Kate Hardy - One Night of Passion - The Night that Changed Everything / Champagne with a Celebrity / At the French Baron's Bidding

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One Night of Passion: The Night that Changed Everything / Champagne with a Celebrity / At the French Baron's Bidding: краткое содержание, описание и аннотация

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THE NIGHT THAT CHANGED EVERYTHINGGorgeous Nicholas Savas is fascinated by defiant Edie Tremayne. Sweeping this beauty into his bed is a challenge he’ll gladly take on! But one night with Edie is unforgettable, hot as hell – and not nearly enough…CHAMPAGNE WITH A CELEBRITYBrooding perfumer Guy Lefèvre shuns the press at all costs and a heated affair with beautiful socialite Amber Wayne would risk the media discovering secrets that could shatter his world. But can he really just let her walk out of his life?AT THE FRENCH BARON'S BIDDERBaron Raoul d’Argentan is darkly handsome but extremely arrogant. His grudge with Natasha de Saugure’s family means that Raoul knows exactly how to deal with innocent Mademoiselle de Saugure: seduce and then set loose.

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One Night of Passion

The Night that Changed Everything

Anne McAllister

Champagne with A Celebrity

Kate Hardy

At the French Baron’s Bidding

Fiona Hood-Stewart

One Night of Passion The Night that Changed Everything Champagne with a Celebrity At the French Barons Bidding - изображение 1 www.millsandboon.co.uk



Title Page One Night of Passion The Night that Changed Everything Anne McAllister Champagne with A Celebrity Kate Hardy At the French Baron’s Bidding Fiona Hood-Stewart www.millsandboon.co.uk

The Night that Changed Everything The Night that Changed Everything

About the Author Award-winning author ANNE McALLISTER was once given a blueprint for happiness that included a nice, literate husband, a ramshackle Victorian house, a horde of mischievous children, a bunch of big, friendly dogs, and a life spent writing stories about tall, dark and handsome heroes. ‘Where do I sign up?’ she asked, and promptly did. Lots of years later, she’s happy to report the blueprint was a success. She’s always happy to share the latest news with readers at her website, www.annemcallister.com , and welcomes their letters there, or at PO Box 3904, Bozeman, Montana 59772, USA.

Dedication For Peter, always. And this time, especially, for Steve, with thanks for the road trip and the memories.

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Champagne with a Celebrity

About the Author

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve


At the French Baron’s Bidding

About the Author
























The Night that Changed Everything

Award-winning author ANNE McALLISTERwas once given a blueprint for happiness that included a nice, literate husband, a ramshackle Victorian house, a horde of mischievous children, a bunch of big, friendly dogs, and a life spent writing stories about tall, dark and handsome heroes. ‘Where do I sign up?’ she asked, and promptly did. Lots of years later, she’s happy to report the blueprint was a success. She’s always happy to share the latest news with readers at her website, www.annemcallister.com, and welcomes their letters there, or at PO Box 3904, Bozeman, Montana 59772, USA.

For Peter, always.

And this time, especially, for Steve,

with thanks for the road trip and the memories.

Chapter One

HE WAS Trouble. With a capital T .

From the look of him, Edie thought as she watched Mr. Tall, Dark and Drop-Dead Gorgeous flash his brilliant smile at her starlet sister, Rhiannon, the whole word should be capitalized.


The precise sort of trouble she knew it was her job to prevent.

So Edie hovered beside a pillar in the Mont Chamion state ballroom assessing the situation as the wedding reception of her royal highness Princess Adriana and her handsome groom, well-known actor-director Demetrios Savas went on around her.

The orchestra was playing and couples all around her were dancing. It would have been better— safer —if Rhiannon had been dancing, too. Instead she was standing still, her body nearly pressed into that of the man she was talking to.

Was it too much to hope that Mr. Trouble would simply smile at her simpering, eyelash batting sister, set her aside and move away into the throng? He was clearly out of Rhiannon’s league. Her sister might be beautiful and flirtatious, but this man looked to be in his mid-thirties, worldly, sophisticated and clearly had far too much of the “male animal” for Rhiannon who was barely twenty.

And not a very mature twenty, at that.

Edie watched as her sister put her hand on his arm and stood staring up at him with rapt fascination. Edie recognized the look. It could mean she was actually interested in what he was saying to her. Or it could mean that Ree was doing what she did best—acting. In either case, unless Edie intervened it would cause no end of trouble.

Edie willed Mr. Trouble to turn away, to find another admirer. Dancing couples obscured her view for a moment. But when she caught sight of them again, she could see he hadn’t moved an inch. His expression was bemused as he smiled down at her sister. It gave him an enticing groove in one cheek. Rhiannon reached up a finger and stroked it.

Edie stifled a groan.

An elbow suddenly collided with her back. She turned, expecting an apology. Instead she found her mother glaring at her.

“Do something!” Mona Tremayne hissed. She gave Edie a speaking look, then smoothly turned back to Danish producer, Rollo Mikkelsen, slid her arm through his and blinded him with one of her patent Mona Tremayne Sex Goddess For The Ages smiles.

All Edie could think was, “Thank God Rhiannon hadn’t perfected that bit of their mother’s repertoire yet.” But she seemed to be doing well enough on her own. Behind her as the music ended Edie detected what she thought was her sister’s lilting giggle. It was joined by a deep baritone laugh.

Mona obviously heard it, too. She turned back from Rollo Mikkelsen and glowered, first at Edie, then over Edie’s shoulder to where Rhiannon was about to make a big mistake.

So there was no help for it. Edie set her teeth grimly and turned away from her mother, knowing her duty. “Right. On my way.”

As her mother’s and sister’s business manager, Edie’s job was to keep their careers on track. She dealt with the finances, the business appointments, the offers, the contracts and the myriad demands that the world made on one of America’s leading screen actresses and her up-and-coming starlet daughter.

All that was a piece of cake.

It was the hands-on meddling that Edie hated. She didn’t have to do it for her mother. Over the years Mona had certainly learned to take care of herself. And if she made mistakes, she had the clout to make them go away.

Rhiannon was another story.

Rhiannon was young and vulnerable, emotional and flighty. She was also genuinely kind and loving. It was a scary combination. Making sure Rhiannon had lots of projects to keep her focused was the best way to be sure she didn’t sabotage herself, her life or her career.

Ordinarily Edie could manage that by keeping her sister’s calendar booked, and she never had to leave California to do it.

But Mona had rung two days ago from Mont Chamion and said, “Pack your bags.”

When her mother spoke in that brisk no-nonsense tone, Edie knew not to argue. Where Rhiannon was concerned, Mona’s instincts were almost always spot on. If she foresaw trouble, it was better to tackle it head-on than to hope it might not happen. So Edie had dutifully flown halfway around the world ready to put out whatever potential fire might erupt.

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