Everyone laughed, and Cameron handed the baby to Trish. “He’s starting to fade into dreamland.”
“He’s so sweet,” Trish whispered, then looked at Julia. “We’ll be careful.”
“He’s pretty sturdy,” she teased, tucking Jake’s collar under his chin. “And he does love to get his diaper changed.”
“Yeah,” Cameron said with a laugh. “Good luck with that.”
He led her out to the living room and opened the sliding glass door. Julia stepped out onto the terrace and he followed her. The evening breeze lifted her wavy blond hair and she pulled her lightweight jacket tighter around her waist. Cameron squelched the urge to wrap her in his arms and shield her from harm.
It’s just a little wind, he thought, knowing she could take care of herself. But ever since he’d hatched his plan in the early hours of the morning, he’d been advancing, both mentally and physically, toward protective mode. He’d already called his housekeeping service to take care of the baby-proofing of his home. They’d also assured him they would have the swing set erected and ready to go within the week. Now he just needed to arrange for the baby’s room to be fixed up. He was hoping Julia would be amenable to helping him with that job. They could go shopping together. Women loved to go shopping, right?
“What a beautiful view,” she said, gripping the balcony rail as she stared north at the forest of towering redwood trees silhouetted against the night sky.
Cameron’s gaze was focused on her. “Yes, it is.”
Julia turned and saw that he was looking at her. It was too dark to see if she was blushing, but Cameron had no doubt her cheeks were pink. He wasn’t sure why that made him smile. He just knew he hadn’t met a woman capable of blushing in a long time.
“Are you having a good time tonight?” he asked, as he rested his hands next to hers on the railing.
“Yes,” she said, and her eyes twinkled in the moonlight. “Your family is just wonderful. I’m so grateful that they’ve welcomed Jake.”
“They’ve welcomed you, too, Julia.”
“I know,” she said, laughing softly. “They’re so kind. I’m thrilled that Jake will grow up surrounded by a warm and loving family.”
“Is it going to bother you to have us all clamoring to be with him? “
“Absolutely not,” she said firmly. “That’s the best thing in the world for him.”
“I’m glad you said that, because it’s something I’ve been thinking about all day.”
“What do you mean?”
“I’m trying to figure out what’s best for Jake.”
She gazed up at him. “You are?”
“Yes,” he said, smiling down at her. Damn, she was a beautiful woman. Sometimes that realization snuck up and knocked him upside the head. “I want Jake to be a part of my life, Julia. I want the very best for him.”
She nodded warily. “I want that, too.”
“Good,” he said, pleased that his plan was working out so well. “Because I think you and I should get married.”
He knew he’d caught her off guard, so her shriek shouldn’t have been such a big surprise to Cameron. But it still managed to ring in his ears. He grabbed hold of her hands in a romantic gesture he hoped she’d appreciate. “I want us to get married, Julia. You and Jake will move into my home. We’ll be giving Jake a great life.”
Julia’s eyes turned dark. “Jake has a great life.”
“It’ll be even better if we’re together,” he said with all the patience he could muster.
“No,” she said, shaking her head. “Absolutely not.”
Not appreciating her tone, he stepped a foot back and folded his arms across his chest. “Are you going to keep me from seeing my son?”
Taken aback, she stared wide-eyed at him. “No, of course not. We can arrange some sort of visitation schedule. You can—”
“I don’t want visitation,” Cameron said. “I want him.”
“That’s not possible,” she cried. “I’m his mother. He’s been with me his entire life and I’m more than capable of raising him on my own. You can’t take him from me.”
“I don’t want to take him from you,” Cameron said quickly, annoyed that this conversation wasn’t going the way he’d planned. Nothing seemed to go according to plan with Julia. “I’m asking you to marry me so we can raise him together.”
She stared at him for a moment then asked, “What planet did you come from and what have you done with Cameron Duke?”
“That’s not funny.”
“You’re right, it’s not one bit funny. I don’t know who you are. Where did you dream up this idea? There’s no way I’m going to live with you.”
“Why not?”
She spluttered in shock, but finally managed to speak in complete sentences. “Because you don’t want me, Cameron. You never look back, remember? What happened to your rules? What changed overnight that you suddenly want me around?”
He swallowed hard and thought fast. “Look, people adjust, Julia. Rules are meant to change with the times.” He was being perfectly reasonable, why couldn’t she understand?
“Well, isn’t that mature of you?” she said, a little too snidely for his taste. “But that still doesn’t mean I’m going to move into your house to play nanny while you go about your business.”
“Nanny?” He frowned. “Who said anything about you being a nanny? “
“Oh, come on, Cameron. I’m not a complete idiot. You want Jake, so you need me there to take care of him.”
“No, that’s not true. I want you, too.”
“Jake and I are perfectly happy in our own home. With our nanny. You can visit anytime.”
“I don’t want to visit, I want to live with my son and his mother. I want you to marry me. Why is that so hard to comprehend?”
“Because you’re using me to get to Jake,” she said, her voice quivering with emotion. “And I won’t be used.”
That’s when it sank in. Julia was afraid. Damn it. Once more, he was being a dolt. She seemed to bring that quality out in him. Leaning back against the concrete balcony wall, Cameron pulled her close and ran his hands slowly along her spine, trying to soothe her. “I swear I’m not using you, sweetheart. I wouldn’t do that. I’m just asking for a chance to live as a family. You, me and Jake.”
She sighed, then looked up at him. “Cameron, you don’t love me.”
His eyes widened before he could stop the reaction. She wanted love? From him? He blew out a breath, knowing he could never give her that. But there were plenty of other things he could give her.
“Julia, I admire you,” he said gently. “I respect you. I like you a helluva lot. I want to be with you. It’s pretty obvious we’re both hot for each other. That’s a major plus, right? I think we could have a great life together. But I … I just don’t do love. I’m sorry.”
She tilted her head and studied him keenly. “Do you love Jake?”
He frowned. Did he love his son? Could he? He thought about it, remembering those moments when he and the little guy had stared into each other’s souls. He already had a bone-deep connection to the boy. Was that love? Did it matter? Cameron didn’t think so and Julia would have to deal with that.
“Jake is my son,” he said. “I’ll protect him with my life.”
Julia nodded without speaking. She’d seen the look of awareness that had passed across Cameron’s face when he’d considered whether he loved Jake or not. Julia knew that look. She’d seen it in her own face when she looked in the mirror while holding Jake. It was the look of parental love. Cameron might not be able to say the words, but she knew he felt them.
She didn’t dare admit that she was tempted by his loveless proposal. What would that make her, besides desperate? Did she really want a family so badly that she would abandon the possibility of love forever?
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