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William Boyd: The New Confessions

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William Boyd The New Confessions

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In this extraordinary novel, William Boyd presents the autobiography of John James Todd, whose uncanny and exhilarating life as one of the most unappreciated geniuses of the twentieth century is equal parts Laurence Stern, Charles Dickens, Robertson Davies, and Saul Bellow, and a hundred percent William Boyd. From his birth in 1899, Todd was doomed. Emerging from his angst-filled childhood, he rushes into the throes of the twentieth century on the Western Front during the Great War, and quickly changes his role on the battlefield from cannon fodder to cameraman. When he becomes a prisoner of war, he discovers Rousseau's , and dedicates his life to bringing the memoir to the silver screen. Plagued by bad luck and blind ambition, Todd becomes a celebrated London upstart, a Weimar luminary, and finally a disgruntled director of cowboy movies and the eleventh member of the Hollywood Ten. Ambitious and entertaining, Boyd has invented a most irresistible hero.

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“Why don’t you write to me, John?” she said. “I’d love to hear how you’re getting on.”

“I’m afraid my spelling’s useless.”

“So’s mine. Doesn’t matter a jot.”

“Well … all right.” I paused. “Aunt Faye … about Donald Verulam. You met him with my mother.”

“Yes.…” Odd expression. “They were good friends, now that I remember. She often mentioned him.”


“In her letters mostly. She wrote to me every week, you know, Emmeline and I — for years.” She looked round. “I think we’re off.” She bent down and looked me in the eye.

“Why don’t you come and see us, Johnny? I’d love to get to know you better.” She cupped my cheeks with her hands. “Have you ever been to England?”

“Not yet.”

I looked into that kind face, those bruised, hinting eyes. She kissed my cheek. Her own cheek brushed mine, a powdery softness, a scent of some wildflower — musky, dry, promiscuous.

Donald Verulam and I sit in a tearoom on the High Street in Newhaven. We have spent the afternoon taking photographs of the fishermen and the fishwives around the little harbor. We drink tea, eat large slabs of bread and butter, potato scones and jam, waiting for the charabanc to take us back to Edinburgh.

Donald fills his cup from a heavy brown teapot. He has a slight frown — he seems to be thinking about something. He runs his hand over his head, smoothing down the few strands of hair on his pate. His face looks thinner, more ascetic than usual. He takes out his pipe, fills it with shag and lights it. Plumy smoke snorts from his nostrils.

On the chair beside us sit our cameras in their boxes (I have a new Sanderson), the leather already much dulled and scarred from constant use, the corners bumped and softened. I spread raspberry jam on my bread and butter. The ligaments in my jaw crack audibly as I take a huge bite. Donald eases back in his chair, his pipe going well, crosses one corduroyed leg over the other and loosens his tie at his throat. One booted foot taps slightly to a hidden personal rhythm.

The lady who runs the tea shop approaches. She has a thin aristocratic face, her hair folded up on her head in an old-fashioned style. An agate brooch at her throat winks light as she passes through a wand of afternoon sun. Outside a dogcart clops by, a slow rumble of iron wheels on the cobbles. From the back garden comes the contented gurgling of hens.

“Will you be having any more tea, sir?” A nice voice — educated, soft.

“Thank you, no,” Donald says.

She glances at me.

“No, thanks.”

We all smile at each other. Donald goes, “Hmmmm …” I look out of the window. Opposite a sign reads: W. & J. ANDERSON’S SMITHY, IRONMONGERY. Someone walks by wheeling two empty milk churns in a barrow. A kind of buzzing tranquillity seems to fill my ears. I realize, consciously, for the first time ever, that I am happy. This moment is a watershed in anyone’s life. It is the beginning of responsibility.

“Mr. Verulam,” I say, “did you ever meet my mother’s sister, my aunt, Faye Hobhouse?”

“Faye Hobhouse?… Oh yes, Faye Dale. In fact I met her before I met your mother. Vincent was in my college at Oxford.”

The buzzing in my ears seems to have developed into a roar.

“When I got my job up here, Faye introduced me to your mother and father.”

I needed no more evidence. Here was a web of falsehood and duplicity. They were old friends. Why had Faye pretended not to know who he was? To spare my father’s blushes? There seemed, moreover, to be some complicity between the two sisters. I was confused. At the time, I was being led by instinct, only half-recognizing adult evasions. Had I been more worldly I might have asked if Donald Verulam had met my mother at Oxford. Maybe the two sisters had made trips there together to visit Faye’s beau? Or, conceivably, if Donald and Vincent were so thick, perhaps Donald had met my mother at Faye’s wedding? But all I knew for sure then was that certain charges seemed to flow through the air whenever the conjunction of my mother’s name and Donald’s occurred. My adolescent antennae picked them up and they reinforced the romantic fantasy I entertained about myself. A stranger in his own home, out of step with his family, the profound reluctance — I had to admit to this now — of acknowledging Innes Todd to be my natural parent.

I felt strengthened by what I had discovered. Things had been unknowingly divulged that allowed me to face my future with more composure and self-esteem. I began to see myself as trameled up in a great doomed love affair. Perhaps the only two people who knew or guessed at the real truth were my mother and myself. The knowledge I possessed electrified me. For decorum’s sake the masquerade continued, and would continue for a while yet, but as we drove back to Edinburgh that hot windless August evening I felt convinced for the first time of my own uniqueness. I could live the lie of being John James Todd a little longer.

Does that seem unduly precocious? Of course it is, expressed in that way, but the sensations I experienced that evening were those exactly, if unarticulated.

I felt different from those around me. I felt I thought differently too. Different things affected me from those that affected others. My chancing upon the traces of Donald Verulam’s love affair with my mother merely explained the source of those feelings. It brought a certain calm, allowed me to face my troubled future with some equanimity.

My father and Thompson faced me across the dining table. Thompson was going up to the University and in anticipation had grown a moustache, a sorry, soft thing that he kept touching and stroking as if it were a pet. Paradoxically, it made him look younger.

We had eaten soup — mulligatawny — and Oonagh had just cleared away the fish — breaded mackerel — and was now bringing in the neck of veal when my father said, “We’ll have that in fifteen minutes, please, Oonagh.”

Oonagh glanced at me and backed out of the dining room. She could read the signs as well as I. I had thought something was wrong from the moment we sat down. My father gave nothing away, but Thompson kept looking expectantly at him and his remarks to me were untypically solicitous.

“How are we today, John James? Fighting fit?”

We’re fine, thank you, Thompson. How’s our moustache?”

My bravado would normally have stung him. He just smiled complacently and began to eat his soup.

I knew what father was going to address me about. My entrance examination for the Royal High School, taken a week previously. I said nothing. We ate our first two courses in almost total silence. Then Oonagh was banished with the neck of veal. My father took a piece of paper from his waistcoat pocket.

“Scripture — two out of twenty. Geography — four out of twenty. Spelling — zero out of twenty. Latin — five out of twenty. French — four out of twenty. Arithmetic … twenty out of twenty.… ‘Dear Professor Todd, we regret that with results like these, notwithstanding your son’s remarkable achievement in arithmetic, the examining board is unable to consider him a candidate for admission … etc., etc.… perhaps next year … further tuition … high caliber of other candidates,’ and so on.” He looked at me. His expression was more puzzled than angry.

“What’s wrong with you, boy? You don’t have to excel. Mediocrity would be sufficient. Aspire to that mundane level.”

“I don’t want to be mediocre.”

“He’d rather be totally inept.” Shrill, pleased laugh.

“Thank you, Thompson.” To me: “Don’t you try ?”

“I do,” I lied.

“Why, how, do you get one hundred percent in mathematics? Explain that!” He was shouting.

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