‘What do you mean?’ she demanded. He turned away and went back to the window. Lexi waited, then got out of bed, flung on her wrapper and came over to join him. ‘What do you mean, Deverell? I don’t believe you would have given it all back as easily as that! Why would you do that? Explain what you meant!’
When Richard turned his expression was not encouraging. Lexi stood and faced him. Her mane of hair had escaped from its ribbons and lay in wild disorder over her shoulders and down her back in a stream of copper curls. Below the nightgown and wrapper could be seen slender ankles and bare feet. But there was no sign of self-consciousness or fear as she demanded yet again, ‘What did you mean?’
He looked down. ‘Of course I never intended to keep what I had won! If your father had lived, I would have returned it all, once he had recovered his senses. But he…he was not himself. He had done something…foolish, something that would have damaged his reputation. I decided—on an impulse, I admit—to do what I could to put it right, or at least to cover it up, but he died before I could tell him what I intended to do.’
‘What had he done?’
‘You needn’t concern yourself. It’s all been taken care of since. That’s why I was so busy before our wedding.’
‘Tell me what it was! I demand to know!’
‘I’m sorry. I can’t tell you.’
Her eyes narrowed. ‘It must have something to do with money,’ she said reflectively. ‘I know he had been borrowing a lot, and I didn’t understand why he had to—Rawdon has always been so wealthy. But borrowing doesn’t damage reputations…’ She wandered back to the bed and sat down on the edge. She looked up. ‘It wasn’t the entailed land, was it?’ When he made no reply she exclaimed, ‘Oh, it can’t have been! My father would never borrow against entailed land! It’s not only dishonourable, it’s against the law!’
‘Alexandra, either get back into bed or ring for the maid and get dressed. It is not…sensible to wander about in your nightwear. And your hair—’ Richard stopped. ‘Your hair is very untidy.’
His sudden criticism distracted her as he had known it would. She looked at him with a touch of her old spirit. ‘But we’re man and wife, Deverell. Surely you cannot object to my being déshabillée in my own room?’
‘On the contrary, my dear,’ Richard said softly, coming closer. ‘I find it very…appealing.’
Lexi hastily got back into bed and pulled the bedclothes around her. ‘No, you don’t,’ she said defiantly. ‘You haven’t the stomach for me, remember?’
He gazed at her for a moment, then said, ‘I think you must be feeling better. I’ll send your maid to you. Tell her you wish to go downstairs for dinner. It would do you good to get out of this room for a while this evening. I’ll call for you, and we’ll go down together.’
On his way to the door he said, ‘Aunt Honoria will be there this evening, so we’ll postpone any further talk till tomorrow. Tonight we’ll practise a little social behaviour, instead.’
‘Aren’t you afraid I’ll make another scene?’
He stood at the door. ‘I am quite sure you won’t. I have your promise, remember?’
‘There was nothing in that agreement about my behaving as your wife in company!’
‘I was talking of the one you made in the church, Alexandra. The marriage service. Part of what we promised each other—till death us do part—was mutual society, help and comfort. I don’t ask for any of the rest you promised me then, not for the moment, at least. So, can’t you meet me halfway? You’re not a girl who breaks promises willingly, and here is one that is easy enough to keep.’
‘Why do you want me to keep you company? I would have thought you’d be happy to leave me to myself.’
He paused. After a moment he said, ‘We don’t wish to stir up gossip, especially as there are still so many unanswered questions between us. Let’s put a brave face on our marriage in public, pretend it was for the right reasons. It may only be for six months. Can you do it?’
She looked at him, her eyes dark with unhappiness. ‘I’ll try,’ she said. ‘But don’t attempt to tell me it will be easy. And if what you say is true, then I intend to find out what it was my father did, Deverell. Don’t think you can put me off a second time!’
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