Fiona Cummings - TV Stars!

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TV Stars!: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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The hugely popular Sleepover Club series is back with a gorgeous new look. Meet Frankie, Kenny, Fliss, Rosie and Lyndz – five best friends who just want to have fun!Fliss persuades the rest of her pals to come along for moral support when she goes to audition for a TV commercial, and the girls are really excited to go along. Maybe Fliss could become a TV star! But when all five girls decide to try out for the same commercial, Fliss is not happy at all, and rivalry threatens to ruin their friendship. Could this be the end for the Sleepover Club?As well as a great story this book has tips for fun things to do at your own sleepover party for you and your friends. Pack up your sleepover kit and join in the fun!

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Fiona Cummings Contents Cover Title Page 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 Top - фото 1

Fiona Cummings



Title Page











Top Sleepover Tips

Have you been Invited to all these Sleepovers?

The Sleepover Kit List


About the Publisher

Did someone just call my name? I could have sworn that I heard someone shout “Lyndz”!

Oh hi! I didn’t see you there. I’m glad you’re here. Do you think you could give me a hand with this scenery? The Sleepover Club are putting on a play in my garden. It’s just for our parents but it should be pretty cool. We wrote it ourselves, so we could play exactly the parts we wanted.

Fliss is going to be a princess who ends up marrying a handsome prince – surprise, surprise! You know how she loves a good wedding! And of course dressing up is like her favourite thing in the whole world. Come to think of it, most of Fliss’s clothes are all frilly like a princess’s. And she acts like royalty too – most of the time she thinks that our Sleepover Club stuff is way too childish for her.

Kenny is going to play a footballing genius who scores the winning goal in the FA Cup. Don’t ask how that fits in with the princess, it just does. She said that she wouldn’t be in the play at all unless she could be a footballer. Kenny’s greatest love in life is Leicester City and she really thinks she’s going to play for them one day – as well as being a doctor like her dad. When she’s not being a footballer in the play, she’s lots of different monsters and villains as well, but we tell her that she can’t really call that acting! You know Kenny – she’s a bit wild at the best of times, so a lot of people think she’s a monster anyway. But it’s her sister who’s the real monster – Molly the Monster, as we call her.

Rosie plays sort of a Cinderella character who triumphs against the odds, and that’s kind of like Rosie too. When she came to Cuddington at first she was all sort of lost and didn’t really fit in. Her dad had just left and she was finding it quite hard to cope. Now she’s one of our best friends and is really sensible and gets things organised.

She doesn’t get things as organised as Frankie though – now she can be really bossy. That’s why she fancies herself as the director of our play. She’s also its narrator, which is a really important role. She fills in as different characters too and sort of holds the whole thing together. I sometimes think it’s Frankie who holds the Sleepover Club together, because the rest of us would fall out too much if she wasn’t there.

What character am I playing? Well, I dash around on a horse a lot helping people out. I said I didn’t mind what role I played as long as it was something to do with horses. I live for horses! We haven’t got a real horse in the play of course. Sometimes Kenny pretends to be my horse and I ride on her back, but we usually end up collapsing in a heap on the floor.

Frankie said that I should be a kind of magical character who always does good things, because she says that I’m always nice to people in real life. I don’t know about that. She hasn’t seen some of the awful things I’ve done to my four horrible brothers!

You’re looking a bit confused. I know all this play stuff sounds a bit strange, but you see, we’ve caught the acting bug. Big time! It’s all Fliss’s fault really. I know, I know – poor Fliss seems to get the blame for everything. But this time, I mean it in a good way.

You know how she’s always going on about wanting to be a supermodel? For all those nice clothes, that fame and stuff? Well then, it shouldn’t surprise you that one day she announced that she wanted to become an actress instead. Actress, supermodel – it was all the same to Fliss.

“I’ll still be famous and earn loads of money,” she explained, “but there’s not the same pressure on you to be beautiful all the time, is there?”

The rest of us rolled our eyes. I mean, what is she like ?

“I don’t think you can just decide to be a famous actress and wham – you’ve got the starring role in the next High School Musical ,” said Frankie. “You’ve got to go to drama school first.”

“And I’ve heard that most actresses are usually out of work,” continued Rosie. “There’s only a few who make it to the top.”

“Well, I’m going to be one of those!” said Fliss firmly. And when Fliss is in one of those moods, there’s no arguing with her.

So for the next week or so we had to put up with her prancing about with her actress head on. Whenever Mrs Weaver asked her something in class, Fliss would take a deep breath, smile and speak v-e-r-y s-l-o-w-l-y and very clearly. The first time she did it, Mrs Weaver said:

“Are you feeling quite all right, Felicity?”

The rest of us nearly wet ourselves laughing. But Fliss didn’t care. She just seemed to be acting all the time, as though her life was being filmed for one long soap opera.

Kenny thought it would be a laugh if we all started acting too – or maybe that should be over acting… So Frankie would say something like, “I say old beans, can I interest anyone in a game of rounders?” and Rosie would reply, “Oh super! A game of rounders would be simply spiffing on such a wonderful warm afternoon!” And we would all clap our hands and do really false laughs. It was like some really bad over-the-top crackly old movie. It was great fun though. Fliss got really cross with us at first.

“Acting’s not like that!” she snapped. “You’re supposed to be natural!”

“Oh like you, you mean!” snorted Kenny. She put on a really posh voice and started to speak really slowly. “Of course I know what five times six is, Mrs Weaver. It’s forty-six of course!”

The rest of us cracked up.

“I never said that!” said Fliss crossly. “I know that five times six is thirty!”

We laughed even harder.

“Oh Fliss, where’s your sense of humour?” giggled Frankie. “We’re just saying that you seem to be taking this actress thing a bit far. If you’re so keen, why don’t you go to a drama class? There’s got to be one somewhere near here.”

That sounded like a great idea. At least that way we wouldn’t have to suffer Fliss trying to be the next Lindsay Lohan. Or so we thought…

It was just our luck that when we went to Brownies a couple of days later, someone had put up a brand new poster on the notice board. It was luminous yellow so it sort of hit you right in the eyes. It said:

âLook at thatâ said Fliss hopping around from foot to foot as she read - фото 2

“Look at that!” said Fliss, hopping around from foot to foot as she read it. “Don’t you see? It’s a sign! I wanted to go to a drama class and suddenly there’s one right here on our doorstep! We’ve got to go to it! It’s going to make me a star!”

“Hang on a minute!” insisted Kenny. “What’s all this we business? It’s you who wants to be the actress. You’re on your own!”

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