It wouldn’t be bad to do a little business in here. It is a part of life. I haven’t been writing lately, but I’m gonna have to start working on something. If I’m gonna be with Suzanne, I’m gonna have to be able to keep up with her financially. I don’t expect her to support me.
Shit, there’s Sam. Don’t come near me, man, don’t even think about coming over here. That’s right, go look out the window. A scalper , for Christ’s sake. What am I supposed to have in common with him? He didn’t even scalp tickets for concerts I would have gone to.
I wish I played an instrument…
Carl told the greatest story in the park today about how he ended up in prison. He had gone to rob a movie theater, and he went to the office and pulled a gun on the secretary, who said that only the manager knew the combination to the safe, and he’d gone out for a while. Carl told her he’d wait. Pretty soon an usher came in to see the secretary, and Carl made him wait with them. Soon after, two kids from the concession stand came looking for the usher, whose mother was waiting outside to drive him home, and they became part of the group. Then the mother came up. Before long there were about fifteen people staring at Carl and his gun in this tiny office. Carl said it got pretty awkward and very hot.
When the manager finally did come, the alarm went off. The police came, but Carl sneaked out and started to drive off. The police shot at him, a bullet went straight through his Afro, and Carl shit in his pants. He had to sit in the back of the police car while they wrote up the report, with his pants full of shit. I said, “You’re kidding,” and Carl said, “Shoot, you have a bullet go through your hair, you’d crap yourself, too, I don’t care who you are.” Carl is a wonder.
I talked to my agent today. He thinks maybe I should do a television series. I would like to do something where I have to work all the time. Keep my mind off my mind, as it were. Get up real early in the morning, act like someone else all day, and fall asleep at night. A perfect job for me.
The fix that doesn’t.
…So I go in to watch The Outer Limits and maybe see some Star Trek before bullshit group therapy—I know we’re supposed to be writing our drug inventory, but they can just hold their breath before I’m gonna write that —and all the guys are sitting watching basketball. I loathe basketball. And they’re all doing that macho yelling shit. I don’t care if it is the play-offs. We always watch The Outer Limits . As far as this place can go, it’s a tradition. I’ve gotta get out of here.
Suzanne is in Carol’s room. Why are they always together? I’m starting to think Suzanne may be a little bit of a snob. What does she think, that she’s too great to talk to me? I mean, all right, sure, maybe I haven’t talked to her, but I’ve seen her talking to a lot of other people on the unit. I don’t think I’m so unavailable and unappealing.
Julie sort of cornered me when she said I was isolating myself from the group. I’m not isolating myself, they’re all ignoring me . I’m not saying it’s deliberate, but it’s not going completely unnoticed, let’s put it that way.
What do I care? I have plenty of friends out of here. But why won’t she just come up and talk to me? I heard her on the phone yesterday talking to her agent. I wish I could make a business call so she could overhear how fabulous I was and how together my life was, and then she’d come up and ask me something about business.
That’s it! That’s what I’ll do. I’ll call… No, I won’t call anybody. I’ll pretend I’m calling my literary agent. Suzanne’s in Carol’s room right next to the phone so she’ll be sure to overhear this. All right, I’m gonna do it. It’s a great idea. So what do I say? I’ll say I’ve got the idea for this drug rehab thing and I’m… Wait, I don’t want to give away the whole plot. I’ll just casually say I have a great idea. Be very vague. Don’t give anything specific away. All right. All right, here I go.
Oh, fucking Christ! Carl is on the phone. This is unbelievable, this is truly, truly unbelievable. Jesus, I hate this place. He’s probably talking to his dumb wife. He’s always fighting with his wife. Why do I have to know all this stuff about his life?
“Hey, man, you gonna be long? I gotta make a business call.”
That sounded real cool. I bet she overheard that.
“Thanks, man.”
I’ll just dial a fake number and I’ll say… What name should I use? Jeff. Jeff… Markoff.
“Jeff Markoff, please. Alex Daniels. I’ll hold… Jeff? Hi, it’s Alex. Sorry I took so long to get back to you.”
That sounded so great. Oh, here she comes, she’s coming out of the room. Okay, okay, casually turn your back to her and throw your voice over your shoulder.
“So, Jeff, about the idea we pitched to Fox. I think I’m ready to do a first draft and… Oh, great, great. The deal went through? Great. Yeah, great. You tried to call here? Yeah, it’s always busy. There’s always, you know, people on the phone. Well, I’ll be waiting for you to send over the contracts. Oh, sure, well, I’ll sign them when I get out of here, then. That’ll be cool. All right, and how’s everything? Great. I’ll talk to you soon then. Bye-bye.”
That’s perfect, that was perfect . She looked at me. I know she’s impressed. Well, maybe I’ll go in and watch some basketball. I feel a little calmer now, I feel like I made a little headway here. Certainly she knows a little more about who I am, and that I’m not just some asshole in a drug unit. I’ve got a job. A deal, I’ve got a deal. I’ve got a job, a deal, and a future.
Is that her laughing? She’s always laughing, always having a good time. Well, soon she’ll be having a good time with me…
Alex did the most amazing thing today. Carol and I were coming out of her room and he was on the pay phone talking real loud and weird, like a white version of Carl. He was saying something about Fox and first drafts, and as I passed him I could hear a busy signal through the receiver. I barely made it around the corner before I burst out laughing. He must have been trying to impress us. Carol thinks he has a crush on me. He probably does. He’s exactly the type I would attract.
Carol and I have started exercising every afternoon. She tells me how perfect her husband is, how adorable he is and how happy they are. Finally I said, “But Carol, there must be something wrong with him.” She sort of shrugged and said, “He works sixteen hours a day. I only see him late at night, and on Sundays he stays home with me and reads scripts.”
…This is an absurd film. Hooked on a Line , what a title. Jesus, that dancer being snorted up into someone’s nose under the opening credits, and these people in half-shadow talking about their cocaine problems—I could write better shit than this. Maybe I will when I get out of here. I’ll write a really good drug movie. I’ll help a lot of people. I’ll become known for helping people.
Christ! Who cares about this girl with her family and their floral sofa? That sofa is enough to drive you crazy, watching people sitting on that floral sofa talking about cocaine. I never had these problems with cocaine. I never ran into people with guns. Well, that one time in Vegas there were some guns in the room, but nobody was chasing me with them.
I’ve never met anybody like the people in this movie. These are all older people, except for that really young girl. How am I supposed to relate to any of this? I mean, there’s nobody my age. Maybe these are real people, but they’re horrible real people. At least get interesting real people if you’re gonna use real people.
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