In the midst of it all, she could hear Kieran FitzAllen’s voice booming merrily, returning each greeting as if these filthy creatures were his dearest friends, each and every one. Women, especially, were rushing at him—crude, ill-dressed females with unbound hair and the look of harlots, which was, Glenys knew, most likely what they were. She didn’t have to watch to know how happily he received their particular greetings.
“Now,” a great, loud voice boomed over the din, causing the entire dwelling to shake, “here are my lads, come at last! Make way! Make way!”
“God save us,” Dina murmured, her voice quavering. “’Tis a giant.”
“Nay,” Glenys said, but it was a lie. The man coming toward them was a giant. A great, black-headed, swarthy giant, whose substantial girth was almost equal to his tremendous height. His arms were so long and heavily muscled that he looked as if he could squeeze a great tree and split it into tiny, crumbling bits.
“Bostwick!” Kieran FitzAllen greeted in return, pushing his way through the swarm of dirty bodies surrounding him and embracing the giant just as warmly and heartily as the giant embraced him. “Well met! God above, ’tis good to see you again!”
“Aye, and ye, ye great rogue!” Bostwick pounded him on the shoulder until Kieran nearly doubled over from the force. “And Jean-Marc, as well, ye damned rascal!” He picked the smaller, towheaded man up off the floor and shook him playfully. Jean-Marc flopped like a child’s doll. “How are ye, lad?” He set Jean-Marc down so suddenly that he collapsed upon the rushes. “And here are the lovely captives, brought to me for safekeeping, eh?” He turned to grin down at Glenys and Dina.
“Oh, m-m-mistress!” Dina sputtered, shrinking against Glenys and trembling mightily.
“Hush, Dina.” Glenys held her more closely and glared up at the giant. “I’ll not let him so much as set a finger to you, I vow.” She meant it, too, though she was just as afeard of the huge man. He was approaching them with open arms, as if he intended to scoop the both of them up into a ferocious embrace.
“Gently, Bostwick,” Kieran FitzAllen said, stepping forward to stop the giant before he reached them. “These are indeed the prisoners I sent word of, and I pray you’ve readied a suitable chamber for them. They are ladies of good family, as you can see, and not used to such rough peasants as we are. If you greet them too closely, they are like to swoon, merely from the foul smell of you, by the rood.” He laughed aloud at his own jest, and all those surrounding him laughed, too, Bostwick louder than the rest.
“Aye, ye speak well, Kieran, ye great rogue. And what good would these pretty prisoners be to us if they faint away, eh?” All present laughed again.
It was a fine jest, Glenys thought bitterly, knowing full well just what she and Dina looked like. They were sopping wet from crown to sole, their hair and clothing limp and bedraggled after more than three hours riding upon horseback through a raging storm. They were weary and hungry and chilled to the bone. All in all, they probably looked as uncomely and unappealing as two wet mongrels. If not Dina, then certainly herself.
“Well, they do look as if a tiny breath might knock them down, wet and weary as they’re like to be,” Bostwick said thoughtfully, surveying Glenys and Dina with a knowing gaze. “’Tis a pity they must be fine ladies, for they will give ye much trouble on your journey, my friend.”
“Doubtless, this is so,” Kieran agreed with a sigh.
“But naught can be done about it, I suppose,” said Bostwick. “We must all take what fortune falls our way, is that not so, my friends?”
The surrounding crowd cheered the words drunkenly. Two of the more attractive women among them had attached themselves to either side of Kieran FitzAllen, Glenys noted, and another had draped herself lovingly about Jean-Marc’s smaller person. Neither man appeared to be distressed by such brazen possession. In truth, they appeared well pleased.
“Bring them over to the fire, then, and let us have a better look at such fine, rich prisoners,” Bostwick commanded in his booming voice. “Mayhap they’ll be more seemly once their color has returned, and they have some ale and bread in their bellies. Gently now, lads,” he instructed sharply as Glenys and Dina were poked and pushed and prodded toward the huge, heavily smoking hearth. “They don’t want such rough handling as you’ll give them. Margie, girl, leave Kieran aside a moment and fetch our guests some ale and victuals.”
Despite Bostwick’s words, rough hands grabbed at them, and Glenys felt a sharp tug at the small leather pouch Uncle Aonghus had given her, which was yet tied on her girdle. Without thinking, she turned about and soundly slapped the man who’d dared to touch her. He reeled back, a hand held to his reddened cheek, and stared at her in momentary shock. Then he growled in fury and charged forward. Glenys scarce had time to blink before Kieran FitzAllen was in front of her, shoving the man back.
“Calm yourself, Hiram, and give me no trouble,” he said in a warning tone as the noise of the tavern began to die away. “These women have no gold upon them, nor anything of value. All of you, listen to me well.” He lifted his voice and looked about. “They’re not to be touched, nor robbed. They are in my care and I’ll not suffer them to be harmed in any way. If I should hear aught—even the smallest complaint—I vow I will deal with the culprit myself.” He turned abruptly and pointed to another man, shorter and stouter than the first, who had begun to move to the back of the crowd. “Coll of Chester, come you back. Now.”
The smaller man shuffled slowly back, already putting his hand in the pocket of the coarse tunic he wore. When Kieran FitzAllen held out his hand, the man placed what he’d stolen into it—the small white, glowing stone. Seeing it, Glenys gasped and pressed her hand into her inner pocket, feeling, with intense relief, that the valuable chess piece was yet safely within.
“’Twas only a rock,” the man said sullenly. “Naught more.”
“A rock, by the rood!” Bostwick exclaimed, laughing as he gazed down at the small, smooth white stone in Kieran’s palm. “’Tis the truth you speak, Kieran, my friend. They’ve naught of value upon them if the flame-haired wench carries rocks about. A tiny little rock, by God!” He laughed again, and the crowd laughed, as well, regaining their loud merriment.
Kieran turned to Glenys and set the stone in her trembling hand. She was faint with gladness that it hadn’t begun to glow, and quickly shoved it back into her pocket to join the druid queen. God help her, but what would have happened if anyone had seen the stone glowing, or the ancient chess piece, with its lively eyes? How could she ever have explained to these thieves—aye, most especially to Kieran FitzAllen—what they were and why they seemed to possess such magic?
The touch of Kieran FitzAllen’s warm hand upon her cheek caused her to look back up at him. He was gazing down at her, his blue eyes possessing a measure of concern.
“You tremble,” he stated. She could scarce deny it. “There is naught to be afraid of. I’ll let no one bring harm to either you or your maid.”
“No one save you,” she muttered, then was sorry for it. He was a knave and a fiend, but he was their only protection in this hellish den, and he had meant to reassure her. “We are cold and weary,” she said more calmly. “The fire here smokes far more than it gives heat, and these people…these friends of yours…”
“Aye?” His eyebrows rose. All about them the noisy crowd chattered and laughed and jostled one another.
“Is there no place where Dina and I can be left in peace?” she asked more softly, lest one of them should overhear and become angered. Already she could see Bostwick striving to get close enough to listen to what they said. “You mentioned that a room may have been readied. Can we not go there now, Dina and me?” She would plead with him, if she must.
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