He thought of Carrie. And Meg. “No problems, but if the little girl plans to go on the trail ride, she might need a little extra attention. A private lesson or two should do it.”
“Private lessons are extra,” she reminded him.
“Check with her grandmother. I don’t think there’ll be a problem.”
“Anything else?”
But his attention wasn’t on her or what she was saying. He watched as Meg strolled out of the barn and crossed the far end of the corral, headed for the guest cabins. He couldn’t keep his gaze from zeroing in on the woman, and he let out a breath of air when she disappeared around the corner of the barn.
“How’d she do with the lesson?” Ellie asked, gesturing in Meg’s direction.
Trey couldn’t deny that Meg was definitely shaky on a horse, but he suspected she would get over it as soon as she understood the basics. “She’s doing okay,” he hedged, feeling Ellie watching him closely.
“Maybe you’d better find some time for some private lessons with her.”
“Me?” he asked, matching her stare for stare. “Where am I supposed to find the time?”
“Oh, like I have the time,” she countered, her words dripping with sarcasm. “But you know that if she’s having some problems now, they’ll be even worse on the trail ride. Better give it some thought.”
He shook his head. He’d be damned if he was going to spend any more time with Meg unless he didn’t have a choice. “Nope. Not on your life. A couple more group lessons and she’ll be fine.”
“Yeah, but will you?” Moving away from the fence, she started for the house. “I’ve got work waiting.”
“Ellie,” he called to her, determined to put Meg out of his mind. “Chace oughta be back this evening. Has he called?”
“No, not today, but I expect him to later, once he’s on the road,” she told him over her shoulder.
He nodded as she hurried on to the house. His brother had left early the morning before to drive to Lubbock for their new riding horses. Chace had called when he’d reached the motel last night, and Ellie had relayed the message that all was well and he didn’t expect any problems getting the horses or transporting them back to the ranch. One less worry for Trey. And more time to wonder about Meg Chastain’s hidden curves and what else she might be hiding. She presented a challenge to him, and he’d be damned if he’d turn it down.
Meg stepped out onto the small cabin porch and took a deep breath. The scent of ranch permeated the air. She hadn’t expected to like it, but she did. The smell of hay and fresh, smog-free air tickled her senses, so different from life in the city. This was what she wanted for Aunt Dee. Clean air. She’d researched several areas of the country, and Arizona always came up. There, allergies would hopefully be a thing of the past, and her aunt would be able to enjoy life, instead of gasping for every breath.
Aunt Dee had never had much. Her health problems had taken any extra money they might have had. Meg wanted to repay her for all the love her aunt had unselfishly given her.
As she made her way to the green meadow behind the cottages and main house, the dry grass whispered against the denim of her jeans while colorful wildflowers caught her eye. Silence surrounded her. Silence of the nicest kind. If she strained her ears, she could hear indistinct voices coming from the ranch proper, but they were nothing compared to the din of the city. She would remember to thank Geraldine, not only for the chance to make a name for herself, but for the opportunity to experience this beautiful part of the country.
Feeling better than she had in a long time, and with her determination to succeed at an all-time high, Meg turned back for the ranch. The sight of a cowboy strolling toward her brought her to a halt. There was no mistaking that easy lope. Her heartbeat immediately picked up, and she took several deep breaths to try to slow it before he reached her. She had to get control of herself.
“Havin’ trouble findin’somethin’to do?” Trey asked, stopping less than a foot in front of her.
She shook her head. “Just enjoying the great outdoors.”
His eyes narrowed against the glow of the setting sun lighting his face. “You aren’t gettin’ bored at the Triple B, are you?”
“No,” she said after a slight hesitation. Was this a good time to ask more questions? Would this cowboy know anything? It was worth a try to find out. “How long have you lived here?”
His slow grin sent her heart rate up another ten beats. With Trey around, she didn’t need aerobics. Just his sexy smile.
Tipping his hat farther down and shading his eyes, he chuckled. “Just about forever. And that’s about how long it’ll be before I leave. What do you think of the place?”
“It’s beautiful,” she answered truthfully.
“Ever been to Texas before?”
She shook her head. Even with his eyes hidden, she could feel him looking at her. She didn’t dare glance at him for more than a minute. His strong but finely chiseled features were enough to make most women she knew swoon. But she wasn’t most women. She’d had enough disappointing encounters with men and had decided she could live without them. A career was more lucrative and satisfying. Most men left her feeling cold. To her surprise, Trey didn’t. It was startling to be near a man who made the air around her warmer but far from uncomfortable.
But she shouldn’t be thinking about him or any man, she reminded herself. “Didn’t I hear the ranch is family-owned?”
Trey barely heard her. He couldn’t stop looking at her. Nodding, he lifted his hand to skim a finger down her cheek. Her peaches-and-cream skin was even softer than he’d imagined. And he’d imagined plenty on the drive back from visiting his injured ranch hands in San Antonio that afternoon. “You don’t get out in the sun much, do you?” he asked in a voice so husky, it surprised even him.
She cleared her throat before answering, but she didn’t move. “N-no,” she said, her voice a soft whisper.
He couldn’t stop his smile. He was definitely getting to her. But it was his heart that skipped a beat. He noticed her quickened breathing and stepped closer, her wide, green eyes drawing him in. A voice in the back of his mind told him this was no way to act with a guest, but he couldn’t make himself back off. In spite of the long, loose top she wore, hiding who knew what, the lady had a magnetism. Her delicate features blew his mind. He was accustomed to beautiful woman, but she took his breath away. Her eyes shimmered with apprehension, but he could see a flame of something flickering there, too.
His gaze dropped to her lips. Full and ripe like fresh strawberries, they begged to be tasted. His body responded to the sight of them. Unable to stop himself, he moved his hand to the slender column of her neck, his fingers curving around it while his thumb rested at the base of her throat, where her pulse throbbed beneath his touch.
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