“Learning to rub along together fairly well, are you Miss Prentice, Miss MacAfee?” he inquired brightly, unable to hold back a satisfied grin at the sight of his ward in a temper. “How above everything wonderful, truly. I’m convinced of it—you’ll be bosom chums by tomorrow night, when we arrive in Park Lane to meet with my sister. I think this little stop in Epsom was just the ticket, although I can’t say, Miss Prentice, that I’m overfond of our ‘angel’ in that particular shade of pink.”
“It’s downright ugly, isn’t it,” Prudence declared, almost seeming in charity with him for the first time in days as she spread her hands and glared down at the gown Miss Prentice was still trying without notable success to pin more snugly around her left wrist. “All my life, I’ve been dreaming of beautiful gowns, of cutting a dash in society with my stylish wardrobe—and this is what that paperskulled ninny brings me. Pink!”
Banning hid a rather nasty smile as he bent his head and pretended an interest in adjusting his shirt cuffs. He had found, much to his amazement—considering the fact that he believed himself a gentleman—that he truly enjoyed baiting the child.
“I was speaking of your complexion, Miss MacAfee,” he then explained, hoping his expression was sober and very guardian-like, “which has a tendency to go nearly puce with temper, an unfortunately too common occurrence, considering the fact that you fly into the boughs almost hourly. As for the gown Miss Prentice purchased for you on my orders, it is passable enough, I believe.”
“How amusing you are, Daventry,” Prudence retorted, pulling her wrist free of Miss Prentice’s grasping fingers. “I’ll wager you launch yourself into hysterics three or more times a day, just reflecting on your own comic brilliance. Now, if you’re not going to be of any help to me—go away. Find yourself a monkey and a tambourine, and go perform downstairs in the common room, where there are doubtless enough drunken farmers eager to giggle at your cutting wit. I want to get back into my breeches, and I intend to do so in the next ten seconds. That’s ten… nine…eight…”
Miss Prentice walked to a corner of the room, picking up her almost always present glass of water and taking a sip before saying, “Lady Wendover has not sufficiently recovered her strength after her ordeal of last year, my lord, and should not be forced to deal with such an ill-mannered child. I beg that you rethink the matter, then go about discovering a suitable school for at least a year. I personally have heard of such an establishment in the north, somewhere near Edinburgh, I believe. Backboards, firmly administered corporal punishments for insubordination, thrice daily prayers—”
“Oh stubble it, Prentice. You’ve interrupted my counting. Besides, I know very well how a lady behaves—probably better than you, as a matter of fact. My grandmother was very particular that I should understand what it takes to be a lady. I just don’t like you, that’s all, and don’t give a fig what you think of me,” Prudence explained, turning her back on the woman.
“I’m not too taken with you, either, my lord Daventry,” she continued, smiling. “But you don’t have to worry about your sister. I know which side of my bread is buttered, and I’ll be good when I have to be. Now, where was I? Oh yes. Eight. Eight…seven…six…”
Banning inclined his head slightly in her direction. “How you soothe my troubled mind, Miss MacAfee,” he drawled, addressing her formally, as he had since entering the bedchamber here at the Cross and Battle, as he had done since their stormy interlude at the ruin—not that he had seen her above twice since then, as he had secreted himself in the private dining room at the inn just outside Milford and rode ahead of the coach during the day. “Just remember as you count down the numbers, and as you are playing the proper young miss around my sister, that I am the one footing the bill for your coming excursion into London society.”
“Don’t blame me for the promises you made, Daventry. Counting time is over, I fear. Don’t say I didn’t give you fair warning,” Prudence shot back, grinning as she began unbuttoning the unsuitable pink gown, starting with the buttons that seemed to climb halfway up the front of her slim throat. “Oh, look at me! The country bumpkin stripping down in front of the London gentleman. Quickly, Miss Prentice! Scream! Faint!”
“Angel, please,” Banning whispered in warning, unwilling to look away. Unable to look away. Good God! What was wrong with him, that he could not look away? How had he come to be so eager for the sight of a few inches of Prudence MacAfee’s sun-kissed skin, when he had just to walk into any ballroom in Mayfair to see yards and yards of bare, supple, creamy white female shoulders and bosoms.
Three more buttons were pushed free of their moorings, exposing several more inches of flawless, golden skin. “Please, my lord Daventry? Please what? Please stop? Please continue? Better run away, my lord, run away quickly—or else take another look, as your first one the other morning seemed to interest you so much.”
“His—your…your first, my lord?” Miss Prentice asked, her watery blue eyes rounded in question, in anticipated horror. “My lord, I fear I must insist you explain.”
“The bloody hell I will!” Banning exploded and bolted for the door, ushered on his way by the lilting trill of Angel MacAfee’s delighted laughter.
IT WAS DARK IN THE private dining room that adjoined his bedchamber at the Cross and Battle, but the Marquess of Daventry made no move to light more than one of the tapers stuck into the small branch of candles sitting at his elbow on the table.
After all, if he lit the remainder of the candles it would then be possible to see his reflection in the nearby windowpane, and he had seen more than enough of the man he was in the past two hours to wish to look himself in the eye just now.
It was depressing, believing himself to have turned, almost overnight, from a sober, upstanding man of the world, into a lech. A lusting, dirty-minded lech.
Yet here he was, a reasonably intelligent man of nearly five and thirty, reduced to drooling over a green goose of an eighteen-year-old woman-child with the come-hither body of a siren, the all-knowing eyes of a vixen, and the brash language and devil-take-the-hindmost attitude of a young buck first out on the town.
She had no shame, no wiles, no carefully cultivated airs, and no compunction about saying what she thought, doing what she wished, flaunting convention—not because she was being deliberately difficult, but just because she was Angel MacAfee, and Angel MacAfee didn’t give a flying pasty what anyone thought.
Flying pasty! Christ on a crutch, now he was being reduced to thieves’ cant, taken back to his own fairly rackety salad days—corrupted by a female barely old enough to be out of her leading strings!
Ah, what imp of mischief had entered Henry MacAfee’s mind that he would christen his sister with such a misnomer as Angel? Banning knew he would say that she had all the makings of a wanton, baiting him the way she had, except that he also knew she had acted more from anger that he would dare to look at her as a woman than she did from any longing to crawl into the nearest bed with him.
She had dared him with her lush, golden young body, successfully pushed him away by the simple tactic of pretending to draw him closer, made him embarrassed to be a man, ashamed to feel what could only be considered normal male desires, wants, needs.
Not that her daring warning had been necessary. He was certainly not about to do anything about his absurd attraction to her, save for possibly attempting to drown it tonight, and forever.
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