OGC owns the ITIL brand (copyright and trademark). OGC is a UK Government department that supports the delivery of the government’s procurement agenda through its work in collaborative procurement and in raising levels of procurement skills and capability within departments. It also provides support for complex public sector projects.
(Service Strategy) Pro vision of Services from a location outside the country where the Customer is based, often in a different continent. This can be the provision of an IT Service, or of supporting Functions such as a Service Desk. See also On-shore.
(Service Strategy) Pro vision of Services from a location within the country where the Customer is based. See also Off-shore.
To perform as expected. A Process or Configuration Item is said to Operate if it is delivering the Required outputs. Operate also means to perform one or more Operations. For example, to Operate a computer is to do the day-to-day Operations needed for it to perform as expected.
(Service Operation) Day-to-day management of an IT Service, System, or other Configuration Item. Operation is also used to mean any pre-defined Activity or Transaction. For example loading a magnetic tape, accepting money at a point of sale, or reading data from a disk drive.
The lowest of three levels of Planning and delivery (Strategic, Tactical, Operational). Operational Activities include the day-to-day or short-term Planning or delivery of a Business Process or IT Service Management Process. The term Operational is also a synonym for Live.
Operational Cost
Cost resulting from running the IT Services. Often repeating payments. For example staff costs, hardware maintenance and electricity (also known as ‘current expenditure’ or ‘revenue expenditure’).
Operational Level Agreement
(Service Design) (Continual Service Improvement) An Agreement between an IT Service provider and another part of the same Organization. An OLA supports the IT Service provider’s delivery of IT Services to Customers. The OLA defines the goods or Services to be provided and the responsibilities of both parties. For example there could be an OLA:
Between the IT Service provider and a procurement department to obtain hardware in agreed times
Between the Service Desk and a Support group to provide Incident Resolution in agreed times.
See also Service Level Agreement .
Review, Plan and request Changes, in order to obtain the maximum Efficiency and Effectiveness from a Process, Configuration Item, Application, etc.
A company, legal entity or other institution. Examples of Organizations that are not companies include International Standards Organization or itSMF. The term Organization is sometimes used to refer to any entity that has People, Resources and Budgets. For example a Project or Business Unit.
The result of carrying out an Activity; following a Process; delivering an IT Service, etc. The term Outcome is used to refer to intended results, as well as to actual results. See also Objective.
(Service Strategy) Using an External Service provider to manage IT Services.
See Indirect cost.
A relationship between two Organizations that involves working closely together for common goals or mutual benefit. The IT Service provider should have a Partnership with the Business, and with Third Parties who are critical to the delivery of IT Services. See also Value Network .
Passive Monitoring
(Service Operation) Monitoring of a Configuration Item, an IT Service or a Process that relies on an Alert or notification to discover the current status.
Pattern of Business Activity
(Service Strategy) A Workload profile of one or more Business Activities. Patterns of Business Activity are used to help the IT Service provider understand and plan for different levels of Business Activity.
A measure of what is achieved or delivered by a System, person, team, Process, or IT Service.
Performance Management
(Continual Service Improvement) The Process responsible for day-to-day Capacity Management Activities. These include monitoring, threshold detection, Performance analysis and Tuning, and implementing changes related to Performance and Capacity.
(Service Transition) A limited Deployment of an IT Service, a Release or a Process to the Live Environment. A pilot is used to reduce Risk and to gain User feedback and Acceptance. See also Test, Evaluation.
A detailed proposal that describes the Activities and Resources needed to achieve an Objective. For example a Plan to implement a new IT Service or Process. ISO/IEC 20000 requires a Plan for the management of each IT Service Management Process.
(Continual Service Improvement) A four-stage cycle for Process management, attributed to Edward Deming. Plan–Do–Check–Act is also called the Deming Cycle.
PLAN: Design or revise Processes that support the IT Services.
DO: Implement the Plan and manage the Processes.
CHECK: Measure the Processes and IT Services, compare with Objectives and produce reports.
ACT: Plan and implement Changes to improve the Processes.
Planned Downtime
(Service Design) Agreed time when an IT Service will not be available. Planned Downtime is often used for maintenance, upgrades and testing. See also Change Window, Downtime.
An Activity responsible for creating one or more Plans. For example, Capacity Planning.
A Project management Standard maintained and published by the Project Management Institute. PMBOK stands for Project Management Body of Knowledge. See www.pmi.org for more information. See also PRINCE2.
Formally documented management expectations and intentions. Policies are used to direct decisions, and to ensure consistent and appropriate development and implementation of Processes, Standards, Roles, Activities, IT Infrastructure, etc.
Portable Facility
(Service Design) A prefabricated building, or a large vehicle, provided by a Third party and moved to a site when needed by an IT Service Continuity Plan. See also Recovery Option.
Post-Implementation Review
A Review that takes place after a Change or a Project has been implemented. A PIR determines if the Change or Project was successful, and identifies opportunities for improvement.
A way of working, or a way in which work must be done. Practices can include Activities, Processes, Functions, Standards and Guidelines. See also Best Practice.
Prerequisite for Success
An Activity that needs to be completed, or a condition that needs to be met, to enable successful implementation of a Plan or Process. A PFS is often an output from one Process that is a required input to another Process.
(Service Strategy) The Activity for establishing how much Customers will be Charged.
The standard UK government methodology for Project management. See www.ogc.gov.uk/prince2 for more information. See also PMBOK.
(Service Transition) (Service Operation) A Category used to identify the relative importance of an Incident, Problem or Change. Priority is based on Impact and Urgency, and is used to identify required times for actions to be taken. For example, the SLA may state that Priority 2 Incidents must be resolved within 12 hours.
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