Hot, Young Cowboy…
Winning dominated Riley Fitzgerald’s mind...until the day he met Maria Alvarez. Now, all the rodeo champ can think about is winning Maria’s heart—a task that may be tougher than busting broncs.
Beautiful, Older Teacher…
As a struggling teacher of at-risk teens in an impoverished, gang-infested neighborhood, Maria doesn’t trust the affections of a rich, hot-shot cowboy, especially one who’s ten years her junior. But she can’t deny the attraction between them—and luckily, Riley’s never been one to back down from a challenge.
Is She Out Of Her Mind?
There’s only one thing that’s more important to Riley than earning another world title, and that’s earning Maria’s trust. He’s got one chance to prove to Maria that he’s all the man she’ll ever need, and she’s the only woman he’ll ever want.
The cockpit door opened and the sexiest man Maria had ever laid eyes on stepped into view.
He tipped his cowboy hat. “Howdy, ma’am. Sorry about the mess I made. I’ll cover the damages.”
When he grinned Maria swore her heart flipped upside down in her chest. “Who are you?” Maria tried to squelch the fluttering in her stomach; she was too old to swoon over a man.
Riley stepped closer and spread his arms wide, grinning. “I’m a cowboy.”
“Aren’t they all,” Maria said, rolling her eyes.
Amused, Riley tapped a finger against his belt buckle. “Standing before you, ma’am, is a bonafide world champion bronc-buster.”
“Don’t call me that.” Maria’s brown eyes flashed with warning.
“Call you what?”
Riley winked at her. Leaning in, he whispered, “Everything else that comes to mind would make you blush.”
Dear Reader,
What woman wouldn’t be thrilled to have the attention and admiration of a younger man? The older woman/younger man relationship is becoming more and more accepted in today’s society. There are countless studies attesting to the compatibility of couples with an age difference of ten or more years. But age isn’t the only roadblock standing in Riley and Maria’s way of a happily-ever-after.
Living in the trenches of Albuquerque, Maria has devoted her life to helping at-risk teens avoid gangs and succeed in school. Maria is street smart and savvy—except when it comes to sexy young cowboys. She’s flustered and beside herself when the reigning world champion bronc bustin’ cowboy sets his sights on her. Riley sees no problem with him being wealthy and Maria barely getting by. Him being Caucasian and she being Hispanic. Him flying his own plane and she driving a beat-up station wagon. If Maria listens to her heart and not the demons undermining her confidence, she might see that aside from his young, sexy, adventurous spirit, Riley is the man who holds the key to her heart and a brighter future—hers and the teens’ she’s trying to help. I hope you enjoy watching Riley and Maria struggle to make their May-December romance official!
For information on other books in my Rodeo Rebels series and to sign up for my monthly newsletter, please visit
Cowboy up!
Marin Thomas
A Rodeo Man’s Promise
Marin Thomas grew up in Janesville, Wisconsin. She attended the University of Arizona in Tucson on a Division I basketball scholarship. In 1986, she graduated with a B.A. in radio-television and married her college sweetheart in a five-minute ceremony in Las Vegas. Marin was inducted in May 2005 into the Janesville Sports Hall of Fame for her basketball accomplishments. Even though she now calls Chicago home, she’s a living testament to the old adage “You can take the girl out of the small town, but you can’t take the small town out of the girl.” Marin’s heart still lies in small-town life, which she loves to write about in her books.
To Kevin—husband and best friend.
This past May we celebrated twenty-five years of wedded bliss! Who would have predicted a few stolen kisses in a dorm stairwell would lead to getting hitched in Vegas and settling into our first home in Phoenix. We didn’t stay put long…off we went to The Golden State. Along the way we added two kids and a dog. Then we headed to the Garden State for a couple of years before migrating west again to the Centennial State. From there we planted roots in the Lone Star State, added two more dogs and Taz the hamster to our family before packing up and moving to the Prairie State. This year we finally made it back to the place we began our life together…the Grand Canyon State. What an amazing ride it’s been and one I wouldn’t trade for the world! But I’m tired. I vote we stay put the next twenty-five years, find us a couple of rocking chairs, kick back and watch our kids navigate life, marriage and children while we grow old together.
I love you, GB!
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter One
Friday afternoon, Riley Fitzgerald climbed out of a green Chevy cab in front of the Fremont County fairgrounds in Canon City, Colorado. The late-August sun slipped behind a puffy white cloud, casting a shadow over the livestock buildings. He offered the driver a hundred-dollar bill. “Keep the change, Rosalinda.”
“A pleasure, Mr. Fitzgerald.” The owner of Canon City Cab was old enough to be Riley’s grandmother and just as dependable. On his approach to the Fremont County Airport, he’d radioed the control tower to arrange a cab ride for him to the Royal Gorge Rodeo. “Good luck today.” Rosalinda waved then drove off.
Riley slung his gear bag over his shoulder and cut across the parking lot.
“Hey, Riley!” A petite blonde sashayed toward him, her perky breasts bouncing beneath a hot pink T-shirt with the words Cowgirls Ride Better printed in black lettering across the front.
Sugar waited tables at Dirty Lil’s—a roadhouse where cowboys hung out and swapped eight-second stories. Their one and only lusty kiss three years ago had been a bust, but they’d remained good friends. “Did you miss me?” Riley asked.
“Heck yeah, I missed my biggest tipper.” She slipped her arm through his and walked with him to the cowboy-ready area. “You’re comin’ to the bar later, right?”
“You bet.” Maintaining his championship swagger had become increasingly difficult when he hadn’t hit a top-three finish since his July 4th win in South Dakota seven weeks ago.
“Hey, Fitzgerald!” Billy Stover waved his cowboy hat. The bronc rider occupied first place in the standings. “Showin’ up kind of late in the day, aren’t you?” Stover eyed Sugar while Riley signed in for his event.
“Couldn’t catch a tailwind with the Cessna.” Riley felt a zap of satisfaction at the smack-down. No matter how great Stover became at bronc-bustin’, the cowboy would never earn the amount of money Riley had at his disposal on a day-to-day basis.
No sense trying to downplay his wealth when the media made sure Riley’s competitors and rodeo fans knew the Fitzgeralds of Lexington, Kentucky, were rolling in dough. He’d heard the whispers behind the chutes—spoiled rich kid had nothing better to do with his time than play cowboy.
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