‘Yes…of course.’ Lady Isadora rang the bell hastily. Elizabeth had an unconscious air of command about her, seeming to be completely in control of the situation, whereas she felt that she might faint if Mr Elworthy continued to drip blood on to her parlour floor. ‘Please, do whatever you feel necessary, my dear.’
Elizabeth did not respond. She was concentrating all her efforts on assisting the earl to get Mr Elworthy into the hall, where she saw a young, broad-shouldered footman lingering. He looked at them uncertainly.
‘Please,’ she said. ‘You have more strength than I, sir—help his lordship carry Mr Elworthy up the stairs. I shall go ahead and prepare the bed.’ She passed her share of the burden to the young man and ran on ahead. At the top of the stairs she met the housekeeper about to come down, and asked which bedchamber was available for an invalid.
‘This way, Miss Travers. The room has been cleaned only this morning, and is suitable for a gentleman,’ the woman replied, understanding the problem immediately.
Elizabeth followed her inside the guest bedchamber and together they pulled back the covers so that when the gentlemen entered—the strong, young footman now carrying Mr Elworthy in his arms—they were able to lay him straight onto the clean linen. The injured man gave a sigh and his eyelids fluttered open for a moment, his eyes looking into hers.
Elizabeth bent over him, stroking back a lock of hair from his sweating brow. ‘You are safe now, sir,’ she told him in a gentle voice. ‘I shall bind your wound for you and then you will feel easier until the doctor comes.’ She turned as Amy came in, carrying some linen and salves, followed by another young girl bearing a jug of water. ‘Ah, good,’ Elizabeth said. ‘Did either of you think to bring some scissors?’
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