Lucas leaned in. “You’d have her disinherited? You’d have Konrad’s only child disinherited for your own selfish ends?”
“Like you wouldn’t if it was my child.”
“I wouldn’t,” Lucas answered honestly. Much as he’d hate Steve having control over Pacific Robotics, he would respect his grandfather’s wishes.
“You lie almost as well as I do,” Steve returned.
“I’m not going to let you do this,” Lucas warned.
“You have absolutely no way to stop me,” said Steve. Then he lifted his chin, a reptilian smile coming over his face. “The high-and-mighty Lucas Demarco, sidelined in his own company. I hope you weren’t too fond of the corner office.”
“You think that’s what I’m fighting for? Status?” Lucas was fighting for the financial health of the company, the security of their employees, the interests of the Washington State high-tech sector and the future of his brother’s baby girl.
“You are staid, complacent and unimaginative. If you had the capacity to even consider enlightened business practices, we wouldn’t be having this conversation.”
“Depriving a child of her inheritance is neither imaginative nor enlightened. It’s criminal.”
“What’s criminal, Lucas, is having a baby for the sole purpose of financial benefit. You expect any judge to believe Konrad met his soul mate and fell in love forty-eight hours after we read Granddad’s will? Or that normal people plan a five-hundred-guest wedding in less than a month? Or that, in this day and age of birth control, people get pregnant on their wedding night?”
Lucas didn’t particularly want to present the facts that way to a judge. But, yes, he believed all of those things happened with Konrad and Monica. He watched his brother fall apart after she left. He watched Konrad try anything and everything to win her back.
There wasn’t a single doubt in his mind that Konrad had loved both Monica and Amelia.
Steve plunked back down in his chair. “She left him, Lucas. She knew she’d been used. Her sister knows the truth. You’re the only one persisting in this fairy tale.”
“I don’t want you anywhere near the mansion,” Lucas intoned. “I don’t want you anywhere near Devin. And I especially don’t want you anywhere near Amelia.”
“I don’t have to go anywhere near them,” Steve returned. “The facts will speak for themselves. I honestly don’t know why I didn’t think of this earlier.” His eyes narrowed. “I’m going to win this, Lucas. I’m going to win this because you have never been able to see the potential in any circumstance. You’re not Konrad. You’ll plod along the safe road, following the rules, keeping everything inside the lines.” He paused, curving the corners of his mouth into a slick smile. “Did I tell you I’m engaged? Wonderful little woman I’ve been seeing for nearly six months. Expect a wedding invitation. We’re planning a big family.”
Lucas swore out loud.
“Yeah,” Steve said, grinning. “It is, isn’t it?”
“It wasn’t exactly the worst mistake in the world,” Lexi offered from where she’d stretched out on her stomach on the blanket they’d spread on the rolling lawn in the backyard of the Demarco estate. They were up the hill from the mansion, close to an oriental garden where one of the young housekeepers named Teresa was helping Amelia feed the koi fish.
Amelia was delighted by the fish. She especially loved standing on the small stone bridge, clinging to the rail and staring down at their flashing colors. Teresa seemed endlessly patient with her, and delighted to be asked to help out. Today Devin was inclined to take advantage of the young woman’s assistance.
“So, it’s the second-worst mistake?” asked Devin, plucking a blade of grass from the lush lawn. She sat cross-legged on the bright blue blanket, gazing past the gardens to Puget Sound and the ships gliding past. If sleeping with Lucas came second, she’d hate to think about what was first.
“Do you think it was part of his grand scheme?” asked Lexi.
“I was the one who was supposed to use sex to learn his secrets.” Devin shook her head now when she thought back to that ridiculous plan.
“You told him secrets?” Lexi’s interest perked up a notch.
“I don’t have any secrets.”
“Does he?”
“I don’t know.” Devin tore the blade of grass lengthwise. “I think he does. He knows perfectly well that Konrad used Monica for his own financial ends. I’m sure Lucas was part of the plot.”
Devin hadn’t yet decided what to do about Lucas’s request that she postpone the hearing. It could be another scam. Then again, she could easily believe that Steve was up to no good.
“I thought you were only going to dress up and give him a few ‘come hither’ looks?” Lexi reminded her.
Devin felt her face heat with embarrassment. Could she have done a worse job with it? “I was in jogging shorts. Well, okay, my underwear.”
Lexi sat up, eyes alight. “You were vamping him in your underwear? And you wonder why things went off the rails?”
“I was swimming in my underwear. And we were arguing. I wasn’t vamping. That’s why I didn’t expect…”
“Okay, back to the underwear part in just a second. What I don’t understand is why you said yes.”
Excellent question. Devin wished there was a noble answer. She rolled, aimed and tossed the blade of grass onto the lawn, merely postponing the inevitable admission. “He’s hot. And he’s a great kisser.”
Amelia squealed in delight in the distance, while Lexi just grinned. “So, there was an upside to this.”
Devin gave a sheepish grimace. “If you mean great sex, then yeah. There’s an upside. But there’s a humongous downside too.”
“It doesn’t really change anything,” Lexi pointed out.
“It’s embarrassing.” Devin had to spend the next month with Lucas, and he’d seen her naked.
And she wanted to do it again. And she was terrified that he’d figure that out.
No good could come of a distracting affair with Lucas. She needed to keep her wits about her.
Beside the koi pond, Teresa held on to both of Amelia’s hands while Amelia began walking their way.
“So, what now?” asked Lexi, flicking her hair over her shoulder and readjusting her position on the blanket.
“I still need a plan. I need to prove beyond any doubt that Konrad and Lucas plotted the romance with Monica to get the inheritance.”
“How’re you going to do that?”
“Wait until he’s out of the house, and then snoop around. I’ll hunt for evidence. Talk to witnesses.” Lexi straightened. “Can I help?” “Absolutely.” “When do we start?”
Devin came up on her knees and moved closer to Lexi so she could lower her voice. “Today.” She nodded archly. “I’m going to let Teresa put Amelia down for her nap. Lucas is going into the office for the afternoon. And I need you to distract Byron.”
Lexi frowned. “I really don’t like that man.”
“I didn’t ask you to like him.”
“He’s smug. That ‘y’all’ and ‘ma’am’, and the slow talkin’ drawl. It’s an act. He’s devious.”
“All the more reason to keep him distracted for me.” Devin wasn’t sure she’d call Byron devious. But she’d definitely bet he was more intelligent than he let on. And he seemed intensely loyal to Lucas.
He’d talked yesterday about heading home to Texas. But he was still here. And Devin couldn’t afford to wait.
Lexi squared her shoulders. “Where is he now?”
Devin tilted her head. “Over at the pool. Put on your turquoise bathing suit and go out on the floatie again. He seemed to like that.”
“Are you my pimp? “
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