Surprise rocked her back on her heels. “ Later? You’re not coming to the appointment?”
Beth made a show of checking her calendar. “I can’t get away.”
Nicole couldn’t remember Beth ever lying to her before. Lying for her, sure. Many times. But she knew from the look in her sister’s eyes Beth was telling a whopper this time. Beth was HAMC’s publicist and there were no urgent marketing campaigns going on now. September was traditionally a slow month, and Beth’s office was practically a tomb. It had been no big deal when Patrick and Beth had skipped the earlier routine appointments, but this time they’d get their first look at their future son or daughter.
Pain made Nicole look down. She’d dug nails so deeply into her palms she’d broken a fingernail at the quick. Blood filled the tiny crack. That was going to hurt for a while.
But not as long as losing her baby would.
Her thoughts swirled like leaves in a windstorm. Needing to collect herself, she checked her watch and realized she was out of time. Panic rose within her.
“Beth. Please reconsider. I can’t keep Ryan on my client roster.”
“I’m sorry, Nicole, but we can’t make the announcement yet. Maybe in a few weeks.”
A few weeks. Two weeks ago Beth had barely been able to contain the news, then at the picnic she’d begged for a few more days. And now she was delaying weeks?
Nicole had a bad feeling about the whole situation. Something was really, really wrong, and until she knew what it was, she couldn’t fix it.
“Beth, I need your help.”
“This isn’t high school anymore, Nicole. It’s not as simple as lying for you like I did when you skipped class or picking you up when your date dumped you on the side of the road because you refused to put out, or forging Mom’s signature on a note home from your teacher. Handle your own damned problems for once and quit screaming for me.”
Stunned speechless by Beth’s vehemence, Nicole fisted her cold fingers by her side. She was on her own and she had no idea how to handle the disaster that had become her life.
The back of Nicole’s neck prickled late Wednesday morning. On alert, she swiveled her office chair away from her side desk. Ryan leaned against the doorjamb and observed her through narrowed eyes. Her heart slammed against her rib cage.
“Ryan Patrick to see you,” Lea chirped from beside him.
Nicole cut her assistant a dry look and caught the matchmaking glint in her eyes. “I can see that.”
Lea grinned unrepentantly and shrugged. “Sorry, I was stuck on the phone and I waved him through. I knew you were only finishing the pilot scheduling chart.”
How long had Ryan been watching her? Had she done anything obnoxious?
“Thank you, Lea.” Nicole didn’t want to talk to him, but while she could get away with refusing personal visits at work, she couldn’t refuse to see a client, and she didn’t know in which capacity he’d come today. Judging from his tailored gray suit he’d come from work. He looked handsome, successful and rich like so many of the other HAMC clients, but her reaction to him was far from her usual business-only response. He had a way of looking at her that made her feel jumpy, jittery, tongue-tied and feminine.
Pressing suddenly damp palms to her skirt, she rose. “Good morning, Ryan. I wasn’t expecting you until Friday.”
It took a conscious effort to keep her gaze from drifting to his mouth, but that didn’t keep her lips from warming at the memory of a kiss she couldn’t seem to erase no matter how hard she tried.
“The agent has two houses lined up on this side of town. Ride over with me during your lunch hour.”
An order. Not an invitation. His timing couldn’t be worse.
Lea practically jumped for joy. “You’re looking at houses together?”
Nicole winced. “I’m helping Ryan find a place for himself.”
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