Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife

Angel Light, Star Bright,
Whisper words of love.
Feel, sense, listen close
Hugs, caring arms.
Angel Wings, Special Things
Always staying close.
Touch, see, shining white
Safely by your side.
Jacky Newcomb
my loving family,
John, Georgina and Charlotte.
May angels always hold their hands.
And to
all my lovely readers.
Title Page An Angel Held My Hand Inspiring True Stories of the Afterlife
Angel Light Angel Light Angel Light, Star Bright, Whisper words of love. Feel, sense, listen close Hugs, caring arms. Angel Wings, Special Things Always staying close. Touch, see, shining white Safely by your side. Jacky Newcomb
Dedication To my loving family, John, Georgina and Charlotte. May angels always hold their hands. And to all my lovely readers.
Acknowledgements Acknowledgements Once again, thank you to everyone who has contributed to the amazing stories in the book. Without you there would be no book.
Chapter 1 Angels and Me
Chapter 2 Angels in the Car
Chapter 3 Angels of Healing
Chapter 4 Angels as Guardians
Chapter 5 Angels and Children
Chapter 6 Angels and Animals
Chapter 7 Angels from the Afterlife
Chapter 8 Angels and Miracles—and Some Fun Stories Too!
Chapter 9 Angel Letters
Can You Help?
About the Author
About the Publisher
Once again, thank you to everyone who has contributed to the amazing stories in the book. Without you there would be no book.
If you can imagine it, you can achieve it.
If you can dream it, you can become it.
William Arthur Ward
Wow, what a rollercoaster ride I have been on over the last few years. From depressed mother and housewife to bestselling author, interviewed many times by the national media. How did this happen?
If you are a regular reader of my work you will know that I consider myself just a normal mum—but a normal mum who has experienced a wide range of paranormal phenomena in her life. I have thoroughly enjoyed writing about my own experiences and collecting these stories for you and I am thrilled that you seem to enjoy reading them as much as I have enjoyed writing about them. Angels have certainly changed my life and I really love hearing how they have changed your lives too.
I believe we all have psychic experiences from time to time. You know when you just know who is at the door when you hear the bell ring, or you pick up the phone already knowing who is on the end of the line, or you think of someone you haven’t seen for years and then bump into them the very next day. These things just happen a little more often to some of us!
I’ve had out-of-body experiences, had relatives visit in dreams with lifesaving messages, heard voices giving warnings whilst I’ve been driving in the car and enjoyed the sweet sound of a celestial choir. Once, when I was at the lowest point of my life, I remember having a chat with ‘him upstairs’. ‘God,’ I said, ‘I no longer have a clue what to do, so I’m leaving it in your hands.’
I honestly didn’t care what happened next in my life. But within moments I found myself being lifted out of my body. I felt totally at one with the energy of the ‘all that is’. No words can even begin to describe that feeling. It was the most intense love I have ever felt in my life. I was being held in the very ‘arms’ of God and filled with the most perfect peace, an unconditional love far stronger than anything a mother could give to her child. I believe that this is the love we go back to when we die and return to our life in the heavenly realms.
I never wanted to come back to my body again and would have done pretty much anything to stay in those loving arms. But suddenly thoughts of my husband and two children flooded into my mind and this immediately broke the ‘trance’ and I came back into my body.
My experience was temporary. It was just a top-up of love. I had to come back to carry on with my life and sort out my problems—with the help of angels, of course. But now I knew that ultimately everything was going to be OK. And you know what? Everything did work out in the end.
Why have these things happened to me? Why do they happen to anyone? They inspired me to start studying psychic phenomena—well, wouldn’t you? I was desperately searching for explanations for my own experiences. Along the way I discovered that thousands and thousands of people all over the world had been through many of the same things that I had. I began collecting their stories and I want to share some of them with you here. Loving messages from the other side of life, angels who appear just in the nick of time, signs from pets to show they have made it safely to heaven, messages sent to children by deceased relatives—many stories are very dramatic and leave you almost breathless with wonder. Some are subtler, of course, but all are mini-miracles of life.
In most cases, angels of one sort or another are involved. In all of them, the experiences are amazing and defy explanation. One day we will understand how and why such things happen, but for now let’s just enjoy these stories for what they are—wonderful and lifechanging experiences that show that anyone’s life can be touched by an angel. Miracles know no bounds.
Let me begin by sharing a little more of my own journey. Am I crazy? Perhaps—but come and enjoy the ride just the same!
It is not your aptitude but your attitude that determines your altitude.
Zig Ziglar
Like most children I was frightened of ghosts. I have an early memory of running across our landing screaming. I was six years old and we were living in a 100-year-old three-storey house in Birmingham. It was dark and I’d stepped out of bed to visit the bathroom, just a short sprint across the squeaky floor and out of the door to the left. As I walked through the open door, though, a strange white shape drifted in front of me and seemed to float in front of my eyes for a moment before disappearing at the other end of the landing.
For the briefest moment I wondered if my sister Debbie was playing a trick on me, but she was only six and was snoring loudly in the room behind me, along with my youngest sister Madeline. And the shape hadn’t had any feet and had been floating a foot off the ground. No, I guess she hadn’t learned to levitate just yet! So what was it?
Terrified, I ran back into my room. Actually, this wasn’t my usual room. I had my own bedroom, but once a year I was chucked out of it so an elderly aunt could come and stay. When she arrived, I was despatched to the ‘big bedroom’ that my two sisters shared. This old house had large rooms compared to modern homes and the three of us fitted easily into the space.
The aunt, Aunty Edie, was tiny. I remember she used to repeat everything she said at least twice and follow me and my sisters around, walking so closely behind us that when we turned round quickly she would bump into us. We found her slightly scary. It wasn’t her fault, you understand. When you’re aged four, six and seven, a woman in her late seventies is ancient! Aunty seemed so old to me then that I worried she might die in my bed. Would she come back and haunt me? Perhaps my floating vision was the result of my sleepless nights of worry rather than an actual ghost? I’ve never been too sure.
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