Kate Hardy - Passionate Affairs - Breakfast at Giovanni's

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BREAKFAST AT GIOVANNI'SWorking for darkly handsome Giovanni Mazetti is fantastic – until Francesca discovers her new job comes with a tantalising caveat: pretending to be his adoring girlfriend! Purchased for Pleasure When Kate Hyden is sold to the highest bidder at a charity auction, she never expected it would be to her well-muscled and irresistible ex, Tyler James! They have one week together, and that week will be all about pleasure…BEDDED BY ARRANGEMENTMillionaire Jake Rendel has just made Emma Delaney a proposition she cannot refuse… for one month, they’ll pretend to have a steamy affair! And soon the girl-next-door is wishing the month would never end.

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Passionate Affairs Breakfast at Giovannis Kate Hardy Purchased for Pleasure - фото 1

Passionate Affairs

Breakfast at Giovanni’s

Kate Hardy

Purchased for Pleasure

Nicola Marsh

Bedded by Arrangement

Natalie Anderson


Table of Contents


Title Page Passionate Affairs Breakfast at Giovanni’s Kate Hardy Purchased for Pleasure Nicola Marsh Bedded by Arrangement Natalie Anderson www.millsandboon.co.uk

Breakfast at Giovanni’s Breakfast at Giovanni’s

About the Author KATE HARDY lives on the outskirts of Norwich with her husband, two small children, a dog—and too many books to count! She wrote her first book at age six, when her parents gave her a typewriter for her birthday. she had the first of a series of sexy romances published at twenty-five, and swapped a job in marketing communications for freelance health journalism when her son was born, so she could spend more time with him. she’s wanted to write for Mills & Boon since she was twelve—and when she was pregnant with her daughter, her husband pointed out that writing Medical romances would be the perfect way to combine her interest in health issues with her love of good stories. Kate is always delighted to hear from readers—do drop in to her website at www.katehardy.com.

Dedication For Jim— who has taught me much— with love

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen

Chapter Sixteen

Chapter Seventeen

Chapter Eighteen


Purchased for Pleasure

About the Author

Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen


Bedded by Arrangement

About the Author


Chapter One

Chapter Two

Chapter Three

Chapter Four

Chapter Five

Chapter Six

Chapter Seven

Chapter Eight

Chapter Nine

Chapter Ten

Chapter Eleven

Chapter Twelve

Chapter Thirteen

Chapter Fourteen

Chapter Fifteen


Breakfast at Giovanni’s

KATE HARDYlives on the outskirts of Norwich with her husband, two small children, a dog—and too many books to count! She wrote her first book at age six, when her parents gave her a typewriter for her birthday. she had the first of a series of sexy romances published at twenty-five, and swapped a job in marketing communications for freelance health journalism when her son was born, so she could spend more time with him. she’s wanted to write for Mills & Boon since she was twelve—and when she was pregnant with her daughter, her husband pointed out that writing Medical romances would be the perfect way to combine her interest in health issues with her love of good stories.

Kate is always delighted to hear from readers—do drop in to her website at www.katehardy.com.

For Jim—

who has taught me much—

with love


SHE looked as if the world had ended, hunched over an empty coffee cup, staring out of the plate-glass window but not seeing anything.

Gio couldn’t leave her sitting there in such obvious misery. So even though he should’ve locked up ten minutes ago, he did exactly what his father would’ve done. He made a cappuccino and slid it on to the table in front of her. ‘Here,’ he said softly.

She looked up, her eyes widening in surprise. ‘I…’She’d obviously been about to protest that she hadn’t ordered the coffee. But then she smiled ruefully and cupped both hands round the mug, clearly taking comfort from its warmth. ‘Thanks.’

‘No problem.’ He handed her a chocolate dipper. ‘You look as if you need this.’

‘I do,’ she admitted. ‘Thanks. I appreciate this.’ She rummaged in her handbag for her purse. ‘How much do I owe you?’

He waved a dismissive hand. ‘Nothing.’

She frowned. ‘Won’t you get into trouble with your boss?’

‘Doubt it.’ He smiled. ‘Anyway, you’re a regular, so call it a refill.’

Those beautiful blue eyes—the same blue as the sky on a summer evening, he saw, now that he was this close to her—narrowed slightly. ‘Regular?’

He shrugged. ‘On Wednesday mornings, you order a cappuccino and an almond croissant to go at ten past nine.’

The suspicion on her face morphed into nervousness. ‘How do you know that?’

Oh, lord. Obviously she thought he was some kind of weirdo—that he’d been watching her or stalking her. He shouldn’t have mentioned the time. ‘Work here long enough and you get to know the customers,’ he said lightly, hoping it reassured her. ‘I’m out of croissants or I would’ve brought you one—hence the chocolate.’ He spread his hands. ‘Because that’s what women need when things get tough, right? Or so my sisters always tell me.’

‘Right. And thank you.’ She looked very close to tears.

‘Want to talk about it?’

She looked around, as if suddenly realising she was the only customer. ‘Oh, lord. Sorry. I’m holding you up.’

‘Not at all. Though would you mind if I put up the closed sign and put the bolt on the door, so I don’t get a sudden rush and end up staying open a lot later than usual?’

Fran thought about it. He’d actually asked her first, to make sure she didn’t feel threatened. And a man who’d brought her a coffee and a chocolate dipper couldn’t be all bad, could he? OK, so he knew her Wednesday-morning order—but, as he’d said, you got to know your regulars in business. Just as she did: she recognised voices on the phone and knew even before they asked which ones would be asking for a last-minute panic job and which ones would be booking slots for weeks ahead.

‘Sure,’ she said.

He bolted the door, turned the sign over to read ‘Closed’ from the outside, turned off one of the banks of lights, and came to sit opposite her. ‘Gio Mazetti,’he said, holding out his hand.

She took it, and was surprised at the sudden tingle in her fingertips when her skin touched his. ‘Fran Marsden. And thank you for the coffee, Joe.’

‘Gio,’ he corrected with a smile.

Now she was listening properly, she heard it. The soft G , the I and O sliding together almost after a pause.

‘Short for Giovanni,’ he added helpfully.

And then the penny dropped. Of course he wouldn’t get into trouble for making her a coffee for no charge. Because the café was called Giovanni’s. ‘You own the place.’

He lifted one shoulder. ‘It’s a family concern—but, yeah, I’m in charge.’

‘I, um…’ She shifted in her seat, embarrassed at her naïvety. ‘Sorry.’

He laughed. ‘Don’t apologise. I’m glad I come across as one of the baristas—there’s nothing worse than having the boss supposedly doing a shift and just throwing his weight around instead of doing something useful.’

He had a nice laugh. Good teeth, even and white—no fillings, either, she noticed. A guy who took care of small details. But he also didn’t look like the type who went in for cosmetic dentistry. She’d put money on him not going to the gym, either—she had a feeling that Gio Mazetti was in perfect shape from hard work, not from pumping iron. He was good looking, but far from being vain about it.

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