Bold, thought Druff. My spy is a bold spy. Indoors on street business.
Though of course Druff knew — or at least used to — all about photo opportunities — posing with constituents and cronies like Dan Dailey tricked out in a straw boater in a musical. How many rec rooms, he wondered, were still decorated with such pictures, the flash distorting their faces, darkening or overexposing them like flesh in a photograph taken in a nightclub?
The commissioner dipped a hand into a pocket in the jacket of his suit and withdrew a pouch of chewing tobacco from which he removed, staring steadily into Dick’s eyes in the driver’s rearview mirror, a few dried coca leaves which he put into his mouth, holding them carefully against his gums like some pleasure poultice and allowing the bolus of leaves to fill with syrups from his gums and face before he began to grind it in his jaws. (A cousin in Peru sent him the stuff in two-pound cans of mountain-grown coffee once or twice a year.)
“How can you stand to chew that shit?” Under his crowns Druff had the decayed and withered posts of an Indian, brown, twiglike teeth. “No,” Dick said, “really, how can you? These days they blow Tops even in the majors.”
“That’s because they’re superstitious,” the commissioner said. “They cut it with the gum and chew each other’s pictures on the baseball cards.”
(At fifty-eight, he liked to get high. He loved the euphoria, of course, the sidebars of music and landscape, everywhere beauty arranged, composed as a photograph; loved the concentration, his lasered focus, the sense drugs gave him of recovered obsession, the small motor movements of the will, his resumed patience with the world, with everything, even the pure plain humanness of his mistakes, his kid’s, his city’s, the tolerance and good intentions dope revealed to him. Though this, doing numbers on the job, was a new wrinkle.)
“What gets me,” Dick said, “I never see you spit.”
Druff spit on the floor of the limo. “Play ball,” he said.
“You’re the commissioner,” said the spy.
And, energy up, told his driver they’d discovered enough potholes for one day, that one day they’d be remembered as the Lewis and Clark of potholes and that they should proceed to City Hall.
Less than fifteen minutes later they were there.
The City Hall in Druff’s city had been built in 1871. It was a tall, narrow structure of dressed limestone, four stories high and only eight windows across, a classical descending hodgepodge of balustrades, cornices, dentils, friezes, keystones and quoins. There were engaged columns between the arched, Italianate windows. There were crests and garlands, a portico with a pediment like a diving platform on which stood a statue of the founder of the department store City Hall had originally been. (Some air of the mercantile about it still, of emporium and records filed years, or of some great commodity exchange, furs, even diamonds, or cotton, or tobacco factorage, something if not actually anachronistic about the place then at least geographically off, as if Druff’s city were three or four hundred miles south of where it really was.)
Druff’s rooms on the fourth floor reminded him of theatrical agents’ or producers’ offices in old thirties films. (When he thought of them he saw them in black and white.) A gate, activated by a buzzer, opened in the low wooden railing that separated the public from the private suites and offices, a toy obstacle, some playpen of the governmental, civil, decorous, beyond which young hopefuls (in those old movies) cooled their heels while waiting not for the appointments which even they knew they would not be given, but for fabulous breaks in the routine, three minutes of extemporaneous, gift democracy to show their stuff when the door to the sanctum opened and Ziegfeld appeared. Which now, since San Francisco, since Harvey Milk and Mayor Moscone, didn’t happen so much. An armed security guard posted outside the little low fence mitigated the old honorable ambience of the place. Up in smoke, gone with the hopefuls themselves. Unless something was on the chest and burning the heels of the security guard too.
Though there were computers in Druff’s building now of course, modems, fax machines. Some people in data processing had desktop- published a pamphlet on sidewalk repair and replacement for his department, another on gutters and pavements, others on street signs, on markers and street graphics, on leaf collection and snow removal, on how to obtain permits for street fairs and block parties, on detours and barricades. And put out brochures on lighting and traffic signals, on street cleaning and lawn maintenance. (Not “lawn.” What was it called, that little strip of grass easement between the pavement and the curb the home owner was responsible for? The City Commissioner of Streets had forgotten.) Both the pamphlet on gutters and pavements and the one on markers and street graphics had won first prize in a national competition, and the lawn maintenance— verge it was called — brochure was a classic, better than Beverly Hills’, better than West Palm Beach’s, those garden spots. Druff, who hadn’t even known there was such a competition, had been sent by the mayor to the awards banquet in St. Louis. (He was a good old City Commissioner of Streets, and when he was called up to the dais to collect the citation in his category — public service publications in cities of between one and two million people — he made a speech without benefit of Inderal—“I’m totally unprepared for this,” he’d told them, “because whoever thought for a minute we’d win?”—and became, with that “we,” an instant favorite with the crowd. He was a good old City Commissioner of Streets. And, afterward, took a drink with a few of the boys, some whom he knew from the days when he was political, but most of them new to him, a kind of under-professional — not docs or the lawyerly or of an insider-anything, killer-M.B.A. imagination, accepting burnout ten or so years down the road like some teenager the cancer she takes in with her suntan — municipally managerial, infrastructure type — hospital administrators, parks commissioners, fellows from water, from tunnels and bridges, low-income housing. Talking with one in particular, not a bad sort if you accepted up front that he was a bore, who’d asked him questions about his town and then confessed he’d never been there himself. “What, not even to change planes?” “No,” the guy said, “never.” And really wanted to know the sort of shop his city was, what the museums were like, if the zoo was any good, how come it didn’t have a baseball team. “It’s a great place to raise children,” Druff told him truthfully, then added, “not great children.” “Is it?” “Probably because our housing stock is so good.” Offering “housing stock,” because, Druff being Druff, he had to, since honor had it that tie went to the bore and Druff, thinking of the children he’d not too greatly raised, owed him.)
Then, back in town, an altered man, or at least an altered City Commissioner of Streets, thrown back on his old affection for the electorate, for shirtsleeve America and the July Fourth condition, his meat inspector — cum — fireman notions and mail-must-go-through priorities. His own shirtsleeves rolled and actively inventing campaigns, promoting civic pride, this patriot of the local, this hustling jingo of the here. (“What’s this all about?” Loft, the director of the airport, had asked. “A little slogan I thought up,” Druff said. “What? A slogan? ‘Change planes in our town and we’ll show you a time’?” “Sure,” Druff told him, “if they had even a two- or three-hour layover, we could pick them up in buses and show them around. No city in America has thought of this yet.” “There’s such a thing as turf, Druff. You’re the street man here. You of all people ought to know that.” So took his case over Loft’s head. “Look,” he’d argued to a chilly City Council, “what’s the worst that could happen? That the bus has an accident and everyone in it is killed or maimed. Don’t worry, it won’t happen, we’ll use only the most seasoned drivers. It won’t happen, but even, God forbid, if it does, most of these people are covered by the credit cards they use to purchase their airplane tickets, by their travel agencies, by the bus company itself. I asked counsel to look into this and he assures me we’re in the clear.” Going at his job in those mercantile rooms of yore as if City Hall were still a department store. He was a good old City Commissioner of Streets and only wanted to be a better one. Why not? Streets were roads, roads were what the Romans built, and he, Druff, was road man here, Imperial Commissioner of the Way to the Empire! So give me a little credit please, he’d thought. I understand about empire, why wouldn’t I know about turf?)
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