“They’re tolerating it.”
“I can’t imagine that.” Ava dragged a zucchini slice through the dip and bit into it. “My family is everything to me. I would be nothing without them.”
“You seem tight with your sisters.”
“Yeah. I’d never be able to open my own bakery without my family’s help. I got my business loan from my grandmother—talk about fear of failure. I don’t want to let her down. And Spence helped me with my business plan and buying the property. My sisters are helping me with the finishing stuff. Katherine took me to all the flea markets and swap meets and secondhand stores in the state, I think, and we got a bunch of bistro tables and chairs that Aubrey is refinishing for me in her studio. My stepsister Danielle has promised to make the window blinds and valences. That kind of thing. And that’s not including the pep talks when I need them.”
“So, they’ve got a lot of confidence in you. It must be nice to have the people you love most wanting what will make you happy.”
“It is.” Ava’s eyes shone with emotion and she dunked her zucchini into the dip. “It’s also a lot of people to disappoint. Something I could never stand to do.”
He could see that about her. Brice’s throat tightened. “I can’t stand how much this has upset my parents either. It’s been a huge strain on our relationship.”
“They want the best for you, though?”
He could see from the hopeful trust in her eyes that she didn’t understand. “They do. I know they love me, but the truth is, I’m not what they hoped for in a son. I wrestled with it for a long time. I tried things their way, but I’m not cut out for spending a day in an office, investing other people’s money. I like the work I do, but they see it as too blue collar.”
“And that would be wrong because…?”
He swallowed his embarrassment over his parents. They were too set in their ways and opinions to change. He tried to dismiss the pain behind it, and the weight of his father’s disappointments. His father who was a good, loving dad. Love and family were always complicated. “Dad thinks I’m not going to be happy unless I have a white-collar career, but I think it’s the appearance thing. They care too much what other people think.”
“It’s hard to know other people think you’re a dope or a loser. It has happened to me too many times to count. I’ve become sort of numb to it.”
He choked down a hoot of laughter. She said it with a twinkle in her eyes. She always surprised him. “Exactly. I’ve become a little numb on this subject, where my parents are concerned. My mom is still holding out hope I’ll come to my senses and go to law school or medical school. Or into the seminary.”
“I can’t picture you doing any of that. I’m sure you’d be good at any profession you chose, but you can only be yourself. Who God meant you to be.” She lowered her gaze and stared hard at the table’s surface between them. “At least, that’s what my older sister keeps telling me.”
“She’s right.”
He considered the woman across from him, with her blond hair windblown and going every which way. She was lovelier every time he saw her. Today her cheeks were slightly flushed from what he guessed to be a busy day. She had that breathless look about her. Her words had been rolling around in his head all day. It’s an ironclad, nonnegotiable no-man, no-dating policy .
He couldn’t give up hope completely. Business first. And when the renovation was done, then he’d see where he stood with her.
At that exact moment her cell rang. She checked it and turned it off. “It’s Aubrey. Food’s served. I’m sorry, but I’m starving.”
He stood to help her with her chair. “You’ll stop by tomorrow when I’m there so I can show you what I have in mind?”
“I can do that.”
“No more drive-by bakings?”
“Now, I can’t promise that.” She swished away.
She was so small and fragile, so whimsical and feminine, that a vibrant, steel-like emotion came to life in his heart, overtaking him. He watched her go with a mix of care and affection. He really liked her.
She stopped at the end of the row of tables. “Oh, I forgot to ask about the muffins. Did the men like them?”
“The monsters were the hit of the day.”
She flashed him her brightest smile, the one that showed her dazzling spirit. The one that caught his heart like a hook on a line and dug deep. The hook did not leave as she walked away with her gait snapping and her golden hair swaying across her back. Even when she was out of his sight it remained, inexplicably.
* * *
Without Brice Donovan anywhere around, it was like a thousand times easier to remember her policy. Later that day, Ava jammed her Bible study materials into her tote and heaved it off the floor. The classroom in the church’s auxiliary building was pleasant and serene, but then she always felt peaceful after spending an hour in fellowship, studying her Bible. She was focused and calm and everything seemed clear.
Aubrey fell in beside her and they trailed the small crowd filing out the door. “I’m in the mood for chocolate. Want to stop by the ice creamery and pig out on sundaes?”
“Like I would ever think that was a bad idea.” Really. Did Aubrey even have to ask? She staggered under the weight of her mammoth bag. She was really going to have to find the time to go through it and clean it out—not that she was skilled at stuff like that. “I need sustenance if I’m going to be able to face my day tomorrow. It’s jam-packed.”
“You remembered we were going to babysit for Danielle, right?” Aubrey waited a beat before rolling her eyes. Their stepsister was happily married with two great kids. “It’s okay. Don’t even bother. I’ll babysit and you’ll do it next Friday. I’ve got that church retreat thing. So, tomorrow’s packed?”
“It’s just that I got this referral from Chloe’s wedding. It was Brice, really—”
“Ex-boyfriend alert,” Aubrey cut in, although by the interested lift of her eyebrows she’d caught the Brice reference. “It’s Mike, directly ahead, in the hall.”
They were still safely stuck in the doorway of the classroom, in a small queue, but she was definitely visible. Ava could feel his smug gaze sweeping over her. She didn’t have to look to know he had some poor clueless woman hanging on his arm. Two years ago, she’d been there, believing the stories he told about what a moral Christian guy he was on the surface.
Unfortunately, his supposed values were pure fabrication, and every time she spotted him she felt beyond foolish. Yep, even years later, her nose was turning glowing strawberry red again. Why couldn’t she have noticed right away that he wasn’t what he seemed? It was her fault-blindness. She just couldn’t see the big glaring signs of trouble that other people could.
“That poor woman,” Aubrey said with sympathy and kindness. Good, gentle Aubrey never made a fool of herself and never made any mistakes at all, much less mistakes of gargantuan proportion. “I’m going to add both of them to my prayers. She’s bound to be heartbroken one day.”
Just like I was. Ava could still feel the crack in her heart from him. “I’ll pray for her, too.”
She purposely didn’t look ahead down the hall, so she wouldn’t have to see him. Or to remember she’d really fallen hard for Mike. Discovering who he really was had been tough.
“And there’s Ken.” Aubrey grabbed Ava’s wrist and steered her toward the far wall. “No, don’t look up.”
Great. Ken was probably with someone, too. He’d been the chef who, on the third date, said he’d waited long enough and tried to take liberties. She’d accidentally broken two fingers on his right hand when she’d bolted from the passenger seat of his car and slammed his hand in the door.
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