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David Gemmell: Quest for Lost Heroes

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David Gemmell Quest for Lost Heroes

Quest for Lost Heroes: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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The Drenai fortress of Dros Delnoch has fallen and blood hungry Nadir hordes sweep across the land, bringing desolation and despair. But, with the Nadir triumphant, slavers seize a young girl in the tiny realm of Gothir and a peasant boy sets off on a quest that will shake the world. To rescue her, Kiall must cross the savage steppes and journey through the Halls of Hell, facing ferocious beasts, deadly warriors and demons of the dark. But the boy is not alone. With him are the legendary heroes of Bel-Azar: Chareos the Blademaster, Beltzer the Axeman and the bowmen Finn and Maggrig. And one among them hides a secret that could free the world of Nadir domination. For he is the Nadir Bane, the hope of the Drennai. He is the Earl of Bronze.

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'How will you get in?' whispered Chien.

Tanaki smiled. 'Distract the guards,' she said. Removing her sword-belt but keeping a curved dagger, she waited until the sentries had passed and then ran to the wall, crouching in the shadows.

Digging into the pocket of his breeches, Chien came up with four golden coins. Tucking them into his belt he waited for the sentries, took a deep breath and then began to sing. He staggered out into the open, belched, half fell and then ambled on towards the men.

'Good evening, my brothers,' he said.

'What are you doing here, fool?' asked one of the sentries, moving forward and touching the point of his spear to Chien's chest.

'Fool?' repeated Chien, giggling and swaying sideways. 'You think I am a fool? Not me, brothers. I. .' he looked left and right, as if fearing to be overheard. 'I have discovered the Great Secret. I learned it from a shaman. And never will I be poor again. Fool? No brothers, I am celebrating riches beyond your dreams.'

'Riches?' said another. 'What nonsense is this? Be off with you!'

Chien glanced over the man's shoulders. Tanaki had begun to climb the wall behind them.

'Nonsense? You don't believe me.' He waved his hand. 'Give me a copper coin and I will prove it to you. I will turn it into gold before your eyes. Then we'll see. Oh, yes. We'll see.'

The men chuckled. One of them laid his spear on the ground and fished into the pocket of his jerkin. He handed Chien a rough stamped copper coin bearing the head of Tenaka Khan.

Chien rolled the coin in his fingers and flicked it into the air. He caught it deftly and held up his fist, then he began to chant. The words were in an obscure Kiatze dialect.

'Get on with it,' said one of the sentries, losing patience.

'It is done,' said Chien. 'Here is your coin.' He opened his hand, and the gleam of gold was caught by the moonlight. The man took it, his mouth dropping open.

'Do one for me,' said the second sentry.

Tanaki was almost at the top of the wall.

'Why is it always you first?' retorted the third. 'Do mine!'

'I will do them both together,' Chien told them. He accepted their coins, and repeated his chant.

Tanaki clambered over the wall. 'There!' said Chien, handing them the gold coins.

'More! Do us more,' urged the first.

'Tomorrow, when I have rested,' promised Chien. 'Where shall we meet?'

'You know the Clay Pony, behind the Wolves' barracks?'

'Of course,' said Chien. 'But it must be only you. I could not do this for everyone; it would exhaust me. Just you three.'

'Yes, yes, just us. Be there at noon, yes?'

'Oh yes,' agreed Chien. 'I will be there. And now I am for bed. And you should be at your duties.'

He walked away, back into the shadows.

The Princess was inside, and that was a victory.

But getting out would not be so simple, he knew.


Tanaki rolled to the ramparts, dagger ready. There were no sentries. Swiftly she moved to the steps and ran down to the courtyard below. To her left was the guardhouse; she could see lantern light through the shuttered windows, and hear the sounds of men talking and laughing — these would be the eunuch guards. Straight ahead was the garden walkway and, to the right, the long, elaborately furnished rooms where the Khan's women spent their days. Here would be the baths and the pools. Beyond these were the sleeping quarters. Many of the concubines slept in dormitories, only the privileged few having rooms of their own.

Tanaki crept across the courtyard and into the darkened day room. Keeping to the wall she walked to the far end of the chamber, opening a door which led to a curtain-hung corridor. Several cats were sleeping here. She moved on past the dormitory rooms to a set of stairs, which she ascended swiftly.

Knowing the layout of the women's quarters, she tried to decide in which of the major rooms Ravenna would be housed. Not the nearest to the Khan's secret corridor — that would be reserved for his latest concubine. No, Ravenna would have been moved closer to the midwives' quarters in the east. She padded on, coming at last to a narrow door which led, she knew, to a suite of rooms overlooking the eastern Steppes. Here sunlight bathed the rooms, bringing heat in the morning but staying cool in the afternoon. Opening the door, she slipped inside. The bed had been moved to the window and Tanaki could see a young woman lying on her back. As she crept closer, it was obvious she was pregnant. Tanaki moved to the bedside and sat down, touching the woman's arm.

'Ravenna,' she whispered. 'Ravenna, wake up!'

The woman's eyes opened. 'What is it?" she asked sleepily.

'Kiall sent me.'

'Kiall?' Ravenna yawned. 'Is this a dream?'

'No. Listen to me. I am here to take you from the city. Your friend Kiall has crossed the Steppes to rescue you. For pity's sake, wake up and listen to me!'

The woman eased herself to a sitting position. 'Kiall? The dreamer?'

'The very same.'

'We could never get away from here,' whispered Ravenna. 'There are guards everywhere.'

'I got to you,' argued Tanaki.

Ravenna winced and put a hand to her distended belly. 'He kicks hard,' she said, smiling. She was an attractive girl, Tanaki realised, but no beauty. Her chinline was too strong, her eyes too small. But her smile was radiant.

'Get dressed, Ravenna. I will take you to Kiall.'

'Why has he come for me? I don't understand.'

'Neither does he. Do you want to leave?'

'You have no idea how much I want to leave. I hate this place, I hate these people. But most of all I loathe the Khan. May a thousand curses fall on his blood-line!'

'Be careful what you wish for,' snapped Tanaki. 'Your babe is of that line.'

Ravenna looked instantly contrite. 'I didn't mean. .'

'Just get dressed,' said Tanaki. Ravenna slipped into a long robe of soft blue-dyed wool and some silk shoes. 'You have no cloak or walking shoes?' Tanaki asked.

'Why would I need a cloak in here? They never let us out.'

'Follow me,' said Tanaki, leading the woman out into the corridor. Ravenna moved slowly and Tanaki glanced back, her irritation growing, but there was nothing to be done. The pregnancy was well advanced, the swelling huge.

When they reached the door to the courtyard, Tanaki opened it a fraction and looked out. Two sentries were now patrolling the ramparts and she cursed.

'What is it?' asked Ravenna.

'Guards. Two of them.'

'Can we get past them?'

'Not at the speed you move.' She opened the door once more, watching the men, counting the seconds as the sentries passed by one another. Their only chance lay in moving as the warriors reached the angle of the walls, before they turned back. She watched them repeat the manoeuvre three times, then seized Ravenna's arm. 'Now!' she hissed.

They moved from the doorway on to open ground and crept across the courtyard to the wall. 'We'll never get out,' Ravenna whispered.

Keeping to the shadows, the two women edged closer to the postern gate. The sentries were directly above them now as Tanaki ran her hands over the gate-bolts. They were rust-covered and she cursed softly — and eased back the bolt. It moved no more than an inch, then creaked. Tanaki froze. But the guards had not heard and she moved it again. This time the bolt slid clear. Tanaki swallowed hard, took a deep breath and pulled open the gate. Glancing outside, she saw three guards were standing no more than twenty feet away. There was no way past them, and she could not kill them all.

Then she saw Chien-tsu. He walked across the open ground towards the guards and one of them turned and raised his spear. Suddenly the little warrior spun and launched a kick which cannoned against the sentry's temple to send the man catapulting from his feet. A second guard fell with a knife in his throat. The third rushed at the Kiatze warrior, but Chien-tsu stepped aside from the thrust of the spear and rammed the blade of his hand into the man's neck.

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