There were three more segments, and the director signaled for a break. «We'll be right back after this,» Dana said.
A commercial came on.
Richard Melton turned to Dana. «Have you looked outside? It's a bitch out there.»
«I know.» Dana laughed. «Our poor weatherman is going to get a lot of hate mail.»
The red camera light flashed on. The TelePrompTer was blank for a moment, then began to roll again. Dana started to read, «On NewYear's Eve I'd like—» She stopped, stunned, as she looked at the rest of the words. They read:…us to get married. We'll have a double reason to celebrate every New Year's Eve.
Jeff was standing next to the TelePrompTer, grinning.
Dana looked into the camera and said awkwardly, «We'll—we'll pause for another brief commercial.» The red light went off.
Dana stood up. «Jeff!»
They moved toward each other and embraced. «What do you say?» he asked.
She held him tightly and whispered, «I say yes.»
The studio echoed with cheers from the crew.
When the broadcast was over and they were alone, Jeff said, «What would you like, honey? Big wedding, small wedding, medium wedding?»
Dana had thought about her wedding from the time she was a little girl. She had visualized herself in a beautiful, lacy white gown with a long, long train. In the movies she had seen, there was the frantic excitement of getting ready for the wedding…the guest list to prepare…the caterer to choose…the bridesmaids…the church…All her friends would be there, and her mother. It was going to be the most wonderful day of her life. And now it was a reality.
Jeff said, «Dana…?» He was waiting for her answer.
If I have a big wedding, Dana thought, I would have to invite Mother and her husband. I can't do that to Kemal.
«Let's elope,» Dana said.
Jeff nodded, surprised. «If that's what you want, then it's what I want.»
Kemal was thrilled when he heard the news. «You mean Jeff is going to live with us?»
«That's right. We'll all be together. You'll have a real family, darling.» Dana sat at Kemal's bedside for the next hour, excitedly discussing their future. The three of them were going to live together, vacation together, and just be together. That magic word.
When Kemal was asleep, Dana went into her bedroom and turned on the computer. Apartments. Apartments. We'll need two bedrooms, two baths, a living room, kitchen, dining area, and maybe an office and a study. That shouldn't be too difficult. Dana thought of Gary Winthrop's town house sitting empty, and her mind began to wander. What had really happened that night? And who had turned off the alarm? If there were no signs of a break-in, then how had the burglars gotten in? Almost involuntarily her fingers typed in «Winthrop» on the keyboard. What the devil is the matter with me? Dana saw the same familiar information she had seen earlier.
Regional > U. S. States > Washington D. C. > Government > Politics > Federal Research Agency
*Winthrop, Taylor—served as Ambassador to Russia and negotiated an important trade agreement with Italy…
*Winthrop, Taylor—self-made billionaire Taylor Winthrop devoted himself to serving his country…
*Winthrop, Taylor—Winthrop family set up philanthropic trusts to help schools, libraries, and inner-city programs…
There were fifty-four Web sites for the Winthrop family. Dana was about to change the search toApartments when a random entry caught her eye.
*Winthrop, Taylor—Lawsuit. Joan Sinisi, former secretary to Taylor Winthrop, filed a lawsuit and later dropped it.
Dana read the item again. What kind of lawsuit? Dana wondered.
She switched to several more Winthrop Web sites, but there was no further mention of any lawsuit. Dana typed in the nameJoan Sinisi. Nothing came up.
«Is this a secure line?»
«I want a report on the Web sites the subject is checking.»
«We will take care of it immediately.»
The following morning, when Dana arrived at her office after dropping Kemal off at school, she looked through the Washington telephone directory. No Joan Sinisi. She tried the Maryland directory…Virginia…No luck. She's probably moved away, Dana decided.
Tom Hawkins, the show's producer, walked into Dana's office. «We beat the competition again last night.»
«Great.» Dana was thoughtful for a moment. «Tom, do you know anyone at the telephone company?»
«Sure. You need a telephone?»
«No. I want to see if someone has an unlisted number. Do you think you could check it out?»
«What's the name?»
«Sinisi. Joan Sinisi.»
He frowned. «Why is that name familiar?»
«She was involved in a lawsuit with Taylor Winthrop.»
«Ah, yes. I remember now. That was about a year ago. You were in Yugoslavia. I thought there was going to be a juicy story there, but it got hushed up pretty quickly. She's probably living somewhere in Europe, but I'll try to find out.»
Fifteen minutes later Olivia Watkins said, «Tom is on the line for you.»
«Joan Sinisi is still living in Washington. I have her unlisted number for you, if you want it.»
«Wonderful,» Dana said. She picked up a pen. «Go ahead.»
«Thank you.»
«Forget the thanks. Make it a lunch.»
«You've got it.»
The office door opened and Dean Ulrich, Robert Fenwick, and Maria Toboso, three writers who worked on the television news, came in.
Robert Fenwick said, «It's going to be a bloody newscast tonight. We have two train wrecks, a plane crash, and a major landslide.»
The four of them began to read through the incoming news bulletins. Two hours later, when the meeting was over, Dana picked up the piece of paper with Joan Sinisi's number on it and called it.
A woman answered. «Miss Sinisi's residence.»
«Could I talk to Miss Sinisi, please? This is Dana Evans.»
The woman said, «I'll see if she's available. Just a moment, please.»
Dana waited. Another woman's voice came on the phone, soft and hesitant. «Hello…»
«Miss Sinisi?»
«This is Dana Evans. I wondered if—»
«TheDana Evans?»
«Oh! I watch your broadcast every night. I'm a tremendous fan of yours.»
«Thank you,» Dana said. «That's very flattering. I wonder if you could spare a few minutes of your time, Miss Sinisi. I'd like to talk to you.»
«You would?» There was a happily surprised note in her voice.
«Yes. Could we meet somewhere?»
«Well, certainly. Would you like to come here?»
«That would be fine. When would be convenient for you?»
There was a brief hesitation. «Any time. I'm here all day.»
«What about tomorrow afternoon, say around two o'clock?»
«All right.» She gave Dana the address.
«I'll see you tomorrow,» Dana said. She replaced the receiver. Why am I going on with this? Well, this will be the end of it.
At two o'clock the following afternoon, Dana drove up in front of Joan Sinisi's high-rise apartment building on Prince Street. A uniformed doorman stood in front of the building. Dana looked at the imposing structure and thought, How can a secretary afford to live here? She parked the car and went inside to the lobby. There was a receptionist at the desk.
«May I help you?»
«I have an appointment to see Miss Sinisi. Dana Evans.»
«Yes, Miss Evans. She's expecting you. Just take the elevator to the penthouse. It's apartment A.»
The penthouse?
When Dana arrived at the top floor, she got out of the elevator and rang the doorbell of apartment A. The door was opened by a uniformed maid.
«Miss Evans?»
«Come in, please.»
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