“No problem.”
Luke looked almost grateful for the respite, which didn’t lend Rorie much confidence. No doubt he assumed this city slicker was going to make a fool of herself and of him—and she probably would. When he escorted her to the row of chairs, Rorie made the mistake of sitting down. Instantly her skirts leaped up into her face. Embarrassed, she pushed them down, then tucked the material under her thighs in an effort to tame the layers of stiff petticoats.
“Hello, Luke.” A pretty blonde with sparkling blue eyes sauntered over. “I didn’t know if you’d show tonight or not. Glad you did.”
“Beth Hammond, this is Rorie Campbell.”
Rorie nodded. “It’s nice to meet you, Beth.”
“Oh, I heard about you at the drugstore yesterday. You’re the gal with the broken-down sports car, aren’t you?”
“That’s me.” By now it shouldn’t have surprised Rorie that everyone knew about her troubles.
“I hope everything turns out okay.”
“Thanks.” Although Beth was speaking to Rorie, her eyes didn’t leave Luke. It was patently obvious that she expected an invitation to dance.
“Luke, why don’t you dance with Beth?” Rorie suggested. “That way I’ll gather a few pointers from watching the two of you.”
“What a good idea,” Beth chirped eagerly. “We’ll stay on the outskirts of the crowd so you can see how it’s done. Be sure and listen to Charlie—he’s the caller. Then you’ll see what each step is.”
Rorie nodded agreeably.
Luke gave Rorie a long sober look. “You’re sure?”
All join hands, circle right around
Stop in place at your hometown...
Studying the dancers, Rorie quickly picked up the terms do se do, allemande left and allemande right and a number of others, which she struggled to keep track of. By the end of the dance, her foot was tapping out the lively beat of the fiddlers’ music and a smile formed as she listened to the perfectly rhyming words.
“Rorie,” Skip said, suddenly standing in front of her. “May I have the pleasure of this dance?”
“I...I don’t think I’m ready yet.”
“Nonsense.” Without listening to her protest, he grabbed her hand and hauled her to her feet.
“Skip, I’ll embarrass you,” she protested in a low whisper. “I’ve never done this before.”
“You’ve got to start sometime.” He tucked his arm around her waist and led her close to the stage.
“We got a newcomer, Charlie,” Skip called out, “so make this one simple.”
Charlie gave Skip a thumbs-up and reached for the microphone. “We’ll go a bit slower this time,” Charlie announced to his happy audience. “Miss Rorie Campbell from San Francisco has joined us and it’s her first time on the floor.”
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