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Sony Tansi: The Shameful State

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Sony Tansi The Shameful State

The Shameful State: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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Set in a fictitious African nation, this novel by the distinguished writer Sony Labou Tansi takes aim at the corruption, degeneracy, violence, and repression of political life in Africa. At the heart of The Shameful State is the story of Colonel Martillimi Lopez, the nation’s president, whose eccentricity and whims epitomize the “shameful situation in which humanity has elected to live.” Lopez stages a series of grotesque and barbaric events while his nation falls apart. Unable to resist the dictator’s will, his desperate citizens are left with nothing but humiliation. The evocation of this deranged world is a showcase for the linguistic and stylistic inventiveness that are the hallmark of Sony Labou Tansi’s work. This first English translation by Dominic Thomas includes a foreword by Congolese writer Alain Mabanckou that contextualizes the novel’s importance in literary history and the significance of Sony Labou Tansi for future generations of writers.

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And so the nine hundred and sixty-seven components of the machine that could tell the future were brought in, three hundred and twelve for the reading rooms and ninety-three for the light chambers, and then the listening chambers and we started looking at the future of his hernia. And here was Martillimi Lopez, son of National Mom’s future, as we read it in our brother Aknin de Rochegonde’s chambers. I’m retelling it for you right now down to the last detail and without so much as omitting even a single comma. We saw it up on a big screen. I can’t explain the various sequences, I’m not capable of that: I’m just sharing some of the images with you. Without spending too much time on specific details because we saw his future in every detail. My feeling is that only the important points of what we were going to live through in the immediate future were clear, because we could see from the most fundamental forecasts some rather vague events in his life. I should also say that brother Jean Aknin de Rochegonde’s machine was silent. However, as events unfold my brothers and dear fellow countrymen, it has become increasingly clear that the machine was spot on, at least as far as the main events are concerned.

A theater company from the town of Yambi-City came to perform in the presidential palace to mark the forty-ninth anniversary of the day when we went to pick him up from National Mom’s home village, reenacting the entry of his hernia into the capital. The company was called El Commedia de la Outa. But you can call him El Commedia Lopez. He watches this girl who’s dancing like a goddess and that is presenting his hernia with the greatest dilemma it has ever faced and I mean ever faced. Stop laughing: when I say ever I really mean ever . And he parades it about. My God, how beautiful she is, how fleshy. But Mr. President sir, Maria Leontina Chi is the mayor of Yambi-City’s wife.

“He can go fuck himself: surely we aren’t going to build walls deep down in our hernias just because of some piece of ass, ah Mom look, Carvanso, look how alive this flesh is, how her rump has become a heart, a heart instead of that shameful thing it had always been: I want her, I must have her, or you might as well rip off my prick.” “But Mr. President sir, that’s brother Yambo-Yambi’s wife.” He has the Minister of Inter-Civilizational Dialogue come over. “Now sort this out immediately. I can’t sleep. I’m not eating anymore: am I to blame if my heart is telling me to love this dancer? It’s no longer just a matter of the zipper; I swear Daninso my heart has fallen into her legs.”

“Yes, Mr. President.”

He writes a three-thousand-page poem in honor of her lips. I can’t sleep, I’ll never sleep again. I no longer even need your shitty power. No more of that bachelor heart and soul!

The Shameful State - изображение 2

They came to fetch the prisoner and ordered him to confess everything. Then he’s handed over to “Master Kidney” just so that he understands how deadly serious we are, Master Kidney squeezes his male utensils, crushes his nuts. A thick whitish gel squirts him in the face: his foul salty juices are spurting all over the place. My God, you Bha really are a filthy lot. He slashes off those male instruments that drive you to hatch plots; you want to be in power so that you can help yourself to all the women’s legs, to satisfy those tools of yours, but I won’t let you have them. He peels off his flesh deep enough so that it won’t grow back. He’s yelling: “I don’t understand.” Really? What is it exactly that you don’t understand? You were the mastermind behind the grand plot, weren’t you? He’s tortured using every known technique: the Zourmana and Jean Moulin technique, and all those left behind from the colonial era. Are you going to confess or not? They try the Master Kidney technique. But his screams are too loud. Try the Cabine technique instead: the screams won’t be so loud. And it’s better anyway since it doesn’t leave any physical traces. It works well on elephants and little runts like him. And you’d better start being more cooperative. Who masterminded the plot? His body was in tatters, his flesh and soul all torn up: “I don’t understand.” Those are the only words he was able to get out. Well you’re going to understand, and right now. They shove a big lead ball in his mouth so that you can’t start screaming like that again. They work him over real good. If you believe in God, don’t go asking him to punish us under the pretext that we don’t know what we’re doing. I know what we’re doing, I do: it’s because of pigs like you that my wife has to go and be mounted elsewhere while I’m busy looking out for coups d’état and plots against me; and I know what I owe that kind of pig who’s responsible for such a state of affairs. And he punches away. And I love my wife, you know! I should be sleeping at her side at this hour. Doing the thing with her, all night long. But I have no time for humping and then when I can hump, I… I’m stiff like one is with a woman. That’s how I exercise my male function. Too bad for you: if this is the way you want things to be. He plunges his claws into the prisoner’s throat with such force and pleasure you might very well consider it sexual. Plots every day, fine, but when you’re in power we all know what you get up to: the women, the cars, the villas, a real civilization of sex, and I’m snatching all these things away from you. And I’d be willing to bet that with an instrument like that you’ve probably popped a few cherries in your time; well, I’m taking it away from you. For the simple reason that you won’t need it in your coffin. Ouama na chrachi! (My God). Now I want you to give me the names of the others in your gang. You’re Bha, and the Bhas have a reputation for being caught up in just about every coup. Maybe this will help you understand why when I lay hands on a Bha, I get a “Bhanana.” Let’s begin with the official report: and hurry up and talk. I’ve got a list of fifty people I have to interrogate. Well, what did you want to do? Kill all the members of the government, is that right? Well, that’s not very nice my brother now, is it? After all, there are seventy-six of them. And what did you plan on doing with the three Bhas in the cabinet? Were you going to spare them? My God, Bha tribalism really is something else! Who masterminded the plot? It was Yambo-Yambi, wasn’t it? Ah, that one, he should be killed ten times over, made into soap, or chopped into pieces and fed to the dogs. Now, which infantrymen were going to “bump off” the president? Let’s start with the officers: ex-Colonel Pamo? Ex-Colonel Domitri Diaz? Lieutenant-Colonel Suampo, Captain Alonso Rodriguos Nandi? Del Fuenzo or those bastards Sayonso… Ourni Toulazo, basically all those “Bhananas,” right? And weren’t there a few Mihilis traitors in there as well, like that bastard Oursondo Manuel? And what about Proseido Sanchi? And a few of those shits from the south? Tazos Pueblo, for example? Wow, really! And Nouany Eustacho, Zackario Foundou, Toko Marino Mene Marino; well you’ve certainly made it easy on my hernia as Lopez would say; now sign here. It’s your statement and you don’t want to sign?

“But I haven’t said a word…”

“You never interrupted me once: silence means consent. You’re going to sign this… you don’t seem to understand that if you don’t I’ll rip out your kidneys. So, be wise: do you really want me to slash open your belly just because of a silly little signature?”

“I can’t do it.”

“Ok, so be it. Have you ever seen your kidneys?”

He rummages rummages and rummages. He insults your badly fucked mother who should have done a better job of raising you like the real mothers around here do. Do your job in God’s name, do your job! Around here, doing your job means allowing yourself to be disemboweled. And he does nothing to stop himself from being disemboweled. I’m just doing my job; all you had to do was do yours.

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