The flight attendant looked surprised. «Dana Evans? You mean the TV anchorwoman?»
«She wasn't on this flight. I wish she had been. I would haveloved to have met her.»
Gregory Price was saying to Dana, «Do you know what's great about the lumber business, little lady? Your product grows all by itself. Yes, sir, you just sit around and watch Mother Nature make money for you.»
A voice came over the loudspeaker.
«We'll be landing in Chicago's O'Hare Airport in a few minutes. Please fasten your seat belt and return your seat back to the upright position.»
The woman seated across the aisle said cynically, «Yeah, put your seat back upright. I wouldn't want to be leaning back when I die.»
The word «die» gave Dana a jolt. She could hear the sound of the bullets ricocheting into the wall of the apartment building and she could feel the strong hand shoving her into the path of the oncoming truck. She shuddered when she thought of the two narrow escapes she had had.
Hours earlier, seated in the waiting lounge at Sheremetyevo II airport, Dana had told herself that everything was going to be fine. The good guys are going to win. But there was something bothering her about a conversation she had had with someone. The person had said something disturbing, but it had slipped by. Had it been in a conversation with Matt? Commissar Shdanoff? Tim Drew? The more Dana tried to recall it, the more it eluded her.
A flight attendant announced over the loudspeaker, «Air France flight 220 is ready to depart for Washington, D. C. Please have your passports and boarding passes in hand.»
Dana rose and headed for the gate. As she started to show her ticket to the guard, she suddenly remembered what it was. It was her last conversation with Sasha Shdanoff.
No one knows I am there. It is what you call a «safe house.»
The only person to whom she revealed Sasha Shdanoff's hideout was Roger Hudson. And immediately after that, Shdanoff had been murdered. From the very beginning, Roger Hudson had been subtly alluding to some dark connection between Taylor Winthrop and Russia.
When I was in Moscow, there was a rumor that Winthrop was involved in some type of private deal with the Russians….
Shortly before Taylor Winthrop became our ambassador to Russia, he told close friends that he had definitely retired from public life….
It was Winthrop who pressured the president into appointing him ambassador….
She had told Roger and Pamela her every move. They had been spying on her all the time. And there could have been only one reason:
Roger Hudson was Taylor Winthrop's mysterious partner.
When the American Airlines flight landed at O'Hare airport in Chicago, Dana peered out the window looking for anything suspicious. Nothing. It was quiet. Dana took a deep breath and started to deplane. Her nerves were on fire. She managed to keep as many passengers around her as possible as she walked into the terminal, staying with the chattering crowd. She had an urgent call to make. During the flight, something so terrible had occurred to her that it made her own danger seem unimportant. Kemal. What if he were in danger because of her? She could not bear the thought of anything happening to him. She had to find someone to protect Kemal. Immediately, she thought of Jack Stone. He was with an organization powerful enough to give her the kind of protection she and Kemal needed, and she was sure that he would arrange it for her. He had been sympathetic to her from the beginning. He's not really one of them.
I'm trying to stay outside the loop. I can best help you that way, if you know what I mean.
Dana walked over to a deserted corner of the terminal, reached in her purse, and took out the private number Jack Stone had given her. She called it. He answered immediately.
«Jack Stone.»
«It's Dana Evans. I'm in trouble. I need help.»
«What's going on?»
Dana could hear the concern in his voice. «I can't go into it all now, but some people are after me, trying to kill me.»
«I don't know. But it's my young son, Kemal, I'm worried about. Can you help me get someone to protect him?»
He responded instantly. «I'll see to it. Is he at home now?»
«I'll send someone over. Now what about you? You say someone is trying to kill you?»
«Yes. They've—they've tried twice.»
There was a momentary silence. «I'll look into that and see what I can do. Where are you?»
«I'm at American Airlines at O'Hare, and I don't know when I can get out of here.»
«Stay right where you are. I'll get someone there to protect you. Meanwhile, you can stop worrying about Kemal.»
Dana felt a sense of deep relief. «Thank you. Thank you.» She hung up.
In his office at the FRA, Jack Stone replaced the receiver. He pressed down the intercom button. «The target just called. She's in an American Airlines terminal at O'Hare. Take her.»
«Yes, sir.»
Jack Stone turned to an aide. «When is General Booster returning from the Far East?»
«He'll be back this afternoon.»
«Well, let's get the hell out of here before he finds out what's been going on.»
«Hello, darling.» And the sound of his voice was a blanket wrapped around her, warming her.
«Oh, Jeff!» She found that she was trembling.
«How are you?»
How am I? I'm running for my life. But she could not tell him that. There was no way he could help her, not now. It was too late. «I'm—I'm fine, darling.»
«Where are you now, world traveler?»
«I'm in Chicago. I'll be back in Washington tomorrow.»When are you going to be with me? «How—how is Rachel?»
«She seems to be doing okay.»
«I miss you.»
Rachel's bedroom door opened, and she stepped into the living room. She started to call Jeff's name and stopped when she saw that he was on the phone.
«I miss you more than you can ever imagine,» Jeff said.
«Oh, I love you so much.» A man nearby seemed to be staring at her. Dana's heart began pounding. «Darling, if—if anything happens to me…always remember that I—»
Jeff was instantly alarmed. «What do you mean if anything happens to you?»
«Nothing. I—I can't go into it now, but—I'm sure everything will be fine.»
«Dana, you can't let anything happen to you! I need you. I love you more than anyone I've ever loved in my life. I couldn't bear to lose you.»
Rachel listened a moment longer, then quietly went back into her bedroom and closed the door.
Dana and Jeff spoke for ten minutes more. When Dana finally hung up, she felt better. I'm glad I had a chance to say good-bye. She looked up and saw the man still staring at her. There's no way one of Jack Stone's men could have arrived so quickly. I need to get out of here. She felt a rising panic.
Dana's next-door neighbor knocked on Dana's door. Mrs. Daley opened it.
«Keep Kemal home. We're going to need him.»
«I'll take care of it.» Mrs. Daley closed the door and called to Kemal. «Your oatmeal is almost ready, darling.»
Mrs. Daley went into the kitchen, took the oatmeal off the stove, and opened a bottom cabinet drawer filled with packets of drugs labeledBuSpar. Dozens of empty packets were at the bottom of the drawer. Mrs. Daley opened two new packets, hesitated, then added a third. She mixed the powder in with the oatmeal, poured sugar on top, and carried the cereal into the dining room. Kemal came in from the study.
«Here you are, love. Nice, hot oatmeal.»
«I'm not very hungry.»
«You must eat, Kemal.» Her voice was sharp in the way that frightened him. «We don't want Miss Dana to be disappointed in us, do we?»
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