One amazing, passionate night of pleasure, one pregnancy …
One-Amazing- Night Baby!
Three sexy romances from three favourite Mills & Boon authors!
A Wild Night & A Marriage Ultimatum
Robyn Grady
Pregnant by the Playboy Tycoon
Anne Oliver
Pleasure, Pregnancy and a Proposition
Heidi Rice
A Wild Night
& A Marriage
Robyn Grady
Dear Reader,
What does “a marriage of convenience” mean today? Proposals underpinned by notions of security or duty are largely relics of the past. Now, more than ever, why would we choose to marry outside of love … unless this question needs to be asked: What will be best for the baby? Then all the hard-won independence in the world can’t supply a cut-and-dried answer.
One impulsive night and a positive pregnancy test later, confirmed bachelorette Sophie Gruebella finds herself in such a dilemma. Millionaire lawyer Cooper Smith might be a dynamite lover, but they can’t agree on the time of day. From her own childhood, Sophie knows her baby will do better in a single-parent home than with a couple that argue non-stop. Marrying without love, or compatibility outside of the bedroom, isn’t an option.
On the other hand, Cooper’s traditional ideals and plans for a family demand a wedding take place—for better or for worse. Trouble is, whenever they kiss, Sophie forgets about “worse” and only remembers “better”.
Best wishes,
One Christmas long ago, ROBYN GRADYreceived a book from her big sister and immediately fell in love with Cinderella. Sprinklings of magic, deepest wishes come true—she was hooked! Picture books with glass slippers later gave way to romance novels, and, more recently, the real-life dream of writing for Mills & Boon.
After a fifteen-year career in television, Robyn met her own modern-day hero. They live on Australia’s Sunshine Coast with their three little princesses, two poodles, and a cat called Tinkie. Robyn loves new shoes, worn jeans, lunches at Moffat Beach and hanging out with her friends on eHarlequin. Learn about her latest releases at, and don’t forget to say hi. She’d love to hear from you!
For Tabitha, Holly and Ashleigh—dream big, stay
strong, be happy.
‘WOULD all the eligible ladies please move to the centre of the room? The bride will now throw the bouquet!’
Sophie Gruebella’s gaze jumped from her fingertip, slowly rimming her glass, to the middle-aged DJ, then over to the women jostling for position on the Sydney ballroom dance floor. Her emerald-green gown rustled as she sat up straight and set her hands resolutely in her lap.
Uh-uh. No way. She was pleased her friend had found Mr Right. Wendy and Noah looked perfect together, particularly now, as he brushed a kiss over his wife’s lips and Wendy swished her snow-white train out of the way, preparing to lob her roses into the excited skirted throng. But sadly, as far as Sophie was concerned, showing up today had been effort enough.
Practically everyone here knew she’d been unceremoniously dumped three months earlier. Self-medication consisted of a nightly overdose of anything resembling chocolate, and a cycle of romantic comedy DVDs, the happy endings of which made her all the more morose. She’d gained ten pounds—and that was only under her eyes.
The humiliation of being tossed aside for a younger, thinner, more attractive woman was gradually losing its sting; she no longer considered herself in love with Ted, thank heaven. However, being the unassuming rather than assertive type, the blow to her self-esteem had been crushing. The notion of ever falling in love again, let alone literally chasing a wedding bouquet, left her feeling ill.
The DJ’s dulcet tones resonated around the ballroom, which was decorated with the finest linen and flickering candelabra. ‘Last chance, ladies. Who will catch the bouquet? Who’s next in line?’
Sophie sighed. Would the happiness Wendy and Noah shared today ever be hers? Could she bear to open up and risk her heart again? Though it pained her to admit it, as more time passed, the less she believed. And heaven knew an extravagant ceremony and a licence were no guarantee any rainbow would last for ever.
As Sophie pondered, a striking masculine figure crossed her path. Her heartbeat skipped, and for a giddy moment that sick feeling in her stomach faded. Handsome in a dangerous 007 kind of way, he stopped slightly ahead and to the right of her. The tuxedo jacket, which emphasised the breadth of his shoulders, shifted as he retrieved a phone from his breast pocket. Profile earnest, long legs braced apart, he checked his watch, shook his head and, after a few indecipherable words into the cellphone, terminated the conversation.
A business call? Odd for a Saturday night. Sophie surveyed the room. His girlfriend must be among that mob limbering up. Because confident, killer-sexy guys like that always had girlfriends—and not well-padded, down-hearted specimens like herself.
Sophie pushed her glass aside.
In fact, it was high time she left.
As she scooped the last heart-shaped chocolate into her handbag, a collective whoop went up to the ceiling and something bright and fragrant landed in her lap. She looked down and gasped.
How on earth had Wendy’s bouquet flown all the way back here? More importantly— oh, Lord— where could she hide?
With every eye drilled upon her, Sophie withered in her seat and the DJ hooted. ‘Great throw, Wendy! Let’s put our hands together for the shy little lady up the back.’
Over a smattering of applause, Sophie executed a wobbly smile. Even sent a little wave. When the show was finally over, and couples began to reunite, her friends Penny Newly and Kate Tigress hurried over.
Above the plunging neckline of a silver-sequinned gown, Penny’s mouth twisted on a pout. ‘I don’t get it. Why would you want to catch the bouquet?’
Kate slapped Penny’s arm. ‘Don’t be mean.’
Penny winced and rubbed the spot. ‘I only meant that she’s single at the moment. It’s a bit of a waste.’
As far back as high school, Penny had been known for her beautiful blonde mane, ample bosom and lack of tact. However …
Sophie exhaled. ‘You’re right. I’m the least likely to marry next.’
Kate sat down and squeezed Sophie’s hand. ‘You’ll get back in the game, Soph. You’ll find your soul mate. A man so well suited he’ll practically be your twin.’
Sophie found a self-deprecating smile. ‘Can we organise a twin without my spare tyre and tangle of hair?’
Preferably someone sleek and built .
Past Kate’s shoulder, Sophie watched 007 frown into the crowd as he folded impressive arms over an equally impressive chest. Sophie frowned too. Where was the girlfriend?
A skilled hairdresser, Kate swept back a curl which had escaped from Sophie’s upsweep. ‘Just for the record, your cappuccino curls are gorgeous. And if you cut even an inch, you’ll answer to me.’ Her playful scowl eased. ‘You should flaunt what you have, instead of always trying to hold it back.’
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