“I’ll be back,” she said to Augustus—Gus now.
As she stood, J.T. offered his hand as if the boy were a grown man. “I’m proud to know you, Gus.”
Her brother gripped J.T.’s fingers and shook hard. “I—I—uh—M-me, t-too.”
J.T. let go and put his hands on his hips, pulling back the duster enough to show his guns. “Every man takes a beating now and then. Sometimes he wins, sometimes he doesn’t. Those jerks today were bigger than you—older, too. You didn’t steal the money like they wanted, so stand tall.”
Instead of the man who’d hurt her, Mary saw Gus’s hero. Her heart softened, but she steeled herself against any fondness. She had to remember J.T. had hurt her. The other feelings he inspired—the good ones—made her weak in the knees.
Bessie came through the door with a tray holding strips of cloth. “I’ll bind his ribs now. Why don’t you two get some supper?”
J.T. met her gaze. “Thank you, ma’am. But I need a word with Mary, then I’ll be on my way.”
“Whatever you’d like,” Bessie replied.
Mary didn’t know what to make of J.T.’s consideration. She’d have to answer questions when he left, but he’d saved her from being a spectacle in the garden. He picked up his hat and together they headed to the doorway. As he passed Fancy Girl, the dog pushed to her feet and followed. When they reached the hall, he clasped Mary’s arm and steered her to the door. “We need some privacy.”
“Yes, we do.”
With her heart pounding, she followed J.T. to the porch. As she expected, he paced to the railing and looked up and down the street. She saw the gunfighter who never let his guard down, but below the surface lived the boy who’d been brutalized by his own brothers. J.T. had hurt her, but life had hurt him first. It had hurt her, too. Not until she’d come to Swan’s Nest had she found a measure of peace.
When she’d been brash, her friends had been kind.
When she’d been arrogant, they’d been patient.
She knew the value of that kind of love, and she tried to share it with others. She’d thought she’d been tested by Gertie and her haughty airs, but it seemed the Lord had sent someone else to try her patience…the man who’d hurt her more than anyone on earth. Even for Gus’s sake, she couldn’t risk J.T. staying in Denver. No matter the cost, she had to convince him to leave town tonight.
J.T. didn’t often get a chance to be kind. People paid for his meanness, and they got their money’s worth. He counted saving Fancy Girl as his one act of goodness. Befriending Gus would be the second. He genuinely liked the boy, but he saw another benefit to helping the kid. He’d hurt Mary when he’d left her in Abilene. Teaching Gus to defend himself would help pay that debt.
If someone didn’t teach the boy how to fight, he’d end up dead or mean. J.T. couldn’t let that happen. He had to convince Mary to let him help her brother, so he dropped his hat on a low table and propped his hips on the railing, watching as she considered the porch swing but remained on her feet. If things had gone as he’d hoped when he’d arrived, he would have enjoyed sitting with her. He’d have put his arm around her and nudged her head down to his shoulder. They’d been a perfect fit in that way. Enjoying the memory, he indicated the swing. “Have a seat.”
“No, thank you.”
She gave him the coldest look he’d ever gotten, and that said a lot considering his occupation. If she wanted to fight, so be it. He’d always enjoyed sparring with her. Leaning back on the railing, he supported his weight with his hands. The duster fell open, but he didn’t think much about it. Mary knew he wore his guns all the time.
He got down to business. “I’m gonna stay in town as long as your brother needs help.”
“That’s not necessary.”
“I say it is.” He spoke so softly he barely heard himself. “Gus needs me.”
“He’ll be fine.”
“Like I was fine in New York?”
She knew about the scar on his shoulder and how his brothers had beaten him. He’d told her the stories when they’d been alone in the dark, when his heart had been softened by her touch and she couldn’t see his embarrassment. She’d held him after more bad dreams than he cared to recall.
Her eyes said she remembered, too. But her voice came out hard. “I understand the situation. Augustus is—”
“You mean Gus.”
“All right,” she said too amiably. “Gus. You’re right about his name. You’re also right about him being able to defend himself. I’ll ask a man from church to talk to him.”
“Talking isn’t enough.”
“It has to be.”
“It’s not.” J.T. decided to take a chance. “Fighting is like kissing. You can talk all you want, but eventually you’ve got to do it.”
She opened her mouth to argue, but nothing came out. Judging by the sudden blush, she remembered their kisses as well as he did. He wanted to go farther down that road, but first he had to prove that Gus needed him. “Your brother’s a good kid, but he’s puny and he stutters.”
“I know that.”
“If he doesn’t learn to fight, he’s going be bullied his whole life. Is that what you want for him?”
“Of course not.”
Tense, she dropped down on the bench and pushed off. The chains began a steady, irksome squeak. “I know Gus needs help. I just don’t think you’re the one to teach him.”
“Sure I am.” He knew as much about fighting as anyone. “What are you worried about?”
Instead of the boldness he expected, he saw a guardedness that didn’t fit Mary at all. In Abilene she’d spoken her mind freely. Today she looked nervous, even scared. He wondered why, but she wouldn’t tell him even if he asked. He’d have to puzzle it out for himself. He lowered his arms, hiding the guns beneath the duster. “Do you think I’ll teach Gus my bad habits?”
“Yes,” she said. “Exactly.”
“You don’t have to worry, Mary.” She truly didn’t. J.T. wanted Gus to be a good man, not a hired gun like him self.
She lifted her chin. “Considering how you left me, why should I trust you with my brother?”
“Because I’ve changed. I haven’t had a drink in six months, and it’s been so long since I gambled, I don’t remember how.” Not exactly. He remembered, but he needed to make a point. “There’s more. Do you want to hear it?”
“No.” She pushed to her feet. “It doesn’t matter, because I don’t want you in Gus’s life. He’s fragile. You’ll hurt him.”
He touched her arm. “Are we talking about Gus or you?”
“I don’t think so.” She was close enough to kiss, and her lips were trembling. She wasn’t just angry with him. He’d opened old wounds and they were bleeding. “I’m sorry, Mary. I’m sorry I left you, sorry I…” He shook his head. He’d used her like he used liquor, and he owed her amends. “You deserve to know something else. I haven’t been with a woman since I quit drinking.”
“J.T., don’t—”
“Listen to me. Please.” His voice dropped to a hush. “Just one more time, Fancy Girl. I need to say this to you.”
A tremor passed from her arm to his hand. If she told him to leave, he’d do it. But he needed to make this confession. She closed her eyes and lowered her head. When she finally looked up, he saw a bleakness that troubled him, but she nodded yes. “All right. I’ll listen.”
He indicated the swing. She sat, but her face had lost its color. Leaning against the railing, he dragged his hand through his hair. “I don’t know where to start, exactly. Back in Abilene—”
“I don’t want to talk about Abilene.” She sounded panicky and he wondered why. “Tell me about Fancy Girl. How did you find her?”
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