He shrugged. “I’ve never really cared for these kinds of things. This party is for you, so naturally it’s the best party ever thrown, but I’d just as soon rush you out of here and find out what’s under that dress.”
There was a heat in his cool blue eyes that promised he would make good on every word. The warmth of his hands on her sunk deep into her body, and the worries of a moment ago seemed to disappear. He had such a powerful effect on her. Having him so close, his cologne and warm male scent tickling her nose, was enough to make her want to rub against him and purr like a cat. She was about to suggest he take her home when he looked down at this watch.
“I guess we can’t avoid it any longer.”
Cynthia frowned in confusion. “Avoid what?”
“The dance floor. Come on,” he said, taking a step back and holding out his hand to her. “We’ve got to take at least one lap around the floor before we leave. Pauline paid way too much for the orchestra for us not to.”
“I don’t think I know how to dance,” she confided as he led her through the crowd. It was part of the reason she hadn’t brought it up earlier. She’d rather look lovely in the crowd then stand out for looking foolish.
“Don’t worry, I’m no Fred Astaire.”
They made their way to the center of the floor where a large group of couples had already gathered. Will took Cynthia’s hand in his, wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her tightly against him. “We’ll keep it simple,” he said with a smile.
It was a good thing he meant what he said, because she could hardly think this close to him. The whole length of her body was pressed into his as they glided around. The song was slow and the steps were easy, but she hardly noticed anything but her handsome dancing partner.
“I’m going to have to keep a better eye on you tonight,” Will whispered into her ear after a few minutes.
Cynthia felt her chest tighten but tried not to let the panic show in her eyes. Instead she turned to place her head on his shoulder so he couldn’t see her face. “Why is that?” she asked. Had he seen Nigel?
“Because every eye in this room is on you, and every man here is drooling over how your dress looks like you were poured into it.” His hand slid lower on her back to rest just above the flare of her hips. The heat sank into the base of her spine, a warm tingle starting there and working its way through her body.
Perhaps Nigel hadn’t ruined tonight after all. “Mmm-hmm…” she murmured, her heart not slowing as the worry subsided but increasing with his caress. Her whole body was on high alert and aching for more of him. The few days she’d gone without his touch was far too long. “I am an excellent seamstress.”
“But how do you know they aren’t looking at you? You’re quite handsome tonight as well.”
“Nope, but thank you for the compliment. If you’ve seen one monkey suit, you’ve seen them all. Tonight is all about you. And you deserve it.”
Cynthia was a little startled by his statement. She’d been lucky. She doubted she’d been spared because she deserved it more than anyone else on that plane. To be honest, she should’ve been one of the last ones spared. “For what? Not dying?”
“You’re a fighter. I’m so amazed at how you’ve handled everything that has been thrown at you the past few months. I didn’t realize you had it in you. I guess I never really gave you enough credit. I was always too busy to really see who you were, only what you wanted me and everyone else to see.”
Will stopped turning and they both became still in each other’s arms. He reached down and gently tipped her chin up to him so she couldn’t avoid his gaze. “I see you now, Cynthia. And I really like what I see.”
Cynthia was trapped in the blue eyes gazing down on her with adoration and unmasked attraction. It was the nicest thing he’d ever said to her. It wasn’t a declaration of love, but it was a step in the right direction. She’d held on to the dream of a real future together, but she figured it would take time. When she gave him back the engagement ring, it was a pledge to put in the necessary time and effort to fix their relationship. Perhaps it wasn’t as broken as she’d thought. They could have a future together. One filled with love and laughter.
As she stood there, surrounded by the gentle glow of crystal chandeliers and drifting orchestra music, she felt her heart slipping from her grasp. She barely knew Will, but she didn’t care. She knew he was honest and kind. He supported her like no one else had. He’d protected her from a world that seemed to come at her from all sides. He was a good man. A man worthy of the love that suddenly swelled in her chest for him.
Cynthia really did love him. And she wanted to tell him how she felt in this perfect moment, but she knew it was too soon. The night had been an emotional roller coaster, but she knew how it needed to end. She needed to find the solace and comfort she knew would be in Will’s arms. And in his bed. Maybe there she could find the courage to voice the words that wanted to burst out of her with their intensity.
Instead she said, “Kiss me.” And he did without hesitation.
She melted into him, neither of them worried about her makeup or the fact that a hundred people were watching them. It was just him and her, two lovers in a bubble that no one, not even Nigel, could burst.
When they finally came up for air, Cynthia knew she couldn’t stay at this party a moment longer. She needed to make love to Will.
“Now, we’ve danced. So take me home,” she demanded with a wicked smile.
Cynthia sat expectantly in the limousine, eyeing Will as though he would pounce on her at any moment, but he wasn’t about to start anything he couldn’t finish. She couldn’t walk up to the apartment carrying her dress, and she’d kill him if he ripped it off her the way he wanted to, so there was nothing to do but wait.
A little anticipation never hurt anyone. The past few days had taught him that.
But Cynthia wasn’t having it. She moved over to the opposite seat, facing him. Having her out of his reach was helpful, but now he couldn’t keep from looking at her. Which is exactly what she wanted.
Grasping at the fabric, she slowly inched her dress up her legs until they were exposed to the knee. He could see the bare flash of her inner thigh as she slipped out of her heels and stretched one pale, delicate foot across the distance between them. Starting at his ankle, it slowly snaked up his leg, gently caressing him as it went.
He tensed as her foot moved higher, slinking across his inner thigh. Will was firm, ready and aching for her touch. Her green eyes shone with a naughty glint as they locked on his. The corners of her mouth curved up in a knowing smile as her toes met with the base of his shaft and agonizingly slid up the hard length.
Will groaned aloud, his hands curving into tight fists at his sides. Thank God the privacy partition was up in the limousine. He didn’t want their driver to hear him, and he couldn’t keep the growl in his throat from escaping as her foot moved up and down in a rhythm set to make him absolutely crazy.
He would not reach for her, he told himself. They were almost home. Getting out of the car and upstairs might be an issue for him with her tiny pink-painted toes driving him to distraction, but he could do it.
“Aww,” Cynthia pouted as the limo pulled up outside their building. “I was just starting to have some fun.”
Will sighed in relief as she pulled her dress down and slipped back into her shoes. Cynthia gathered her things and slipped out of the door, which was now open and waiting for them. They made it upstairs in record time, the door slamming shut behind Will just as he thought he might explode if he didn’t touch her soon.
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