadn’t known Meredith’s mother was from Oz. Then she saw a raccoon in the corner and screamed.

“Don’t worry, don’t worry,” Meredith said quickly. “He’s stuffed. I bought him at a taxidermy store in Philly.”

Aria wrinkled her nose. This place rivaled the Mütter Museum of medical oddities in Philadelphia, which Aria’s brother loved almost as much as the sex museums he’d visited in Europe.

“Aria!” Byron appeared from behind a corner, wiping his hands on his jeans. Aria noted that he was wearing dark denim jeans with a belt and a soft gray sweater—maybe his usual uniform of a sweat-stained Sixers T-shirt and frayed plaid boxers wasn’t good enough for Meredith. “Welcome!”

Aria grunted, hefting up her duffel again. When she sniffed the air, it smelled like a combination of burnt wood and Cream of Wheat. She eyed the pot on the stove suspiciously. Perhaps Meredith was cooking gruel, like an evil headmistress in a Dickens novel.

“So let me show you your room.” Byron grabbed Aria’s hand. He led her down the hall to a large, square room that contained a few big chunks of wood, some branding irons, an enormous band saw, and welding tools. Aria assumed this was Meredith’s studio—or the room where she finished off her victims.

“This way,” Byron said. He led her to a space in the corner of the studio that was separated from the rest of the room by a floral curtain. When he pushed the curtain back, he crowed, “Taa- daaa !”

A twin bed and a dresser missing three of its drawers occupied a space only slightly larger than a shower stall. Byron had carried in her other suitcases earlier, but because there was no room on the floor, he’d piled them on the bed. There was one flat, yellowed pillow propped up against the headboard, and someone had balanced a tiny portable TV in the windowsill. There was a sticker on the top of it that said in old, faded, seventies lettering, SAVE A HORSE, RIDE A WELDER.

Aria turned to Byron, feeling nauseated. “I have to sleep in Meredith’s studio?”

“She doesn’t work at night,” Byron said quickly. “And look! You have your own TV and your own fireplace!” He pointed to a huge brick monstrosity that took up most of the far wall. Most Old Hollis houses had fireplaces in every room because their central heating systems sucked. “You can make it cozy in here at night!”

“Dad, I have no idea how to light a fireplace.” Then Aria noticed a trail of cockroaches going from one corner of the ceiling to another. “Jesus!” she screamed, pointing at them and cowering behind Byron.

“They’re not real,” Byron reassured her. “Meredith painted them. She’s really personalized this place with an artistic touch.”

Aria felt like she was going to hyperventilate. “They look real to me!”

Byron looked honestly surprised. “I thought you’d like this place. It was the best we could put together on such short notice.”

Aria shut her eyes. She missed Ezra’s shabby little apartment, with its bathtub and thousands of books and map of the New York City subway system shower curtain. There were no roaches there, either—real or fake.

“Honey?” Meredith’s voice rang out from the kitchen. “Dinner’s ready.”

Byron gave Aria a tight smile and turned for the kitchen. Aria figured she should follow. In the kitchen, Meredith was setting bowls at each of their plates. Thankfully, dinner wasn’t gruel, but innocent-looking chicken soup. “I thought this would be best for my stomach,” she admitted.

“Meredith’s been having some stomach issues,” Byron explained. Aria turned to the window and smiled. Maybe she’d get lucky and Meredith would have somehow contracted the bubonic plague.

“It’s low-salt.” Meredith punched Byron in the arm. “So it’s good for you, too.”

Aria looked at her father curiously. Byron used to salt every single bite while it was on the fork. “Since when do you eat low-salt stuff?”

“I have high blood pressure,” Byron said, pointing to his heart.

Aria wrinkled her nose. “No, you don’t.”

“Yes, I do.” Byron tucked his napkin into his collar. “I have for a while now.”

“But…but you’ve never eaten low-salt stuff before.”

“I’m a slave driver,” Meredith insisted, scraping back a seat and sitting down. Meredith had positioned Aria at the head of the Wicked Witch cutout. Aria slid her bowl over to cover the witch’s pea-green visage. “I keep him on a regimen,” Meredith went on. “I make him take vitamins, too.”

Aria slumped, dread welling in her stomach. Meredith was already acting like Byron’s wife, and he’d only lived with her for a month.

Meredith pointed to Aria’s hand. “Whatcha got there?”

Aria stared down at her lap, realizing she was still holding the Shakespeare bobblehead Ezra had given her. “Oh. It’s just…something from a friend.”

“A friend who likes literature, I guess.” Meredith reached out and made Shakespeare’s head bob up and down. There was a tiny glint in her eye.

Aria froze. Could Meredith know about Ezra? She glanced at Byron. Her father slurped his soup, oblivious. He wasn’t reading at the table, something he constantly did at home. Had Byron seriously been unhappy at home? Did he honestly enjoy bug-painting, taxidermy-loving Meredith more than he loved Aria’s sweet, kind, loving mother, Ella? And what made Byron think Aria could just sit idly by and accept this?

“Oh, Meredith has a surprise for you,” Byron piped up. “Every semester, she gets to take a class at Hollis for free. She says you can use this semester’s credit to take a class instead.”

“That’s right.” Meredith passed the Hollis College continuing education course book to Aria. “Maybe you’d like to take one of the art classes I’m teaching?”

Aria bit down hard on the inside of her cheek. She’d rather have shards of glass permanently lodged in her throat than spend a single additional moment with Meredith.

“Come on, pick a class,” Byron urged. “You know you want to.”

So they were forcing her to do this? Aria whipped open the book. Maybe she could take something in German filmmaking, or microbiology, or Special Topics in Neglected Children and Maladjusted Family Behavior.

Then something caught her eye. Mindless Art: Create uniquely crafted masterpieces in tune with your soul’s needs, wants, and desires. Through sculpture and touch, students learn to depend less on their eyes and more on their inner selves.

Aria circled the class with the gray ROCKS ROCK! Hollis geology department pencil she’d found wedged in the course book. The class definitely sounded kooky. It might even end up being like one of those Icelandic yoga classes where instead of stretching, Aria and the rest of the students danced with their eyes closed, making hawk noises. But she needed a little mindlessness right now. Plus, it was one of the few art classes that Meredith wasn’t teaching. Which pretty much made it perfect.

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