The latter was the more likely scenario.
Wearing shorts and a flowery pink top, Violet looked like a breath of fresh air. Her mile-long, shapely legs caught the attention of a few of his men watching from the garage area.
Jake put himself between them and Violet, blocking their view. “I was just headed to change Abigail and get a bottle.”
“Don’t let me stop you.”
Would Violet hang around? Jake had parked in the shade and planned to change Abigail’s diaper right there in the truck. Violet better not breathe down his neck and complain about his decision. He had to do a decent job with the diaper, though, or else Abigail would be strapped to his chest, a loaded weapon ready to wreak havoc.
By the time he’d laid the baby on a changing pad placed on the vehicle seat, she was fully awake.
Violet peeked around his shoulder. “Looks like that diaper’s on pretty good.”
“So I guess you don’t need any help with the clean one.”
“Nope.” He successfully changed her despite the tense woman watching. When Abigail fussed, he popped a bottle in her mouth and tucked her in the crook of his arm.
“How did she sleep last night?”
“Not well. I’ll bring her by the office if we continue to have problems.”
“Problems? What type of problems?” Violet asked, going from the diaper police back to pediatrician.
“She cried from eight until nearly midnight. I think she has colic.”
“Well, there are several things you can try, like—”
“Thanks, but I read about it on the internet. Got some ideas.” He nodded toward town. “And I bought your whole list of baby stuff, so we’re good to go.”
The Pete’s Flooring truck arrived with the tile as Abigail slurped down the formula.
“Excuse me a minute.” Jake strode across the lot.
Happy and bright-eyed, Abigail let the nipple slip out of her mouth. He tucked the bottle in his front pants pocket. Abigail watched him as he directed Pete where to drop off the tile. While Pete’s men unloaded the pallets, the truck with the kitchen cabinets arrived.
“Jake, do you want me to hold her?” Violet called as she picked her way across the muddy expanse of the future front lawn.
“Hang on just a minute.”
Needing to direct the second delivery, and hoping to prove to the doc that he could take care of his baby cousin, Jake safely tucked Abigail in the carrier against his chest, talking sweetly to her in a voice that no longer felt strange. A couple of his men snickered.
Ignoring them, he pointed the second group of deliverymen toward the garage. Once they finished unloading, they started backing out, nearing Pete’s truck.
“Whoa!” Jake rushed over, waving his arms to stop the collision.
Startled by his voice and sudden movement, Abigail shrieked, her arms and legs flailing. He quickly soothed her, patting and cooing.
Jake finally sent the cabinet truck on its way, then turned and found Violet standing at the front of the house watching him. Frowning.
She glared at the mess of scraps and tools around them. “This isn’t an appropriate place for a two-week-old baby. You’re going to have to make other arrangements or—” She huffed.
Or what? he wanted to say but didn’t dare challenge her in the situation. He’d already come to the same conclusion himself.
“This isn’t a normal day,” he said instead. “I’m still juggling, trying to figure out my new schedule with Abigail. I just dropped by to check on the tile delivery.” Mainly, he needed to get through his first full day with a baby.
Today, on four and a half hours of sleep, he’d bought baby equipment and supplies, changed several diapers, fed her two bottles and coaxed three burps. He’d even managed to keep Abigail alive. That victory must count for something.
He probably deserved a medal.
Violet stood looking at him as if he was a nail in one of her four-hundred-dollar tires.
He walked away before he said something rude.
Close on his heels, she followed, her spotless white flip-flops getting mired in mud. He stopped and turned.
Looking at her feet, she didn’t notice his sudden change in direction and barreled into him. Slowly, she looked up, frustration flashing in her pretty eyes. “This place is too hazardous for a baby.”
“You’re more at risk in your open-toed shoes than a baby is tucked against my chest.” The chest Violet stood literally six inches from. “So did you come just to see if I had Abigail with me?”
“I happened to be out. Saw your truck. Thought I’d stop by and see if she needs anything.”
He narrowed his eyes. “More likely, you wanted to make sure she survived the night.”
She jammed her hands on her khaki-clad hips, a perfect warrior pose, cheeks bright red, sparks of fury in her brownish-green eyes. “Okay, you want the brutal truth? I doubt you’re prepared to take care of a baby this young.”
“Ah, so you’re capable of honesty after all. Who would’ve guessed?”
“At least I’m not being nasty, judging you on something I know nothing about.”
Zeb stepped around the corner of the house to see what the commotion was about. Jake waved him off. He didn’t need the man asking questions about him and the new pediatrician.
Violet didn’t flinch at the interruption. Didn’t seem to care they had an audience. She glared at him, ready to battle it out.
He wouldn’t back down, either. “Abigail is fine. Check her out if you want.”
The offer knocked her back a step. With an irritated huff, she peeked at the baby. “I see you bought a carrier. And you appear to have it attached correctly.”
“I can read directions, you know.”
She worked her hands around the edges of the fabric, feeling for all Abigail’s body parts. “You seem to have her in a good position. She looks comfortable.”
Dr. Crenshaw was so close her hair brushed his chin again. Though he’d expect her to smell like a doctor’s office—of sick people and disinfectant—she actually smelled good, like flowers mixed with something fresh and clean.
When she looked up, her eyes met his and widened. The tiny flecks of light gold around her pupils made her look young, vulnerable.
But Violet Crenshaw was not some delicate creature. Hadn’t she just proven it by charging into his job site with both barrels loaded?
She cleared her throat and stepped away.
What had made her change from last night, when she’d been helpful? Was it all because he’d yelled to stop a collision and made Abigail cry? He stepped around Violet to head to the truck. “See you around, Doc.”
She looked annoyed that he’d cut her off. But he’d had enough. Tomorrow at church he would find someone else who could help him. Preferably someone who had experience with a colicky child. Someone who didn’t have gorgeous legs, who didn’t look at him all innocent and vulnerable, twisting his insides into a knot.
Thankfully, the pediatrician didn’t go to Jake’s church. If all went well with Abigail, he wouldn’t have to see Violet again before Remy returned.
* * *
What in the world am I doing?
But that wasn’t the whole truth. She was also there as the result of a nudge from her conscience...or maybe from God?
Violet drew in a slow, deep breath the way she usually did to calm and center herself before walking into the room of a new patient. Only today, instead of an exam room, she walked inside the Appleton Community Church.
She’d awakened early, worried about Abigail West and feeling that nudge. After her morning run, she decided maybe it was time to go back to church—to Jake’s church. She hadn’t attended regularly since high school. Had thought when she moved to Appleton six months ago that she might visit as a way to meet people. But instead, she’d spent her Sunday mornings either doing rounds at the hospital or relaxing and reading the newspaper, afraid God might not welcome her after she’d pushed Him away for so long.
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